
torsdag 31 oktober 2013

Small vs. big:)

Hey everyone...don't think i'm gonna write today about penises cuz i won't...i do have a theory though but let's live that for some other time..

When i moved to live in sweden...i felt a great a sense that nobody knew me...i take a coffee in down town not need to speak with no felt like a vacation..

But soon i realized that actualy it was not about the sweden..i mean to me sweden is better place to live in sooooo many ways but about this feeling it was more about the stockholm...a big city!

Now some of you might is not so big...and you're right ...two somethin'millions is not huge number comparing to some major citiies world wide but...i came here from micro-small town,a couple thousands of people...actualy there are a few villages in serbia bigger than my town so you're gettin' a picture...

Now...most people there claim that small town is better for raising know everyone who is who...everywhere you want to go it takes 15min.max...and stuff like you're sort of safe in a way...oposite of belgrade where they claim that once you'r kid is out of the appartment,you have a zero control over him or her...

You know what...i totaly disagree..i belive that you should teach your children right from wrong and after they go out..doesn't matter whether is a small or big town...they're on their own!

If they want to chose drugs and shitty life they can find that in both small and big town but if they till exampel chose to go for some sports...the opportunities in a big city are abundant comparing to small town...

I remember te to time i went to stay in belgrade for some time..and i felt somehow relised...

Now don't get me wrong all the people in my small town are aproaching me or anybody else to say hi and what's up...not because they are evil or bad or anything like that...they are 100%'s just i'm not realy a kind of guy than can hang with everybody...i like to have a few friends and that's more than enough for me...

I remember when my wife and i got married...we didn't make a big deal out of it...just went one day to our community building and got over with...we haven't even went to church since both of us are non there was no point...

So for rhe next teo weeks people were stopping us everywhere we go asking us is it true that we got married and also why were we hiding about it...

You see what i'm talking's like if you want to get married you need the approval from the whole fuckin' tribe..

I mean we told everyone that we love and rhat we hang out with but apperently that was not enough...we suposed to anounce it to the intire town or somethin'

I don't know..i like my privacy and the right to hang only with people i chose to...and i also feel priviledge that i live in stockholm and not in some small town in the end of nowhere...i remember seeing some swedish girls that you can tell they're just visiting sthlm,coz they had cameras and took pics of everything and anything...

They were so excited about seeing this "globen" it's like a big arena for some huge events...i'm passing by it every day and i'm a douche from serbia...and their ancesters were pure swedes,yet they don't get to see the capital city as much as i do...

One vote from me for a big city,and one huge kiss for stockholm:))

Have a nice weekend everybody!!!

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