
lördag 25 juli 2015

Who am I

Hey everyone😊😊😊

Here I Serbia..still chilling on my vacation...quite nice so far,everything is the way it supposed to be so I'm happy:))

Who am of the hardest questions for a lot of people out there...

The problem is..I think...that who we are we never really ask ourselves...we always let someone else to judge that...

Even if we try to create the answer we often make the most stupid mistakes...

I am an fuckin stupid is that...what that supposed to tell me...that you're Charles Manson or Bill Clinton..

I am black...that's your race...that doesn't tell me shit..

I am a muslim....c'mon...

I'm Sandor Andrija...please 

I'm married to my wife...or I'm a mother of two...or I'm a friend of John...tells me that you ask for help from other people to define who you are...

I'm a man,I'm a woman...that's a gender and we all know we have all different shapes and sizes of men and women're pussy or your cock doesn't define you...

So what does define you???

I don't know...

I don't know what does define who am I😕

I think I'm a human being but is that it? Is there something more to that or that's all...

I think we would all like to think that we are more than just human beings but we're so not...

You,me,everyone we know..are just that...a single human being and nothing more...

Regardless of how big some people might seem to us,how important they are,how rich,beautiful,successful...they all eat,sleep,shit,cry and finally die....just like everyone else... fellow human beings...sit back and enjoy the ride:)))

söndag 12 juli 2015

Srebrenica...the truth to the matter...

Hey guys:)))

Recently there was this event in Srebrenica Bosnia where exactly 20 years ago Serbian army committed a genocide against the muslims over there killing 7000 muslim men and boys...

Now...war is never that simple right...and we all need to get that...

I don't believe that in Second World War Hitler was the only bad guy...

Alooooot of shit happened bk than done by Americans,God knows Russians,and all the other...good guys...but...when u write the history u need to have a black and white conclusion!

Same today...of course muslims in Bosnia did some terrible things too...but Serbs did world blames Serbia for that and that is pretty much how it's gonna people will accept that and the stupid ones will fight it...

If u ask me who's fault was it...well I can't tell you the answer to tht question if I don't write about something that gonna bring me there...

There was a deal...made by Bosnian  leader and Bill Clinton...this thing's a fact,Norwegian journalists made a documentary about it...

Clinton promised Bosnian president that USA will support Bosnia 100% in one condition...they needed to let Serbian army commit a genocide over at least 5000 people so they have a clear reason for that support...

Now yes it's sounds surreal but..that's the way it goes!

So with this thing at stake Serbian people are blaming Clinton and Bosnian president for the massacre but never Serbian army...

Well my dear Serbian supporters let me tell you one little thing that I know for a fact...

If you give the guns and a green light to Swedish people to get away unpunished  for killing 5000 Norwegian or Danish people they wouldn't do it..


Yes it's a dirty game to sacrifice your own people in order to win but let that be their fucking problem...

The only Serbian problem should be is....why the fuck would Serbian army kill cold blooded 7000 unarmed human beings...why would they do such a thing......WHY???

Western world works that way...they detect a primitivism that lies beneath and triggers it in any possible way in order to make it as visible and by that show the world that the military intervention is very simple...

So even though I don't consider myself a Serb I feel obliged to say:

Srebrenica massacre was a horrible thing done by Serbian army supported by Serbian government and even Serbian people...

For that and for all the lives lost in that horror story I am so,so very sorry...

I am fully aware that the hearts of all the families and friends that have lost their loved ones are still aching to this day...I hope that someday they will find strength to move on with their lives with love and forgiveness...

I hope that all the Serbian people will find bravery to say...we are begging for your forgiveness,we are so very sorry,Srebrenica massacre was a terrible mistake,we accept it as our fault and our fault only and we are willing to make sure that something like that NEVER happens  again.

I HOPE🙏🏽❤️✌🏽️

torsdag 9 juli 2015

Home feels good:)))

Heya you all😘😘😘

I'm just checking in from our vacay in's nice here,everyone are super nice and welcoming...I know It's probably because they know I'm leaving soon but's nice...

I named this home cuz a lot of you who know me know that I consider Sweden my home and everything else is a vacation...

But truth to the matter home is where my love is...

Yes..I'd lie if I said that I don't have enormous amount of love over here,but having my wife in my life is still the greatest love of I am with my wife..that's home!!!

Right now...this is home and it feels amazing being here,when we go to capital..the Belgrade,home is there,when whe come bk to Sweden,Stockholm is our home...

With that being said..I truly consider myself a lucky person cuz I've managed to have a home in a spiritual way instead of awesome is that:))))

Ok,with this is a bit easier cuz I have spent a big chunk of my life here so....yeah,but feels weird but in a good way....

This is my school football and basketball yard,where I used to play stuff with my friends and it brings bk a lot of memories...good ones,bad ones but now even the bad ones doesn't seem so bad:)))

I don't know...I guess I'm just enjoying this moment in time❤️

söndag 5 juli 2015

Hey now😎✈️☀️💦

Here we are... Serbia,sun,hot as fuck..but somehow one thing goes with another so...I don't not it feels good:)))

Gotta tell you a bit about my travel to here...

Ok,so usually my wife and I are relaxed until like....a few hours before our flight...then we start to panic,pack our bags doing crazy shit...but somehow we manage to be at the airport on time...

This time we did everything differently...we were almost packed all the way like two days before,we set everything top notch so there's no surprise an shit...

As some of you may have seen on my IG I've roasted this 2,2 piece of meat to have a "snack" for the road,even though I've preordered 3 kilos of grilled meat to wait for me as soon as we land..what can I say..I get hungry when I travel..also when I don't soooo😃

Ok,so we're all set,the night before I have this scale to measure our bags..everything wes perfect..until:)))))

My lovely wife decided to check up on our passports and then she realized the awful truth...

My passport has been expired in may of this year....


I tried to keep cool but it wasn't wife on the other hand...didn't even kept he cool or even tried it...

What to make a new one in the middle of the vacation season it takes like  two weeks if you're lucky...

There's this thing which was an option...and that was to make this paper...a passport replacement which I can use instead of my passport and cost like the price of three passports,and you also don't know for sure if the country you travel to acknowledges this paper as a legitimate document so it can happen that I go to Serbia and to be denied to enter right there on the airport:))))

Luckily...we remembered this thing...

I have two passports😁😁😁

Swedish and Serbian..and the Serbian is legit until 2021:)))

Gotta say it wasn't easy cuz also we didn't know what rules go for Serbian citizen that is also Swedish citizen that travels with Serbian passport..all different shit was on our minds wasn't quite easy...

The only thing that was unusual was when the guy in Berlin after seeing my Serbian passport asked me like...but,u gotta be a Swedish citizen as well right..i be...yeah...then he goes...may i see your Swedish passport..I told my passport is expired and if it's okay with my Swedish ID card..

It was ok,he checked me and everything was was unnecessary:))))

But again I made it,we're here...I asked also and it's no problem to come bk as well so...we can relax and enjoy our vacation...

The weather here is's like a melting point..but as I said..u get used to well...

torsdag 2 juli 2015

Girls listen up!!!

Hey now:)))))

I'm seeing this in the gym iver and over again...and I totally don't get it...

U see..regardless of what u are into...girls ...bodybuilding,fitness,pornography...u need to look as girly as possible...

And yes there is an exception if you want to look as manly as possible than its fine...otherwise...nono!!!!

Nowadays you can buy a lot of things...even looks..right...fake lips(upper and lower ones),boobs,cheekbones,nails butts..u name it..if you got the money honey,they got your disease:))))

But one thing still stays unreachable...and those are...HIPS!!!

Hips don't lie...

Or in another world...the most feminine characteristics on woman's body is that ratio between her shoulders,waist and hips...or as they call it an hourglass shaped body...

This is the girl I follow on IG that to me is one of the most hourglass shaped people!
Now...before you start bitchin about how not all the people are gifted that way...shut the fuck up and try to ignore your personal retarded issues for a second!

In the gym you can emphasize you can't change the genetics but you can always make it look much,much better...

So when you don't have this small waist it's not the end of the world...but don't EVER try to bulk your back in order to make you waist visually look smaller...cuz it never will...

The only thing you'll get from heavy back exercises is in the end you gonna look like a shemale...

If I were you...fuck,this goes for any girl for that not over do the upper body...just don't...

If you're into heavy bodybuilding fine..but even there you have girls like Linda Murray who still keep her feminine line while bulking herself to a pro level!
For most of you this is a lot but this is not the subject skip it!

Point need to make your body better looking not a joke looking,ok!

Remember your thighs nobody sees separately...but as a big part of your body...that goes for any other muscle party..proportion...that is all that matters...

So,push yourself beyond pain in exercises such as squats,leg presses,stif leg deadlifts,leg extensions,lunges,hip thrusts and shit...but when it comes to bench press,shoulder press and stuff...take it easy...wide shoulders is a guys thing...

For all of you who think I'm a sexist pig..let me tell you one more... A COCK AND A PAIR OF BALLS IS ALSO A GUYS if you wanna become a guy...get wide shoulders and some cock and balls😉

onsdag 1 juli 2015

When we were alive

"Let the children's laughter reminds us how we used to be"

Hi guys...I'm starting with one of my favorite lyrics that I always put on my Instagram below my pictures with kids:)

To's not just about's about this thing that I believe the most of you will agree with,which one man put in a beautiful sentence...

The most alive we were was when we were children...

To me this is soooo true...

But of question here is..why is like that...why when most of us grow up start feeling a huge emptiness that don't know what to fulfill with...

So we seek for that something that might give us pleasure and feeling of being alive again...

But..most of us never find it...

What I believe is the answer why we don't find it is because our search engine has programmed wrong...

You know what we do a lot when we're young and what we almost stop doing when we grow up...


Think about it...when we were kids..everything we touched or was very new for us...even if it wasn't completely new it was just partially discovered and still to explore,to learn,to make mistakes and learn from it..

When we grow up...we do only stuff we must do and that's new things in our lives,most likely no new people,barely any new it comes down to life of emptiness and disappointment...

We all say that this happens due to lack of time...but I don't really believe that...

I believe that we get really lazy to begin with and second...we get shy...

Who knew for the embarrassment until the age of one..maybe for some ridiculous things but...everyone told us it's ok,we're doing good even if we one laughs to a child saying oh,you're suck big time...

But nowadays...we are blinded with these mega-successful people and somewhere along the way we got this assumption that..being ok is not enough....

So what do we do...we never even try...

So whenever you get that feeling of the emotional numbness don't blame your age for it...blame your laziness and your fear of the unknown...

I myself am stuck in everydayness that even when I go to a vacation I need time to let go of my super tight,calculated daily schedule and start simply enjoying that free time:))))

But when when I talk to my mother and we touch the bodybuilding subject,she always says that she can't believe that I'm almost fourty and you still lift weights like fuckin mentally challenged kid....

That gives me a bit of hope cuz then I remember that I still do some childish things ...with a complete absence of numbness and presence of passion😊