
måndag 24 mars 2014

September eleventh 2001

   Hay ya is d day..when i'm gonna tell my point of view about that day...

I've noticed that there are alot of americans reading this but i'd like to address to all the people interested in politics,social development and most important...future...

You see when something like this event occurs...the most important question you need to ask is WHY...not once not twice but so many times necessary to get to the very bottom of it or at least as close you can...

Now...i'm not smart enough to figure out what happend more than ten years ago on another continent in the city i've never visited,but i'm realy good when it comes to not beliving what has been told to me...from parents,proffesors,media...that's how i am...i question everithing...

Now let's get the first thing out and that is that...the official story of hijackers took plains and crash them into the twin towers,pentagon and that it was all organized by bin laden and nobody in all us institutions knew about this is just bullshit..i mean a kid can figure that one out...

Among million evidence that that story is false i find that sayingoif a guy who is demolition expert that there's no cjmhance in theory that those buildings could fall down in a perfect way without having weakened support first and also domolition by some remote device synchronized in milliseconds....

So have to learn that for years in order to perform it the way it happened with those buildings that day...

Now....what happend then...i would belive more if the official story was that the terrorist put those bombs before the attack but it's what i'm sure is that it was an inside job and the bombs were placed there by the real organizers i'm only struggling between is there a person a terrorist behind the plaine attac or was that also a work of secret goverment???  

But..i do not belive that a mother who watched her son jumping from those towers realy give shit about this small stuff...

All she cares is that the govermet sacrificed the life for her son for something...

Now here comes the "WHY" part...

Ok...let me explain something so we can all agree about it... 

Are you aware that federal reserves would'n be making any money if it weren't  those mega-banks such as world bank,jp morgan,merryll lynch,and many others...these huge banks make money for them selfs and for feds...

These banks would't have any money if there weren't smaller banks and huge corporation like ...i don't know microsoft,costco,monsanto etc to land money from mega banks...

Now these big corporations have smaller copanies that works for them...those small companies have smaller companies..,,etc...until we get to you and me....

All those feds,mega banks,corporations,companies wouldn't be able to exist without you and me...the shit people...or in another words,the labour...we who provide our work....

So i guess most of you will agree on this right....but....there's one thing missing my dear shit people...

The problem here is that we.. The shit people think that this rosd ends ip with us... 

But we're so wrong...

Now i don't know for sure how much money bill gates spends a day,or how many houses have rockefeller...they probably have a half of the world in their pocket...but...

Do you think that you've actualy earned everything you you think that working your shitty job and i don't care whether you work in mcdonalds or you are a've actualy deserved all the stuff and services you enjoy right now...that's where you're wrong my friends...

I think i wrote this before...but doesn't matter...the only reason why you live your great averige life in a civilized world is because somewhere out there in a third world countries there are ten people or even children working their life off for one dollar or less per day...that's something we pretend that we don't know...same way that donald trumph thinks that her daddy earned his right to own all the power that he owns...but the truth is...nothing of the things they have would't be there without small people...

So my dear americans but also all the people in this beautiful "civilized" countries...

First don't be stupid to belive that 9/11 was the act of wasn' was executed by your goverments!!!
But second...the most important...don't blame your goverments for it...they did you a fuckin' favour...


Well same way paris hilton wouldn't give up her welth for some shitheads to live better life..,like you and me..,,same way you and me wouldn't give up our appartment,car,fridgerator iphone,summer vacation for some poor basterd in taiwan or china or africa to have water or vaccine for not to die of diarea...who give a fuck right...

I don't!!!

...i mean i do...every time i wake up in the morning i think how must have been tonight to all those people,children who didn't have a place to sleep...but you know what...thinking about it is bullshit...doing something about it is actualy the only true indicator that you want change...

But it's too fucking hard...cuzz we are so addicted and dependent to this system...system not based on compassion but on greed...

So don't judge world leaders pulling 9/11 you thank them insted...they did you a favour...those 3000 people died that day that day...thank them as well...they gave their lifes...tho unwillingly...for you to have your led-tv and suv parked in your ftont yard...

Alot of people say...oh it's the oil they were shit right it's the oil they were after...the oil that you use every fuckin' your car in your buss in name would you feel if get up one morning and there are grocery stores but no groceries to buy...because africans have their own good standard and they refuse now to pick those bananas all day long so you and i can have them available...
Imagine,no cars,no city transportation,no cheap clothes...nothing.. rules,no law...imagine calling 911 and there's nobody on the other line...

Think about it...think hard...who needed 9/11...

I'll tell you right and me...

So whether you start soing something constructive or do what i told you...thank god for 9/11

I know one thig for sure...the more you're rich the less you wanna be it's up to us,small people...we need to make that first step...don't expect richard branson to give up on his billions...that's not gonna happend...we need to do something...we need to change the game...not players...if you change players new will come...because the game alone created those major players in a first place...we need to change the game...

This is how i see the future...

Have great week everybody!

If you find this stuff interesting enough that you would like to be notified about my new articles...feel free to send me a friend request on facebook,i'll be more than happy to accept it....and if you wish to put a comment,good or bad,you can do that on FB or directly on blog by choosing an option "anonymus",cuzz it's easiest way:)))
And...thank you for reading!!!!

torsdag 20 mars 2014

Gym stereotypes:)))

Hey guys,wazz up...i hope you've wached this video i put it up so we can discuss a bit about this subject:)))

Well it's not gonba be much of a discussion but...still....

First of all i gotta say thank you to my friend dimitri who was kind enough to send me this link in a first thanks brother;)

Ok so we have all different kinds of stereotypes in video...i know for the fact that there are a few of those in my i was looking at them while whaching video...but....

I also gotta say i myself can relate with at least two-three of them as well:)

Well first,the guy who's making excuses for not going to the gym...i don't even wanna get into that one...who cares for them right.....

Then a dude who's lookin' at girls all the snd this guy have a huge problem:)))

Now the problem is that he thinks his cool and shit untill i get there...and FYI i'm not saying i'm like super big but in my gym there are just a few guys my size,others

When i get there no matter what i wear,or what i'm doing...all the attention comes to me...i don't like i stopped liking  that since i was 16 or something...but that's the way it is...

Now the "womenizer" gets pissed at me...but what he doesn't realize is that all those girls are not lookin' at me like..."oh,we wanna fuck this guy"..NO,they look at me as something a freak...

In a room packed with gals you bring a monkey...all the girls look at him...but doesn't necessarely means they would all fuck the damn get the pic...

Now there are a few people time to time...mostly girls...doing something totaly wrong on some machine but rather die before they ask somebody..let alone me...god no...what's the fuckin machine for... sick

Now i gotta say...i'm the screamer...guys...what can i say...i lift heavy i workout intense and i need that shit...i can bearly hear myself from the heavy metal in my when i workout i'm in trance...sorry!

Mirror magnet...guilty as charge...what can i is a sport of aesthetics...regardless of what most people's too much it's disgusting..i get that but in my sport you get scores based on how you look so that's what i do...i look how i look...

Even though i'd like to be like three times bigger than i am right now,i still like what i see in a mirror so ..:)))

The singer:))) man...i know it can be so fucking annoying but i love it...alltho i do not actualy sing,more like whispering the lyrics,it still looks totaly retarded...i guess that's my way to switch off the surroundings...

Water...i do drink alot of water during my workout,my gym bottle is quite normal size...i remember one used to carry around this giant bottle and i remember he used to put some duct tape just to look hard core...well the only thing on him that was big and hard core was that bottle...

Now every gym has one weirdo on a tredmill,this is a i don't have to tell you nothing about this...

Tv-shop dude i haven't seen but there is one couple in my gym,they are like kick boxers him and her and they just come to the gym put the gloves on and first they're punching the bag then they puch each other for like an hour and they leave...why the just don't go to their kick boxing club fuck me if i know...but any ways at least they are nice:))


Now i have a special theory about nacked dude...first of all that's me...and i'm proud to say you will say that THAT is gay...

Let me tell you one know why i'm totaly comfortable with being totaly nacked in front of a men and in front a dog...because i would never...under any circumstances fuck a dog or a guy...period!!!

It's like when i see a nacked dude...i don't see nothing different then when i see a dude...i don't feel shit...if it was a girl insted i'd deffinitely feel something...i wouldn't maybe be completely comfortable especialy if is very cold:))) but that would be normal time for me to get shy and shit...

Can you imagine...most people in sweden are a bit as someone put the stick up in their ass...and a guy enters the locker room an first thing he sees is me posing in front of a mirror totaly nacked...with my balls and significanly large penis hanging there:)))...god,you should see their faces:))))

Ok,i'm kidding i don't have a big dick...alrigt...just averige like around 25 or somethin'

Luckly we don't have agressive idiots in my gym...i wouldn't like that at all...

No sauna suit guy as well but we have one dide who trains in those shoes made for cyclists..maybe he went there straight from spinning...any way it looks funny...

Sweaty i am...what can i say i do sweat alot but not as much that i leave sweat on benches or stuff and i do wear hat but even if i see loads of sweat someone left on a machine i just use my knee and with my thights i wipe it off..yeah,yeah disgusting...but it's a gym not a fuckin spa...

Now next type is my faworite...there are two guys around 45.. i think they're brothers but they also look as they fuck each other every now and then:)))

These two idiots..take a half of a gym and place it around them..and they use everything...and they write everithing they do after every fucking set and the exercise they perform nobody ever heard about 'em...they are truly a couple of retards i swear to god...they use ten pairs of dumbells,three beches...some rubber band,straps,wraps fat grips elbow support...and they have these giant gym bags in which they carry around all this shit...and the worst part of the whole story is..they look like shit...god!!!

I hate workin' out when they are there but what to do...and they actualy like me...weird...

Talkative..oh fuck do i fuckin hate these morons...i understand to have a few words inbetween sets every now and then but this guy is killin''m doingy heavy set and he enters a gym stands beside me sayng..hey man,what's up...i comment...

Justifier...most people are...

Selfie...what can i say...with instargam and stuff i figured why not...i know it's sleazy,and i'm not doing so often but i do:))))

There are some guys than making their special mix of protein powder along with special carb and raisins or rice cakes..usualy...these guys look like they've never pass by the gym let alone like they workout...

Well that would be it for now hope you  enjoyed it:))) 
Have an awesome weekend!!! 

If you find this stuff interesting enough that you would like to be notified about my new articles...feel free to send me a friend request on facebook,i'll be more than happy to accept it....and if you wish to put a comment,good or bad,you can do that on FB or directly on blog by choosing an option "anonymus",cuzz it's easiest way:)))
And...thank you for reading!!!!



onsdag 12 mars 2014

When she's right,she's right

Hi guy''s it hangin'...

I'm at the gym tge other day lifting weights,minding my own buiseness...and there's this little tougher know...lifts a bit heavier,have a few tatoos and stuff...she's like workin' out too and time to time i can see her checkin' me out...

But not like sexual...i think...but just like..who are you..haven't seen you around..and stuff..

Ok,she's doing her thing i do soon as i'm done...i run to a treadmills section to do my 20-30min cardio at the end of my workout...

So i did my cardio,wiped off the sweat from that treadmill and hitting my way to the locker room...

As i'm walking towards there...i see her walking in the oposite direction towards now she's like...staring at me...

I'm wearin' my headset with rammstein or something on the loudest there's no point of trying to hear anything...but she was totaly aware if that..

So without any words..she simply started waving at YOU!!!

i looked at her suprised,but as soon as i tried to take off that music from my head she did onother thing...

After that HEY YOU waving...she put two fingers on over her mouth and gave me a YOU...MORON...YOU SHOULD SMILE SOMETIME:)))))

Hahaha...that's so weird to expirience in sweden..i just menage to tako off my head set...and say...YEAH I KNOW!!!

I mean...i know realy..i's just soooo hard to do that in the gym...when you are in pure pain...lifting extremely heavy weights...and on top of that to even smile....fuck that..i can't:))))

But i should..i know...other wise people will keep being afraid of me and to expirience me as a total asshole...

Well any ways it was funny and she made my day...but she also kinda made me think...

But it's so goddamn hard:)))

Take care everybody...and don't forget to smile:))))))))))))))