
onsdag 31 oktober 2018

Thank God That Issues Exists🙏🏽😂😘

Well hellooooo❤️

Last night I was talking to some girl and I mentioned her my theory about this subject and...she didn’t agree with all😬

I’ll be explaining my theory about women but it’s only because I’m into them but I’m pretty sure it’s for everyone really:)) I told you I talk to many women and when I talk to women it’s a lot about sex...

If she’s into guys I’m curious if she’s interested in women too,does she she swallow,suck dik,do anal,big dick,small dick...I also like getting a porn link of whatever she recently watched..etc.


I’m not gonna fuck any of them so why really?

Because that stuff tell me a lot about that person.

You see my theory is that women with some kind of low self esteem are better in sex!

Now that low self esteem can be related to any issue really...usually in women it’s about their look but it can be related to money,status in a society,feeling of not belonging..anything!

Also from my experience the most beautiful women are the ones that are super insecure and unhappy with their looks...crazy...

So when you feel you’re not enough what do you do????

You try harder!

Trying harder is not easy,it’s not comfortable and many times not fun at all!

That’s why people don’t try as much generally...

Now what you feel less and insignificant you don’t like that feeling at all,it hurts you,it you give more than 100% to change that in any possible way you can!

A woman that grew up with less money around people who had everything she ALWAYS needs to be dressed like she has money,and will do everything to make money in life...

Like Jews were treated badly way way before Hitler.

If you watch a YouTube movie The House of Rothchild which is today the richest family in the world the father is telling his sons who will later make history in money making...

He says “We need to become rich so we can live our lives with walk the world with dignity”

Why because people treated them with no dignity!

We always have people who are somehow God given to have everything...or at least it seems to us that it’s so...

We want that to...or even more!

So what do we do...we figure out what’s the way and then we kill to get there!

I spent in different gyms very,very long time and in a gym nowadays usually you have group training areas and free weights areas!

Group training can be tough but it basically cardio while lifting weights and resistance training is way heavier!

Now...from what I keep seeing every day is that the most beautiful woman just do a bit of group training and that’s it,while those who believe their not so beautiful go and train with weights because they know one thing...

Cardio will keep you as you are,maybe you’ll lose a few kilos but heavy weights can CHANGE HOW YOU LOOK!!!

If you think you’re good looking...why would you wanna change?

Yeah exactly that’s why I train...

Maybe not anymore because I fell in love with the whole sport of bodybuilding but of course I had an severe issues about my look from the age of 15-16 up to maybe 33-34!

Now I really know I’m not bad looking but it was always that I was very very bad at selling!

Like I’m super aware that I’m a great personal trainer..I know that I’m better than most of successful pt’s a couple of times over..but...I also know that the reason why I don’t make a great living with it is because I cannot click with people very easily as those others🤷🏽‍♀️

Now sex!

A woman who has the awareness that she’s hot and smart and all that...she fuck only for herself...pretty selfishly she will do only thing she’s certain she’ll like!

What about a woman who thinks she’s less?

She thinks she cannot find a guy,she’s scared she’ll end up being alone and what does she do when she finds a guy?

She’ll do anything to keep him!

So if she thinks that guys like what a woman is sucking their dicks she’ll do it..swallow,no probs...anal lets do it!

Now anal is a perfect example here...

I know this as a fact because I told this story a million times before...

My wife tried to dildo fuck me once and my eyes were about to pop out from my scull when she put it we needed to stop!

Now female butt,male’s the same right so...probably the same exact thing women felt first time they tried anal when they didn’t learn how to make their butthole relaxed for that!

Exactly you need to learn how to to control your body for that!

In order to learn something first thing you need is a will power to make it happen!!!

And that will power comes from where?

Your insecurities and desire to overcome them!

A woman that believes she’s enough hot,beautiful etc,will most likely say...I don’t wanna try that,my pussy is enough for him and he should be happy with the fact than he’s getting even that,so....

Now let me be clear on one thing...I’m not saying that every woman that takes it in the ass is insecure and doing it for her guy noooo....

Some people are also very sexual and because of that they’ll try anything really...

But if you’re willing to try something for any reason and learn something and finally learn it...there’s a big possibility you’ll like it yourself...because now you know that,it’s your thing and you are able now to see the good side of it!

The power of human insecurities and will power to beat it is limitless!

A woman finds a boyfriend and is in a stable relationship for sometime..what happens..she gets fat!!!

Then the same woman starts suspecting her guy is cheating on her,what does she do,starts gymming and go on diet and stuff!

Why...because she realized that some hungry young bitch can steal her stability in a blink of an eye🤷🏽‍♀️

I believe it’s good!

Until it became an Issue,because when it becomes that...a person starts having anxiety about it,depression and then it’s not good!!!

But insecurities are the one thing that builds our started long time ago when a cavemen was insecure about their survival,so they started to organize hunting and distribute their pray,to plan winter season and water supplies...

This is the only reason why humans from warm regions are less developed today than humans from colder parts of the world...

Their insecurities about what’s happening tomorrow made them think harder and try harder and we all know that...

Where there’s a will...there’s definitely a way!

So ladies and gentleman...even if you think you’re enough or even more than enough,keep getting better because let me tell you something...

Even if you eat the most beautiful steak for lunch every day...the day will come when you’ll just wanna have the cheapest hotdog from the street😘

And remember...I love you all❤️

P.S. my bolg uploader sucks so I can post any photos here but if you’re interested in seeing the visual aspect of my life add me on 
Snapchat 👻shandorandrija 
Instagram📷 Andrija Sandor
FB Andrija Sandor 

onsdag 10 oktober 2018

Youthful oldies😻

Hey now😘

Recently I posted some quotes from a movie I saw and those are very deep for me considering the movie was a nice goes like this..


Let me reveal something about being old...ITS BORING!

But when I say being old I’m not talking age really,more about old,boring spirit inside,that unfortunately very young people have more and more:-/

This may explain many questions that I was asking myself for some time now...

Why older successful people always find a young partner,and why is it ten times harder to find a partner after thirty!

Now some rich people..not rich like mega-rich but rather people who love what they do while making an awesome living...they have the privilege to stay young in their soul!

I’m not saying that every rich fucker is a young spirit person but it is easier for them to let loose and let go shit that make us old and bitter!

What are those shit that make us be old?

It’s all the stuff that are not us...and that are our emotions and our sexuality!

That’s why I always say if you don’t wanna talk about sex or emotions with me,don’t even bother of hanging out with me,you’ll probably bored me to death!

When I ask you do you take it in the ass,I don’t really care if you do or not I’m not gonna fuck you anyway,but I’m really interested in your reaction to that question!

If you gonna laugh,blush,answer,be really amused by it but refuse to answer or you’ll just make that face when you realize you need to fart and you’re not alone!

Cuz the last one,old people do!

Your freedom of being silly and being playful,also your sex drive gets killed only by one major thing of today’s way of living!

It’s FEAR!

What are the demands of a 20 yo person for dating and what are for 40yo person?

Yeah yeah...young people are shallow and stupid right?

No actually you are!!!

You’re stupid for believing that because they’re irrational,they are immature..but the truth is that you’re very dumb if you’re trying to rationalize something that’s not made to be rational!

So if we meet on a dating site and you’re 34 first I’ll assume you’re not shy as you’re 16 cuz you’re not 16!

Second when I ask you what’s your relationship with your father who abandoned you when you were little girl..I don’t really give a fuck about him..that emotion explains who you are...

Emotions are the only thing that we can fall in Love with...not your tits and pussy...remember this!!!

So if you tell me..oh that’s something I can talk about only to my childhood friend,then my suggestion is that you go and date your childhood friend..cuz you’re not open for new people in your life!

Young person would never do that,because young person is still not afraid to be judged for what they feel but you are!

Also one thing young people don’t care about what you do,how much money you make,do you have a car,education...those questions you get only from old people!

Because old people think about their status in a society more than what they want and what they feel!

Now I’m not saying one should date a gambler just because he’s funny..ofc not!

But if a person is not rationally enough for you like...they’re not pretty enough or sexy enough or rich enough but they still make you laugh and interested about what they’re not be negative,find out what’s that thing that makes you wanna stay with them the entire night!

Old people have,you everyone!

And how to overcome those issues is something that you go to your shrink for!

Same goes for let’s say you have asthma!

I can’t cure your condition,I’m not a doctor but I can listen to you and feel more connected with you while you’re telling me about your asthma and how’s that affects your life!

Same goes for issues!

Be open about them it’s who you are at the moment,tell me who the fuck you are that’s why we met in a first place!

But noooo...old people keep telling you some bullshit fairytale about themselves that first of all I don’t believe cuz I feel your fairytale is lifeless and not deep enough to be true,and second I feel it’s not’s some imaginary person you would like to be...but you’re not!!!

Tell me who the fuck are you!

I’m a single mom,I have house mortgage,shitty job that gives me anxiety because I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do if I lose it I have fat in places I never had before and I haven’t suck cock for ages...boom!

That’s a good start baby...but for this you need balls because this is the truth,this is what you makes you and not any other person in this world..

I’ll take it or I’ll leave it...but you may know very well that if I take it...I CHOSE TO BE WITH YOUUUUUUUU BITCH!!!

Not with your well played character that you’re hiding behind!

Stop listening how your life should look like and start accepting what your life is right now...stop acting superficial it’s not you it’s cold and boring,tell me when did you cried last time instead!

Be playful,be happy be exciting and comfortable and fun to hang out with!

Open up to people and use it as a personal filter for good people and assholes!

Be brave,be young💋

Btw I’m using this shitty blog uploader so I cannot upload

Everyone who doesn’t know me my Instagram is andrija sandor and my Snapchat is shandorandrija!

I usually post my cock and balls’re welcome:)

Kidding really,I’m posting my butt too😝

torsdag 4 oktober 2018


Heya peopleZ💋

This time I’ll talk a bit a about politics and I will describe Swedish situation from my perspective but basically it’s more like global thing...

When I came to Sweden Swedish Nationalists called SD were somewhere around 3-4% of total voters and recently they were close to 20%

Some people like that fact some are frightened me personally I think that from the time I came here to present days the only thing that changed is that people became more willing to talk about the fact that they don’t like so many foreigners,they don’t like migrants from Syria,most of them consider Muslim world to be toxic for our civilization..etc!

What is a definition of a racist?

To me it’s people who believe that other races have less potential than let’s say white race!

Also for me the scariest thing is not that there are people who openly hate black people,no..they’re at least open about it,and labeled as racist...

The problem are those who would never say that they hate anyone but God forbid their son wants to marry a black girl...then I would be a different story:)

These so called none racist are more toxic than those idiots who are in high positions in our society playing all nice and shit!

Although it’s not a secret that warm countries are less developed and actually I was asking myself why is that...

Then I listened to some scientists who was explaining that the circumstances of people from colder countries made them think ahead because if they didn’t they’d die when the winter strikes...talking about evolution of a caveman to to modern humans!

That’s all!!

Einstein’s brain is different from a mentally retarded person in 0,02 percent...we are all equal!

Therefore we need to strive toward a global community!!!     

So I talked to a guy who’s 💯 percent not racist and he thinks that it is too much foreigners while Swedish people are not entirely covered with,money..etc.

And that we need to put a bit more pressure to foreigners to integrate better in Swedish society!

And sure listen as I said before it’s not just about Sweden..when a person from some underdeveloped country gets an opportunity to go to..well should be good to become more civilized and by civilized I mean tolerant...nothing more!!!!

Because the very difference between civilized and uncivilized is another way said...liberal is civilized and conservative is retarded🤷🏽‍♀️

But speaking of dear civilized societies let me tell you what a huge chunk of that tolerance you are actually missing!!!!

Global society is the only path for humanity to continue existing and therefore we need to eventually have a global government... wide!

No country,one people and one government!

Now people with conservative upbringing will say no to globalization because they want to keep their identity...

In other words...if an Indian has moved to Britain he or she need to become British...

Is that really true?

Is that how you perceive integration...because that’s just not true💁🏽‍♀️

We all know that we cannot just simply unite countries like that...we need to do something know what????

We need to make them with as less national identity as possible and more international as possible!!!!

Which means that the goal is not to Sweden keep being Swedish country..the very home of Swedish people,instead it should be home of all people!

It’s true that third or fourth generation in Sweden will probably speak bad their native language or even not at all but so many languages is so outdated!

We should have one word language which is official and then we can other languages as a folklore,that’s all!

So what percentage of Swedish people in Sweden we’re talking here that the question?

Well let me put that like this...the percentage of Swedish people living in Sweden should be similar to the percentage of Swedish people in America,Africa,Australia...


Black people should live everywhere on this planet not just in Africa...same goes for Asian people,Swedish and South American people...

In order to understand how global government will function we need to make as many countries as possible global and international so there’s no majorities just simply...people!

How the fuck should black kid feel like home in a school where there are three black kids in the whole fukin school???

I know that many of you are super against this...and probably way more than people who understand and support this but however I have a bad news for you:)))

If you live in a developed country know one thing!!!!

Your politicians are not running your country..they are just CEO’s of that company that we keep calling countries!!!

The real decision makers in any country are their stockholders..and in this case those stockholders are the people who are in control of your currency,which are majority of royal families in Europe and a few trillionaires that owns Federal Reserves in USA..simple!

These people are those who are running the show and also those who are pushing this global government idea since looong time ago!

I happen to agree with their idea but I’m also explaining how things work!

But in order to remain peace every once in a while they let conservative friends think that you’re in charge!

That’s why we could see Republicans as presidents,that’s why they let the Right Wingers prevail time to time...stuff like Brexit,so they let you think you’re in control otherwise you could totally lose your beliefs in justice system,democracy and government and turn to extremism!

And I’m not talking about just Al Qaida,I’m talking about the Breivik case!!!!

Tell me you see some enormous change in America and what that country represents between Bush’s,Obama’s or even Trump’s administration???

Or let me ask you Swedish people now when you have a million refugees from Syria and your government is asking you if you want them...did ANYONE ever asked you before this...would you like them to come to your country????


Now when they decide to stop importing them for a while..they ask you..and you now believe you’re in control..but luckily that’s all bullshit...cuz you’re so not in control!

Because if it was up to people to decide,like a majority of people..we would never have female rights,gay rights,equality but also we would never strive for the stars,reaching Mars,interstellar travel...

Because simple man is simple being with simple demands and expectations!

Simple man will never agree to do something that gonna start being visible a 100 years from now....he’s more like...I want it now and for me..kinda deal!

Is it scary of course it’s scary,but it’s necessary it’s the only way for humanity to continue to exist so it’s not something we should do it’s something we must do!

It’s our generation problem and we need to deal with it...and we all know we don’t get to choose our problems,but we can choose how to deal with them!

Is the solution building more walls or building bridges and bonds between nations,religions and continents?