
tisdag 24 juli 2018

If I was single now🤣😅🤓

Hey guyZ...what’s happening🤩

Here I am in my small apartment melting down from all the heat we have over here in Sweden and they say it ain’t getting any better😂😂😂

So..yes,I was talking with my wife recently and made a conclusion that if I was a single guy today I would be soooo fucked🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

See the way you read me is the way I am...most stuff from my life I have no problem with sharing with anybody basically...

I know I’m far from perfect but I’m also bulletproof self confident so other people negativity can’t even reach my wife actually is gotta name for that ability of mine...

She says I’m a sociopath🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️

Well maybe but imagine you have a kid would you rather have him or her to be like me...resistant to other people’s bullshit or would you rather have them being introverts and insecured about everything about their lives???

With that being may assume that I’m a narcissist in many ways...

Not that I see others as less...but it’s like when you talk about Trump lovers...

They’re not less they’re just haven’t reached that state of mind😂😂😂

So if I was a single dude ofc I’d love to fuck pussies..that’s also one thing you would assume💁🏽‍♀️

The problem is that...

I would be so out of vaginers constantly that I’d probably die with my dick being super dry🥀🥀🥀

See the thing is that I don’t like to lie..

Not because of morals or anything it’s simply because I see myself as more than enough so I don’t need to lie...

And that’s actually first thing that will stop you from having any pussy until you die!!!

Yeah,yeah..I’m a pig I know..but I cannot tell you I care for you as my partner if I don’t...bad idea!!!

I can’t tell you what are my intentions for you when I don’t have any...

Like the most stupid thing a person can ask you is..if you’re up for something serious😕🔫

It’s like asking me when I’m planning of being scared next time or happy...

I don’t know...when it happens IF IT’ll be the first to let you know!! 

No mentally healthy person is immune to love, if you have what I need I’d be forced to tell you that..because that’s the point I fall in love....and that’s awesome...

But asking me that is such a turn off that draws down to the bottom in my eyes...

That’s basically a great pointer that you’re not relaxed and easy going but rather hurt by someone and now you wanna protect yourself from another fuck boy by making you sound pretty fuckin pathetic🤮🤮🤮

You have a pussy I’d probably fuck you..but that’s not all I want from any woman...but when we fuck a couple of times and hang out a bit and we don’t match can we just still be normal and say’s not working and we move on⁉️

Even on Tinder I hear many people men and women are saying..listen right now I’m only up for fucking‼️‼️

It’s stupid you’re up for meeting new people and having fun...if we fuck we fuck if we click we click...why do we want to make all aspects of our life to look like you’re signing an agreement with a corporation about collaboration???

It’s life you’s pussy it’s dick it’s simple it’s fun it’s easy..well at least it’s supposed to be...

The only real one night stand I had in my life I fucked that night and then we stayed together for two years...without even fucking..we kissed a few times and had a sleepover once or twice and like talked for hours...

She never asked me about my intentions,she never cared what happens tomorrow but she was on of the most interesting people I’ve ever met...

How big of a loser you need to be to try to force them to respect you as a person???

If you’re a person for respect you sit back and relax and if you’re not...and want to be..well then become one!

So may see I’m not being great at sugarcoating shit...hehehe,that’s probably why I fucked like three and a half women in my life😂😂😂

Well anyway I’m not single which is really good for me,but fir all of you single people out there a little note....

People say they like honesty but as soon as you tell them something honest they treat you like shit...

They don’t like honesty,they like to say that word💋

fredag 13 juli 2018

If you wanna relationship,please read this for F*cK sake😂💋🔥

Hey guyZ❤️

I just need to say that super-summer is here and I’m so grateful because it really is nice to have this sun and heat during summer....

I don’t like that very much and I hide from it as much as possible but it definitely gives a great vibe to everything:)))

Today Im writing about what it means to live with someone.

Many people are in a relationship or they were in a relationship so they know what it feels like,but also so many people are not and never experienced it so they don’t really have a picture of what it’s like:)))

Now,I’m happily married to my wife for 10-11 year now..we know each other at least 4-5 before that so it’s a long time...

How did we found each other..honestly I’d love to reveal some amazing pattern that people can follow but I cannot...

It’s was a pure luck...

She used to stay in her grandma’s house on summertimes and I was asked to work as a security guard in a brand new club 200m from where her grandmother lived...And that’s where we first met...

Now if that’s not luck I don’t know what is...

I would say the universe gave me the chance to meet her and I haven’t really even used that chance but luckily one of us has the balls so she approached me first...

But everything like this is just fun and games...LIVING TOGETHER WITH SOMEONE...that’s a different dimension!!!

When we started living together we constantly fought about everything...

So we needed to first set the rules of make them more constructive and beneficial for us instead of just telling each other to suck dick:)

Like when you’re living with someone you become one...regardless of how bad you may don’t want that but still...if nothing people are identifying you now as a couple and that’s nice,but it can also be very frightening and giving you the feeling of losing yourself...

This part was probably more of an issue for my wife than me because I used to have super long relationships before her and I was always identified as someone’s other for me it’s nothing new...

This is why I constantly advise young people to have a few relationships before the big need to know what it’s like...

Although many people make a horrible mistake and this is specific for girls and women...they stay away from sex until they find someone who wants to be with them in a relationship...

Heheheh...that’s like if you say..if I don’t have a Bill Gates house I refuse to sleep indorse...

No...if you don’t have Bill Gates’s house you still need a place to live..because it’s way more basic that having a super property with a pool and tennis courts...

You don’t get sex for long enough you’re becoming weird,extremely bitter,asocial and uncomfortable to hang out with...and one thing I know is that nobody likes hanging out with that kind of people....

You know how many times I’ve heard people say...oh I just wanna move to an island so I never have to deal with people again....that’s the first and strongest indicator that person didn’t get any fuck for very long time!!!!

Relationships is amazing...but sex is a must,and again everyone especially ladies!!!!

When I say SEX I mean you can’t just fuck you need to cum otherwise it was just your service to the person that came,made you horny and left!!!!

So try to stay normal while you are not in a relationship but once you get one...Let me give you a piece of advice...

Work on it!!!

It takes so much work and so much energy that it’s gonna be sick to the bone...

This is also why you need to stay humble and sexually active before relationship...being for too long without intimacy makes you’s your defense mechanism...

Selfish people won’t have the energy to work on their relationship because they gonna have a super hard time of switching their brains from ME to’s hard...

One of the most crucial things of course is LOVE...

You won’t work on your relationship if you don’t love that person..because everything else will not give you that energy...

If your drive for staying in a relationship is..omg I’m too old,I need to have someone,I need to have kids,I need to have financial’re so fucked,because trust’ll give up very soon!

When your drive is...omg,I love this person I need to do everything that’s in my power to stay together cuz I love who he or she is..then you’ll find a strength...

One last piece of advice for today...what ever level you want to upgrade your relationship...DO NOT FORCE IT!!!

If you seeing each other often,fuck go to movie and walk and you wanna start living together...ask and see...

Don’t force it...

Don’t be like...listen I wanna live with you every day and if you don’t want to live with me...I will need to break up!

That’s a threat,that’s not love!

I know a dream couple that were together forever but he didn’t wanted to get married...

She finally forced him,telling him that it’s not fair,that he needs to take the responsibility because she spent her best years with him,and that he owes her marriage...

Sure they eventually got married but nowadays...well,let’s say they’re in hell...

Are you fucking kidding low opinion you gotta have about yourself when you’re forcing someone to marry you👿👿👿

Like obviously he didn’t felt the same way...continue how you were or leave him!!!!

Don’t force people into those..the most crucial things in life!!!

They need to be mutual and both parties decisions not a fucking,threats and blackmail..what’s wrong with you????

Think about it...🙌🏾

Go get some sex now and have an amazing weekend😂🤣😘😘😘😘

onsdag 11 juli 2018

Some motivation for exercising 💪🏾💕

Hey now💋💋💋

Recently a young girl asked me about something she can think about as her motivation to train...

Ok...very good question and very good question when you’re all of you that are chubby and over 25-27 and being too sensitive...skip this article🤷🏽‍♀️

You see when you’re young you’re perfect!!!

Nature made sure it’s so,so that you can survive and live your life to the fullest...

And that’s when we come to hormones...

You’re hormones at young age are almost bulletproof...ofc if you don’t have any health problems...

So this way,you can eat anything basically you’ll look good!

You’re body weight will not change even if you eat five days in a row at McD or some other fast food...

So when you’re young your body is a rockstar!!!

So if you’re question is..what happens’s not something you’ll be happy about😂😂😂

Your hormones get fucked up because you’ve been abusing food,sugar and unhealthy fats for toooooo fuckin long!!!

But if you’re young you may say..well I don’t care if I get fat after 30😎

Ok,youngsters,if you gonna trust me on anything,trust me on this...


And I’m not saying that everything’s about looks but let me out it this way...

Society will treat you as everything is about looks..and therefore you will feel that the most important thing in the world is to look good...

I promise you life is not about looking good,but if you do....unfairly you will have enormous benefits in life...sorry😅

So healthy food is crucial to look good but..when you put in exercise at least two three times a week you’re basically putting your effort in looking good to the way different level!

Exercise is making your body look trained and in shape and not like a giant blob,making your hormones at the high level,and makes you feel good overall!

Now why I’m telling you all this dear young people...

The truth is that..when you look good and wanna stay’s not super easy,but it’s pretty ok to handle....

Once you destroy your body looks and your hormone production and is TEN TIMES HARDER TO GET IN SHAPE!!!!

This is the reason why most people who fuck up,also stay...fucked up...because it’s too fucking hard!

Once you get fat or simply out of’s gonna take blood,sweat and tears to get you back in track..

And even if you get back you won’t look as good as you would if you never went crazy in the first place:)

Again I’m not saying life is about looking good,but I don’t wanna tell you bullshit that will make you feel comfortable with being at the rock bottom and then to realize that the world is a very cruel place and if you’re not IN you’re pretty much OUT👿

Starting with exercise at teen age is really really the best thing you can do as an investment in your future life,lifestyle,food habits and look and feel good!

If you’re older and decided to read this anyway ..yeah,it’s prety much it...’re fucked😛

And I’m not saying it’s impossible but it’s really hard to find that motivation when you haven’t developed any training ethic and lifestyle that is healthy and that you don’t consider a torture!!!

Have a nice day my lovZ💋

fredag 6 juli 2018

What are your intentions🧐🤔👺

Hey guys💋

I’m at my appointment right now..eating my salmon that I made an insta story about,right after my awesome back workout at one of the favorite places in Stockholm...Delta Gym💕

Do you wanna know why I train there and not im my regular gym...

Because I like it...

I felt like training there....

Nowadays it’s so fuckin hard to make people understand that the reason why you do shit is simply because you like doing shit🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

For the most people..doing something ALWAYS has an secret agenda....


I honestly don’t have that ever...

I don’t like people with agendas..I like spontaneous people...I believe I’m one of them...but ok,you tell me...

When I tell you wow you look amazing...why the fuck you’re telling’re married???

My marriage doesn’t have anything to do with how you look!!!!

Oh but usually guys say that to try to fuck women right????

Ok,but that’s pretty much like saying I don’t like meeting black people at night because they’re usually criminals...

Maybe I believe that women need to be given more compliments..maybe I love saying positive things to women...maybe I’m faithful to my wife and I will not fuck you even if you get naked in front of me????

With’s very simple...I meet you...have no agendas and no plans...

You may happen to be so amazing person that I’ll fall in love with you and leave my wife over you..or you may be my only option to talk to when I’m don’t know that..but what’s even more interesting..I DON’T KNOW THAT!!!

I don’t have an agenda when I meet people..I meet them so I can tell what can I do with this person..

The only one night stand I ever had was one of the most important people in my life..


She didn’t have any agendas,neither did I🙌🏾

We met because we felt the attraction...she grabbed my ass because she was crazy...we ended up being alone because we both wanted to...we fucked because my dick was hard and her pussy wet....but!!!

We stayed in great relationship..not because I promised her anything before,not because she asked me what are my intentions,not because anything else but simply I liked her and she liked me...

And that’s all there is🤠🤠🤠

When you ask a person what are your intentions of doing kill every single thing that supposed to be spontaneous and beautiful and even a turn on...

I don’t know what the fuck are my intentions towards need to see who the fuck you are..ok????

If you’re great in sex but you’re a little Hitler when it comes to being a control’re out..if you can talk science all night but you cannot suck dick you’re out..if you’re pretty but whenever I need a complex conversation I need to talk to someone smart,you’re forgive me for not seeing the future but it’s simply not fucking possible to tell you what the fuck are my intentions before I get to know who the fuck you are!!!!

And not fair is even more pathetic than “what are your intentions”😂😂😂

Like...let’s say we hangout together,have a few dates,a few times we fuck and then..I see it’s not it...

I try to leave you..and you tell me it’s not fair😂😂😂

Why is that not fair...why I met a girl one night,fucked her and got madly in love with her and spent a month with you and don’t feel shit???

Why..because I’m not fair,because I’m an evil human being..NO it’s because you don’t trigger me the way I need you to trigger me and that’s a deal breaker..sorry...

It’s not that you’re good or bad it’s simply you’re not good for me,and I’m not good for you...

People unfortunately almost always do certain things in order to get certain things...

And that’s pretty fuckin sad...

People are scared to be open minded...

My first coffee date in Sweden was with a gay guy that I met in sauna while his dick was hard...

Asked my out..and what was I suppose to do..say no because he’s obviously turned on by me and I’m!

You go and let people tell you who they are!

When I ask you..if we meet,would you let me eat your pussy...that’s not a suggestion..don’t you get’s a question!!!

I wanna you feel about me..🤷🏽‍♀️

Oh you think I’m gonna cheat on my wife because you’re so magically irresistible..well,think again...

Questions are something that you can clearly tell if a person is judgemental or not!!!

I’m wearing fuckin nail polish and do you know how many people asked me five!

All the others assumed that I’m weird,that I’m gay or that I’m weid gay...

If you tell me you’re dad was beating your mother that’s not what defines you...if I wanna know who you are,I’m gonna ask you a question..

How that made you feel then and how does that make you feel now...that’s who you are,and that’s what I want from you...not just chronological facts cuz that’s history and that’s not who you are!

Ask to ask,talk to talk,hand to hang,and fuck to fuck...because if you do it otherwise,you’re just a scared little bunny😘

Have a great weekend lovZ❤️

onsdag 4 juli 2018

I need relationship

Heya everyone😘

Recently a friend told me she can’t get a,every guy she’s been with just wanna fuck her and that’s it...

Of course she assumes it’s something about her or that she’s doing something wrong...

Hmmm...let me think🤔🤔🤔

First of all she is really hot but also a very charming young lady so,from my perspective I don’t blame them for wanting to fuck her but...

I would personally..beside fucking to talk to her,laugh get to know her spend time..etc.

So what’s the difference between me and all the other guys she’s seeing...

I’m old☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾

She’s like twenty and she can’t figure out why guys that or similar age just want pussy...

Cuz when you’re’re a little moron and you don’t wanna have relationships...that’s not just wanna have pussy🙃

And those little morons will be like..I’m young now,I’m not planning on getting married soon so why would I have one girlfriend when I can be a player...

Stupidly those little fuckers don’t really get how important is to have a relationship before marriage...

Once they hit their thirties they even may find a woman and start dating.but that dating is to get married and that’s never good!!

You fuck to get’re dating to have someone,you marry someone because you realize that person is great for you!!!

You don’t marry because it’s about fuckin time..that’s a perfect way to make your life a living hell!!!

When you date people to date get to know how it feels,you get to know what’s that like..what do you like,what do you hate..all that you can figure out only from a relationship...

So these fuckers have a zero clue what’s going to happen once they meet that “decent” girl that they’ll try to settle down with...

So my point was always...start fucking early so you can see it’s nice but you can do it with a lot of people...

Sure you can start with love as well and I was the fortunate one that started with love and sex at the same time..but for the most people that won’t happen..simply because committed relationship is not in our genes..but sex is...

So when you start at the age of 20 you’ll most likely want to try having some girl you’ll spend your time with and not just sex...

But unfortunately this is usually not the case..

Guys start getting pussy around 22-23,and of course they won’t have a serious relationship then...

And just for the record I’m talking about a bit better looking guys that are fun to hang out with..because you can definitely always find a dork...but yeah...fucking a dork is like fucking your best buddy same gender:))))

So if you’re in your twenties and you want a serious relationship..find a guy that’s in his thirties...

Yeah I know they’re old..but there’s a reason for everything...

They’ve already done their shit and they wanna take it easy...

And I know that not everyone think like this,but I still believe that you’re more likely to find a thirty year old guy that wants a relationship then a twenty year old!

There’s also the thing that...once you find an older dude that wants to take it may realize after a while don’t really want to take it THAT easy😂😂😂

So...I say,try different things,different people,try with older,people,try with uglier people..ugly people can be so cool..try even people with kids...

One of my friends has an relationship with the older dude with kid and she’s like..I don’t see us having the future together but I love being in a relationship with him...very cool,very mature🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

And remember..whatever you do...HAVE FUN💋💋💋

söndag 1 juli 2018

Easy summer🤗😇

Hey now😛😛😛

What’s happening babZ..all good and shit😬

Yeah I’ve been for a while..why,can’t really say but I’m guessing it’s because of this beautiful weather we have nowadays in Sweden I really love😎

Summer is here and Stockholm is half empty because of it,so the very natural question at this time of year is..where are you going for a vacation? answer is..nowhere🤷🏽‍♀️😂

It’s not quite nowhere we are going to Serbia the last two weeks of August but compared to years before,this one is pretty close to..we’re not going anywhere:)))

The main reason for that is ofc that my wife changed her job and at the new place she still didn’t get enough vacation days.

Some people would say it sucks and it does..but from my point of view,the only reason it sucks is because I get to work more this summer and have less chill time but oh well!

As they said in a movie “Passengers”....

A friend once said, "You can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget to make the most of where you are." We got lost along the way. But we found each other. And we made a life. A beautiful life. Together”.

Now Stockholm is definitely not somewhere I don’t want to be..I love this city...but yes we would definitely like to go somewhere warm for a week or so..but what to do...

So instead of wining about I really try to use all my spare time to enjoy myself...

Whenever I can I’ll do it with my wife of course,so we do a lot of hanging out together...

So I love to just come home after work,make some coffee,grab a towel and go outside to the park close to where I live and take a spontaneous sunbathing🤩

It’s so nice and therapeutic that after one hour I feel perfectly clear in my head....

I literally meditate without ever planning to🙏🏽🙂

It’s just having that moment of doing nothing and thinking nothing but instead just be present,aware and happy about it😍

Spontaneous visit to a movie theater is also pretty nice,but a simple walk could be super amazing:)

So this is basically me thinking out loud while I’m on my way to is gonna be just work and gym...

Still good..still love it❤️

Have a great week lovZ💋💋💋