
tisdag 31 mars 2015

My morning routine😬

Hey guys,wazz up...

Today I was gym free so my morning routine was slightly different but I really try to maintain them each and every day cuz first of all, I think it's good to have them so you start your day with a plan so the whole continue being like that,but also cuzz I think I feel better afterwards in my body and in my head!

Wake up...

I never set the alarm clock but I'm always up before 10:00! Remember I work until 22:00 and do cardio after and go to sleep around 02:00!!! first thing on the list would be to pee...:))) even though I wake up at least once during the night and do that I still feel my blather is about to explode every do that,make some coffee and my coffee in the morning is...,black,almost cold and strong as fuck...that's exactly how I like my coffee and my women too 😜

Before I start sipping that coffee I drink water.....sometimes I take water and some "zero" beverage but usually it's good ol cold tap water!

Immediately I pour a half of a liter and after that I take it easy with another half with my coffee...

Until my coffee cools down I do some housework....usually it's emptying a dish machine and spreading the laundry...but I also prepare everything for my breakfast....I separate egg yolks,now....since I eat a bit carbs I pre measure my oatmeal...

Then I start drinking my coffee and eat my vitamins and minerals along the way....and there's alooot of pills there to eat💪
I nearly have the time to take those pills when my coffee kicks in...every time,in the's a fuckin amazing....

So I take a major dump,that always feels good,and after that I finish my coffee and get dressed for my morning power walk!!!

So 10:30-10:45....I out and I walk and run for the next 30-40 minutes...just a couple of weeks ago it was strictly 60 minutes but I reduced it a bit and it's fine!

When I'm done I go straight home and start cooking my breakfast,while I'm taking a shower and...usually until 12:00 I'm done!!!

Then I have my "morgon mys" or morning coziness...with another coffee,this time with milk,and laying in bed watching YouTube write an email to my mother or checking Facebook,Instagram or whatever....

That coziness is always interrupted by another number two activities:))))

I know I shit alot..true...surprisingly enough...I don't eat veggies,fruits or any fiber rich foods for that matter...almost never:))))

This is usually the time when I prepare my gym bag with some clean clothes,and a protein powder ready for after workout!

I'm ready,I'm done and prepared for another heavy session in tha gym....pack my shit,check if everything's turned stove,lights and shit and 12:45-13:00 I'm gone👊

"Even drops of water can make a hole in stone...not by their power but frequent falling".

måndag 30 mars 2015

Who are they to change the world?

Hello everyone,hope u had a great weekend and that you are ready for new challenges:))))

There's this question constantly coming up and of course with this huge subject you can expect all different varieties of America always takes the role of a global police that gives it self the right to attack any country...why United Nations gets to decide some global stuff...why?

Well...let me put it this way....u live with five people in this huge's beautiful but with huge apartment takes alot of cleaning in order to keep it clean....

Now imagine yourself cleaning your room everyday and everything's nice and clean....but you're also cleaning the kitchen which all others use too....bathroom too...right...

Now imagine you being the only one that is doing this....others just simply don't gine a flying fuck...their rooms are filthy,after they are done in the kitchen there are food leftovers all over the place....everything's greasy and disgusting....

Bathroom don't even wanna take a look at it once they are done....just simply disgusting!!!

Imagine yourself asking them to put some work to this and keep the apartment clean and they simply say....

Buddy....the way you have the right to clean....same way we have the right not to...period!!!

Well if you ask me....they don't have the right to make that mess and just leave...and I'm not talking just about the kitchen and the bathroom....I'm talking their rooms as well!!!

Cuz no matter how clean you're keeping your part of the apartment...from those other,filthy parts are always going to stink!

But....who are you to tell me what's right and what's wrong...we want to live easy,to enjoy life,fuck the cleaning,we don't want our life to pass in cleaning...we want to have fuckin...CONTROL FREAK!!!!

And here we are...a critical point where the magic words have been said....CONTROL FREAK!!!

Well the reason why those control freaks should be the decision makers is because they've  built this world...they were pushing their limits to beyond imaginable and they made this world as it is today from the chaos that was before!

Do you honestly think that the guy who invented electricity was a bohemian idiot with a beer in his hand,scratching balls while watching he was sleeping 2-4 hours every day...and the rest of the day he was working,thinking,inventing, we can live a higher standard even today!

Who do you think put a man on the Moon....remember JFK's words...we wanna put a man on the Moon not because it's easy but because it's hard..

Some people actually like challenge,and are ready to even give their lives for that you may call them control freaks but to me they are visionaries....

Not rarely we've seen these people being mocked and ridiculed until they have proved their geniality...and then all the sudden everyone starts sucking their dick....

These people created this world we live in...these people have put everything together and these people sure shit ain't gonna sit on their asses and hope that uncivilized become civilized by some miracle....they're simply gonna make them and if you ask me....they should...cuz I don't like a pig sty!!!

Now just one thing before I finish this...don't even think for a second that I'm saying here that Sweden or France or,USA,Canada and Japan are perfect I'm just saying that they are perfect compared to underdeveloped countries!

Have a great and productive week ya all!!!

söndag 29 mars 2015

The Lie We Live In

Hello my I am in my bed on this Sunday rainy least here in Stockholm complains:)))

I've seen this video which most people I know have's called "the lie we live in" can find it on a YouTube.

Now it's no secret that I believe in conspiracies all over the world,that JFK was killed by the American owners and by owners I mean those people u never heard of that happen to be the actual richest people on Earth,than 9/11 was planned so they can go to war with the Middle East and all the other craziness that u can find online...

My problem now is that it's getting clearer to me why some things like that were done and on top of that I start to agree with that more and more...  

Now this is a topic we can write a book about and still not covered even the surface of the very problem but I'll jst try to present my point of view about stuff that are being said in this video...

I think we have a global problem that is bigger than even global warming or war...and that problem is overpopulation of the planet...

The thing that struck me hard from the video is when they say once we thought that the Earth is the center of the universe,ironically now we think we are!!!

This is something I can relate with so much...

When we say life all we think is our lifetime but life is a global phenomenon that happened to exist on this planet...we...the individuals....we are born here,live for a fraction of time and we die...that's it....

But to us that's not enough and we refuse to believe in this...instead...we talk this bull shit stories about some God,haven and shit so we feel our lives are more significant..and that's fine...why not...

But my point is...why the fuck do we have that need to be more significant than we are?

Well surprisingly enough I have a theory.....😊

We have that need because we are actually less and less significant in this world...

Since I truly believe we are all one and that we are all brothers and sisters I believe we feel each other in a global matter....

Now seriously...tell you really believe that human life is THAT significant when it can be created that easily without any rules or regulations...

Picture this..Africa...people living in tents....almost no food to eat,no clean water to drink....

A father wakes up in the middle of the night with a boner....walks into another tent,drag out his oldes daughter who's like 12....rapes her and make her pregnant....

Here we have a child...a product of rape and incest....growing in his mother womb,to be born with some deformities or disabilities and to be HIV positive cuz his father and now his mother are already are!

With our way of living this child is just as valuable as any other child right....well that,explains you,me or anybody else how significant our life is....

Our lives worth shit and don't you think otherwise....I don't care if you're super rich or poor,black,white,man,woman...that is our reality!!!

Until we change this...we are always gonna be this worthless replicas of our even more worthless parents...born to multiply and die...

Until we establish a global birth control,there's no civilization,there's no future and there's no such thing as a free men!

And yes I picture now my idea as a Hitler's way of sterilizing women,taking their babies away from them as soon as they are born...and I understand why...

it's because to you it's unimaginable to actually keep that control using like TV news and having a data base of every person so when their time comes the are good to go with making a we do today with vaccination....

U need to have a vaccine in order to protect your self but also for other don't have to worry about you a jeopardizing your surroundings....

Isn't that a same shit with a birth,same?

So until we get to that point....of course we'll have these horrible things going on where we use human beings as a fuel but we kinda didn't gave us to much of a choice didn't we.....

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change".
Charles Darwin

fredag 27 mars 2015

My Facebook status of hatred....

Hey guys...weekend is here right...awesome...hope u'll do some fun shit:)))

Yesterday I've put on a Facebook status that was covered with aggression and hatred...

First of all I want to say that I don't really hate anybody let alone these little fucks tripping they are hot shots but I like to use a strong language to make a point cuz I do have strong opinions about stuff and I think that whenever u're passionate about something you can't be cool and easy about it..and quite frankly being polite all the time is well....boring!!!

First of all I think it's pathetic to have an equipment on you as you are a world class athlete and u look and perform like's just sad...

Yesterday I came to the dumbbell stand they were all ove the gym and even the ones that were in place were not in a proper place...everything was upside down and on top of that I see this pussy boy powder..EVERYWHERE...

You know what I'm talking about..those guys that don't train arms but GUNS...not legs but WHEELS... a little cunts that think it's cool to talk and behave like a mentaly challenged street person that can barely read and write...

Now...all the people who really know me know how cool to me is when I see young boys and girls killing them selfs in the everything they got to reach their goals and the last thing I would do is to mock them for not lifting as heavy as I do...

But when it comes to these little pink pussy show offs calling themselves power lifters who are all over the gym when they train I feel nothing sweeter than to shit all over them putting them where they belong and that would be on the very bottom...

So my point is totally not that if you are not super strong u don't belong to any gym..God point is...

Be humble and modest regardless of how successful u are...

Have a great weekend friends❤️ xoxoxo

torsdag 26 mars 2015

The pilot committed suicide and killed all the people onboard

I'm Hey people whazz up!!!

I guess by now all of you heard of the final chapter of the airplane crash in France....

The pilot..who was not a member of any terrorist group decided to take his life away by crashing down the plan full of people....


Well I'm certain that they're gonna dig out some crazy story behind all this,but even so...that will never help the families in grief...

I'm very sorry about all this but events such as this one are supposed to be our wake up call..but it never does...

Usually we say in the end...well,that person( a pilot in this case )..was simply crazy.... can be crazy and be a pilot sure....

This is exactly the after effects of our separation from each not giving a fuck about others we unintentionally  create monsters....a monsters that were a victims for too fuckin long!!!

By excluding one from our society we think we have solved that inconvenience for good...but sometimes that "inconvenience" is a pilot....

..and then we we actually depend on each other....

Those two idiots who came one day in school with automatic rifles and killed students and teachers we're announcing that for like six months....

Who gave afuck....nobody...and after the killing was  a number one news world wide!

Another case is that dorky dude that was making those YouTube videos about no woman wants to have anything to do with him,let alone to have he accumulated a tremendous amount of rage which culminated last night of his life when he also just driving his car and shooting everybody on site....

We are strangers to one another Nd please don't even dare telling me that our government is guilty for that cuz that just sucks....and it's not true!

Recently I added a girl on Instagram cuz I  kept seeing her at my gym...liked a few pictures of her...two times since then I met her...looking at her just to say hello and that I like her photos..but she constantly turning her head away not giving me any chance!!!

Okay maybe she thought I was gonna make a move and start coming on to her or that I'm violent or rude...but what if...just maybe I'm married and I don't wanna bother her...or I'm just an ordinary guy working ordinary job..what if she's wrong..

Cuzz regardless of what ever the fuck is her reason in her distorted head...what she does and how she act is only thing that counts....

And that's the world we live in....we presume shit about people and treat them based on that retarded presumption....

The most common products of that kind of behavior is that pilot or any other lunatic that flips and start killing people!

You can ask now...yeah but how come than we're not all crazy people with a gun.... answer to you today would be...same way we are not a Nobel Prize winners you stupid fuck...

we are not the same...we don't react the same way on same things but that's why they're is a system..and the system should be for all..not for one person or a group of people or even just one country but for all man kind!

I know that when I say these stuff alot of you think I'm crazy....but what I'm thinking is....u know when we talk how those super rich treat normal people like shit....

..i think they are 100% right!

tisdag 24 mars 2015

Madonna...a successful,independent but single:-/

Hey r u all...I'm good...train my ass's all good....

Today while I did my morning power walk I was listening to this awesome interview of Madonna on Howard Stern Show...

The interview went great...she's cool and a bit sad at the point where she was indirectly saying that she missed the greatest love of her life due to her immaturity or who knows what else....

That man may be  Sean Penn...she never admitted it was him but it was quite obvious...

Now..she said one more thing that always pisses me off...

Howard asked her why all her relationships and marriages ended sadly...she went like..I guess it's because  men can't handle an independent,successful woman

She also said that men think that they should be the successful ones and woman is someone who should be home taking care of tge kuds...which is fine by her for other if that's working for them but that she's not that kind of woman...

First of's good for her to know what she doesn't want..but after a while u also need to figure out what works for you as well otherwise u'll end up alone...

And now...I'm not talking about Madonna here I'm talking all the girls and women...

Nowadays every woman is tripping she's modern,strong and independent...

And don't get me wrong I love that but I think that being that is not quite easy as if u just decide one day...i'm gonna present myself as free and independent...

But even so..if u are like that u need understand one thing!!!!

Looking for same person as u are is GAY !!!!

And again I have nothing against gay...but if you're not gay...don't do gay thing cuz it won't work for you!!!

Let's say Madonna...she's strong,independent...super-successful everything...but choosing Sean Penn or Guy Ritchie is just stupid....

Why u say..cuz that's a time bomb ready to go off any second....

Not that they necessarily can't deal with her success and shit it's that they can't deal that their marriage is all about Madonna....

She and thoe guys need to find a follower...a soldier not a commander...that's the only way to get shit done....

Now there is one little thing that may be on their way....

Besides the fact that this people are successful and famous...they are also a human beings and no human being can have it all....

In another words....Madonna is very aware what kind of man she can live with everyday...alot of people would call them a schmucks...but not me....i call them followers or underdogs....anyway those schmucks😬😬😬 are the only ones that can put up with Madonna's shit....

So what's the problem???

Problem is a successful women's's still a pussy and it's getting wet on strong men and not on successful women could share their everyday life with a schmuck...but when it comes to fucking....they wanna fuck a exciting,successful,rich and handsome guy...not a schmuck:(((

Well my dear friend this is an emotional immaturity in a nutshell!!!

Put your shit together....make priorities,stick to them and build your life to be great for yourself and for everyone involved in it....

Have a great week!!!!

fredag 20 mars 2015

Being old is unacceptable:))))

Hey guys..what do you's Friday whoop,whoop!!!

Today I was thinking of shitting a bit on the elderly:)))yeah they are old,they stink and they can't fuck😂😂😂

I came on this idea when I was reading this article about old serbian tradition called "lapot"

When a person gets so old that can't be productive in any way...his son takes him on a nearest mountain,puts a bread onto his head and break his skull with a wooden bat...

At first I thought...only in Serbia,but soon I've realized that similar things were happening in Sweden so...yeah:)

However....I wouldn't go that most cases:))))but seriously...when u get old...what the fuck would you want from a society...

Now in Serbia old people are nearly have enough to survive and I'm totally against that,but here in Sweden they simply have too much of a fuckin attention..

First of long as I'm concerned ...old people should live outside the city...where u don't have huge companies where not retired people work and shit....they should simply have their oasis of peace where everything is reachable within store,doctors,post office, they have everything they need around them...

But I believe this is also great for them so they can socialize more with one another...normal old people hate when they see on their floor young people coming over to their young neighbors....they always complain that the music is too loud or that somebody was smoking in a hallway and shit....why....when they can all avoid that!!!!

Second thing I think that we should do is...we should stop people from voting as soon as they retire or when their kids start to vote...

Just follow me for a second...imagine a thirty year old person want for one political party to win,while his or her old parents think otherwise...

I mean is it really fair that those old farts decides about the future of younger generations????

Why...because they don't have a fuckin future...all they talk about is good old days...the prettiest woman ever was a movie actress from their youth...the greatest singer was Frank Sunatra....the air was clear,the grass was greener....fuck you....morherfuckers!

The only reason why you like past so much is cuzz your presence is about shitting your pants....

And don't get me wrong I'm sorry really..but it ridiculous to me to let them think and decide when their future is tightly related to a graveyard....

Even if young generation is about to make a let them fir fuck they learn from their mistakes and then to transcend that knowledge on their children so they can do good....or what  ever the fuck they wanna do....

The way we have "too young" people for certain things,same way we should have "too old" people for certain things...I think that totally fair....

Anyways....have an amazing weekend you all😬😬😬

onsdag 18 mars 2015

The importance of prioritizing...

Hey people,how u're holdin'😊😊😊

I often think about that movie 2012 when the great catastrophe occurred and the made those modern age which they're planning to save humanity along with animals and plants and..shit....:)

So...who stays who goes???

Now in that movie,they made a "ticket price" of one billion dollars per person...and of course they would be having to charge it that much in order for those super-advance arks to be made but...they also can't fill those ships with random rich people...u know why:))))

Cuz they are not all relevant for a survival of our specie:)))

So...sure,those super rich people that actually most of us haven't even heard of will find their seats onboard but...who else???

Well...that would be a beautiful wake up call for probably 95% of humans!!!

How valuable do you think you are to the society???

Well first solid parameter would be money you if you're working for some average pay check u're probably pretty replaceable...

But even...let's say Mariah you think that she should be on that ship or let's say some world famous composers,music analysts even musicians from world famous symphony orchestras...hmmm..tough one:))

Or another example....Elton John or a cardio surgeon...hehehe....don't think they would think for a second about this one😊

Some of you might ask...well if you take only highly educated people who's gonna cook your food,clean...fix a toilet when it gets jammed and the shit start spreading all over your bathroom...

I'm not a plummer...but I do clean and I cook food and I can tell you this...bill Gates could maybe become a Gordon Ramsay of cooking but with his abilities he could probably become more than average chef....

Gordon Ramsey could live for three hundred years more he couldn never become even a five percent of what Bill Gates is in programming world.. we really have to get to that point where there's no other choice but to simply make a selection of who lives and who dies...I hope not😳😳😳

There was this singing festival called Eurovision or Eurosong where a few years back this serbian lesbian won.. 

Soon after that that guy/girl with beard that talks like a women dresses like a woman but wit a big thick beard👨👩👱

Now..alot of people said how their rivals were better then they were but that they only won cuzz they are gay or trans...what ever the fuck the other guy is...

I'm not a music expert but I definitely know this....

It is WAY more important for humanity to accept gay people as completely equal than all the singing in this world....

So...if that what was necessary for so many gay children to feel less like a people treats them today,then I say,fuck everything else...tolerance and understanding is crucial for all man kind!!!

Yeah but how would you feel if you were supposed to be first and u end up second for same reason...right???

I would feel as a part of something huge...a part of transition and change that's gonna make this world a better place...

And quite frankly...I don't think that those others who ended second,third and fifth..don't really live such a horrible lives as well...

So before you start thinking about what you deserve and what stuff u have a right for...think first r u exceptional in what u do....

My wife did some survey, her job and asked me for an advice..I told her,she used it and after,when she talked to her boss she told her what she wrote as an answer to the question.."what are your plans for next year in the company"....

She plan is to become so good at what I do that I get as close as possible of becoming irreplaceable !!!

So before the end of the world...try to be as best as u can be in what u do,not only at you job but in all aspects of your life...

måndag 16 mars 2015

If you want to get big pro-style u should read this!

Hey guys,what's up...Monday again's a new beginning so...step on it hard;)

First I need to say thank you to you guys from America cuz for some reason you really like my article about that MMA fighter who said that all his rivals are using steroids..whatta shock😂😂😂

However I still like to thank u all for showing the interest!!!

Today I'm thinking of writing about a big mystery of becoming a huge bodybuilder such as are those professionals we may see in magazines or at a professional competitions...

Now right now I need to tell you pro-big is Dexter Jackson and pro-big was Ronnie Coleman..and they are so different when it comes to their body that part actually is a genetic!!!

But...beside genetic...there's also a few things u might need if you wanna get that big and similar to that lean as well...

Oh...I'm talking about steroids right...well not really...cuz if steroids were the only thing u need to become huge...u would be able to see a tons of people in every gym around the world barely walking from their super size cuzz...soooooo many people take steroids!

I know this cuz people get more comfortable talking to me about what they use and so I know...

But why aren't they big since they use steroids...well...I'm actually kinda glad that most of those people have no idea about these other stuff and I'm glad for a several reasons...

First I'm glad cuzz the true knowledge about this stuff are actually holding people who are really close with the bodybuilding industry and therefore I'm glad that they can charge their services of sharing that knowledge with others...cuz for those people pretty much nobody gives a flying fuck!

Second since it's not so cheap to get those advices it's the most likely that the only people who gonna be willing to pay for that knowledge are serious the knowledge stays within the circle of serious bodybuilders.

Now why is this so important..well,there are a couple of reasons but the main one to me is..that from the stuff those big boys use,a person can die like within hours.... hospital,no doctors...just morgue!!!

Now imagine if today's retarded wanna be mentaly challenged kids find out how and what u need to get huge...

I promise would be alot of dead kids everywhere....cuzz in most cases they find muscles cool thing to have and they pretty much don't give a fuck how they gonna get long as they get 'em!!!

I belive that guy Zyzz or Azyz died from those reasons..he wasn't huge but he was ripped all the time...not for competitions not for long term goals but for looking cool at all the parties he was going all the time...

And then what happens...they say he died from using steroids...hahhaa...and what should they do...keep telling everybody about the shit they have to take to be that big..god no!!!

Hehhe...I was listening Flex Wheeler saying he used to take two units of GH every other day...ahahahaha...whatta fucking joke...but he as well needs to handle the consequences of his true when some kid OD him I totally support that lying😊

So all those stories about... the genetics is what makes you huge like a pro...are just a  bullshit...first u need to make that call that u're ready to use stuff..a lethal stuff and u have to deal with them every day for very long period of takes a discipline...a structure, in day out!!!!

Second money...A SHIT LOAD OF MONEY!!!

Some confession told that the preparation for the Mr.Olympia can cost anywhere between 25 up to 50-60 thousands of people so...r u ready to make that kind of investment to look cool on a beach..hehhee...

Time...there's no time for anything else but for bodybuilding...I mean sure u can make time for doing shit,but most people don't have the energy for going to a movie theater even if they have time...when they are crushed by those heavy workouts,planning,cooking,eating and stuff...

Ok...I'm not that big,right so how the fuck I know what's necessary for one to get huge...

Ok,legit question....

Well..let's say I've bumped into people who's credibility has proved very high and they told me almost everything I kinda assumed

And another thing that stops me from getting that big is..u've guessed it...good ol' money...all the other factors I'm fine with...

Are you?

onsdag 11 mars 2015

SciTech madness😋😋😋

Hey's your week..hope u're doing good cuzz I'm kicking ass😎 I wanna write more about one of my favorite supplement brand SCITECH...ofc..

First I have to say a big thank you to the guys from Scandinavian Nutrition for always being nice to me and this time I was there to buy this new protein ST have launched but the guy there gve me a bunch of these ST sample bags with all different tastes so again...thank you🙏

What I'm gonna do is I'm tasting all these having them in shaker mixing  by hand with water that's where you can see whether the protein powder is any good at alone cuz it can only be better if you use a bit of milk,or almond milk,ice,blander,banana,peanut butter but that's another story...

So...for starters I'm going tell you about the 100%milk complete with the belgian chocolate flavor and the new whey superb chocolate flavor:)))

Now,since I started with one scoop of protein immediately after waking up so I make sure I don't burn too much of my muscles during my morning cardio I already tried the 100%milk complete...

Grading it from 1-10 and let's say that ST Protein Delite is ten..this one would be...well...i have to say a good solid eight!!!'s that tastes similar to that Beef Musclemeds Protein only way not as creamy as Delite but since the Delite is a protein blend and therefore u have more room for making wanders with's quite to expect that it's gonna taste the way it does...

However 100% Milk Complete is a fuckin awesome product and I'd buy it anytime!

The other one I can't tell you how it tastes..yet..cuz it's in my shaker ready for my after workout and then I'll tell you my opinion on it...but I have to say I'm pretty positive that it's going tastes crazy so...I'll get bk to you soon;)

Oki....just finished my back&shoulder workout took my I was expecting...awesome!

The only thing I've noticed is a bit of bitterness as an aftertaste but in a chocolate version it's not bad at all...however...I have some samples with vanilla flavor and strawberry flavor and that might be a bit weird with the bitterness and stuff...

But...these two products are amazing at least from my point of if u trust my judgment...feel free to buy them:)))

Have a nice day❤️

måndag 9 mars 2015

Not belonging to any conventional profile...

Hey ma r u...

Today I was thinking of writing something about...ME😬😬😬

When I say "me" I like to think that it represents my never ending life project of crating a better every way...

So..what I've noticed through the years that there's just a very small group of people that can actually put up with my shit😊

Most people would say that that's because I'm an asshole but I am actually very proud of that fact..cuzz in my mind that's exactly what makes me...not average...and if you know anything about me u know that the averageness is my worst nightmare...

For example...I have always defended gay rights and I'll always will...but the fact that I would like for them to be treated like any other person doesn't change the fact that there's alooot of gay people who are a real fuckin assholes...of course not cuzz they r gay it's just they're assholes...period...

But alot of them get so disappointed when after my article of support I write how I felt disgusting when I saw two gay motherfuckers in a men's locker room staring at me totally rude and impolite while laughing and talking quietly to each other....

What can I say I'm not the guy u thought I was..sorry...

People from Serbia probably hate my guts when I talk shit about that country...but what I also like to say is that the people from there who r nice and not retards...are probably the nicest the most lovable and most genuine people I'll ever do I hate I like!!!

I like alot of shit that religion is preaching but the part where all the people from other regions are sinners...omg...I say...u have to be pretty fucking retarded to think like that...

I like what "peta" is preaching animals should be treated better...but not eating animals...I that even a question...

So it's always been like that...they say...if you like something,like it as it is,don't try to change it...I say fuck you...that's brain washing...

Question everything,question everyone...make a small change every single day...there's no such thing as perfect!!!

U may presume how much I love bodybuilding...well sure but not every aspect of it...actually I don't enjoy in a huge part of it...which is a competition..,

Ok,if I'm competing that fine but like a few day ago there was a competition called Arnold Shwarzenegger's Classic which is the second biggest competition in the world...people were probably waiting a whole night long to watch it on a pay per view and't give a flying fuck:)

And when u look at me being like the fuck should I find a person that thinks same way I do...not possible...but..

In my eyes...that's the beauty of life...I love differences I embrace!!!

Different religions,different cultures,races,genders profiles...just different people...interacting together in peace...that's the thought that gives me hope that being different and thinking different is not a bad thing...

Have an awesome week❤️

söndag 8 mars 2015

March the eighth an international women's rights day

Hey r shit...good???...good:)

Earlier today my wife and I took a walk after our gym session and just after a while we were stuck in a big procession of protesting women shouting something's our bodies and we get to decide what we want to do with it.

Well I may be a male chauvinist or just stupid but I don't really get it...

Now,what's their point I don't know cuz I didn't asked them but..the thing that comes to my mind is tht they wanna say that a society shouldn't make a pressure on women to look the certain way.

Now wait the fuck for a second...

When that became a women's problem...that's a problem...period!

Don't you think that there are not millions of ugly or not good looking man who are forced to jerk off everyday or pay a hooker in order to have sex cuz none of the bitches wanna fuck them???

Today it's almost rude to be beautiful and feel good about it cuz you gonna offend the not good looking people...

Fuck that...there's always gonna be more and less beautiful people..and of course we shouldn't evaluate person by looks it still legal for my cock to get hard on hot gals or should I fuckin get hold of myself when that happens so the ugly girls wouldn't get sad...

What is wrong with the world???

If you ask me I'm pretty sure that women's right are still not equal to men's  even in a deveped countries...however it's pretty fucked up to prove that...

I mean how can you prove that you're employer choose another person over you cuz you are female and the other person is

You wanna know proving them wrong...u never gonna change someone's way of thinking by telling him..hey...change your way of thinking...well you can but it's a very small number of people but the way that works is that you prove everybody wrong...

Prove a racist wrong if you're black by saving his kid from dying and performing a heart surgery...but for that u need to become a surgeon...but if you walk around with your hoodie on staring at people with a crazy look u just gonna do worse...

When that cock sucker told me in the gym how I'm not welcome cuz he thinks I'm using steroids...what was I supposed to do...break his jaws and ribs...yeah sure...and everybody would say...of course he beat the crap out of the poor guy cuz he's aggressive from using steroids...

Fuck that shit...I said...ok,I understand and proved every retarded hater wrong...

So my advice to young girls would be...if you want a respect from men or women ...u don't have to shave your fuckin head and ware only dark colors and tattoo your face...u just become a strong,self confident,independent and powerful woman  and no one will give a fuck about you having a pussy😉

fredag 6 mars 2015 story!

Heya everybodey...what...can't hear you...oh,you're saying...TGI Fridaaaaay:))))

Well I hope you'll have a great weekend I hope I will this before you get waisted😜

Alot of you may not know this but I used to athlete...a not party person...still...yeah...

Quite frankly I was always a bit embarrassed of smoking in public cuz every time I'd light up a cigarette someone would be like....really..u smoke...and of course I didn't liked that..cuz that was also my perception of me...but...

I start smoking like when I was twenty plus which is pretty weird cuz in Serbia kids who smoke,started at like...fifteen or younger...

I started to provoke my asthma so I could get away without serving the army...didn't work out but I start smoking instantly...

Smoking is fuckin awesome I can tell you that much...I was addicted to it heavy even though I was smoking just a couple of was good...

My average was pack a day but there were times when I had two...

Cigarettes are a fuckin poison..and I'm totally not talking about what TV says or is me....

I used to lift weights than as well,doing everything I was doing before but I was simply weaker and I was literally taking some small amounts of a rat poison that is not lethal but definitely damaging...

I was never one of those people who are saying every other week...oh I'm gonna quit,I'm gonna,I was very silent about it...never talked about quitting cuz deep inside I knew that one day's gonna be the day...

When It comes to me making an announcement such as...I'm gonna quit smoking it's very complicated...

I knew that once I said that it's over it would have to be over no matter what...cuz I know I'd hate myself for being one of those people who say shit now and tomorrow they don't give a!

If I decide something,that's the way things are gonna be...period!!!

I was after my wife like at least five years and we were friends but she never wanted me as her boyfriend..and that can suck bug time...

However...things changed and she actually said that she's single and she would like to try an relationship with me..

Of course I was crazy happy about it and we started dating,fucking and all the things that couples do:)))

It was so good,I felt really good about her,about us and I couldn't be more happy...

And there it goes...I just thought one evening how fortunate I am and how huge amount of a positive energy I have that I could actually use for doing something good in return...

And boom..right away...first thing on mind were I went..come on Andrija,u got yourself a girl of your it's your turn to give back something..stop smoking!!!

And I did...was it hard...well,it was one of the toughest thing I had to do..I promise you I was all fucked up without that shit...

It's a drug,it's a poison and it'!

Tell many people u know that drink alcohol and have to ware a bottle with them...not much,right..most people drink but they don't have to,or they don't have to every day...but with're addicted very quickly after you start.. advice to you is...don't try it...cuzz you'll probably like it..but if you're already an addict,don't keep quitting ever now and then...because that way...u'll never be able to quit for good!

Have a nice weekend😘

onsdag 4 mars 2015

My #goalbreaker to #gymgrossisten😘

Hey r ya all!!!!

I felt a bit obliged to write a but about my latest IG post where I said tht my goal in this year is 2015 to prove this swedish supplement company called #gymgrossisten tht they made a mistake for treating me like I'm a piece of shit:)))

First of all...that's nowhere near my goals cuzz my goals are only related to me and me least when it comes to my bodybuilding goal is not and never will be to prove nothing to nobody...

The thing is that I saw a post that one girl made...I met her from my first photo shot for "Body" magazine and she's sponsored by this company so her post was about some advertising the brand by calling out people to use this hashtag on their social media and shit...

So...there u go...mystery solved!!!

However...this company have been treated me like shit when I was constantly sending them emails about how I would like to be sponsored by them and compete in their team...but the only respond I got ( when there was any respond) was pretty much...buddy..why don't you go fuck yourself:))))

And listen I know how things quite frankly the reason why I wanted to get in their team was publicity and nothing else!

They are not company that signs contracts with athletes for paying them a certain amount of money monthly,yearly or whatever...but they give you a code  that u can use on their website to order their products...

Hehe...well guys..even though I'm nothing even close to rich...that part of my bodybuilding cast I can handle by myself protein powder is really not a lifesaver!

But again winners win losers lose...and I don't even want to start talking shit about them and act like a little cunt...

They don't want me...fine...they could have been a bit more humble about it but I guess that part describes them not me so...yeap:))))

But I can tell you one absolute certainty and this is the part I'm fuckin positive about...

To all those companies and businesses that are in bodybuilding and fitness would and also those "big" swedish bodybuilders that are appearing ten years in a row with the same size and shape on stage ...his is the message....


..pray for me to stay poor and not able to even start reaching my full potential...cuzz if it ever happens that I get that money I need...I'm gonna grow so big...that fuckin each and every one of you wouldn't even make me gay;)

And this is a promise now.

måndag 2 mars 2015


Hey guys whazz up..

Today I'm gonna write a bit about this new movie called and my wife watched this one this weekend and yes it's an awesome movie no question and the guy that plays a professor was unbelievable and as I understand he got an Oscar for this role so....

And he was an asshole to his students and all and in the movie they talk about a guy who was really determined to become the best drummer and he was struggling and all and he simply didn't show enough talent for that...but somehow he managed to be in some great place,playing like crazy and everybody liked it but after a few days he committed suicide...

The professor gets fired and after a while he says something that I totally agree with and it also agrees with my way of looking at this whole"we need to follow our dreams" shit...

He said that the way he was pushing his students was an absolute necessity for him to find a new music genius..but what if that genius quits because of  you're harsh ways..the student asked...and professor replied...not possible...cuz true talent can not quit!!!

There u don't blame others for your failures cuz "where you are is because who you are"...and if you're after wrong dreams...they are not dreams...that's a perversion of you wanting to be somebody else that you find cool!

In the movie the student had to meet his girlfriend at the cafe to tell her that he's fully focused on becoming a great musician and that he will not have time for her..and then she will ask him to slow down a bit with his music and then he's gonna start hating her for asking him that...

If you need to become a selfish pig with nobody in your life but your self...u shouldn't be successful u should fuckin die,cuz you don't deserve the fuckin air u breathe!

Just fuckin think..u can't outwork someone's's simply not possible...many have tried but they just came out as a fucking joke...

Again I will compare this with those idiots that can't sing anything and they still go for their "dreams" and apply themselves on r u serious...

How do they look to you when they start talking they wanna be next Pavarotti and they sound like they're in pain once they start do they a complete idiots right...well that's exactly how u look when you wanna become something you're not...

Doing something for fun is totally cool and I have nothing against that...I've seen bands that play forever and they gave up long ago on some career of becoming  the next Metallica...but they play cuz they love to tripping,no idiocy just a simple love for the music...

So my advice to everyone is...careful what you wish cuzz you just might get it...and then what 😉

Anyway "Whiplash" is a great movie should definitely see it!!!

My girl❤️

Hey you guys..hope u had a great weekend and tht you're super ready to kill it this week!

My weekend was great...I mean nothing wild but wild is something that I don't really want was alot of hanging with my wife,we even bought just a few things from a sport store,long walk...good ole coffee...and evening coziness:)

As some of tou may know we used to have an neighbor...a girl with a dog..

We bumped to each other a couple of times in the elevator since we lived in a same floor and got friends with her of course through her dog...

Her dog was this beautiful grand dane that was the most cuddly dog ever...her name was Alwa...

Soon after we started to babysit Alwa just because we loved her so much...and also,my wife was handicapped at tht time so she was spending all of her days home...but me I used to have her as my jogging partner as well so it was a win win!

After some time our neighbor moved to another part of Stockholm and we said we gonna visit some time but of course as those stuff usually goes..we never did...

I am a kind of a person that doesn't really need to know what someone is having for breakfast everyday in order to love tht person..I loved our neighbor and her dog inside and some mey see me as a cold person for that but,that's my way of dealing this stuff...

Whenever I did my mornig cardio after that I used to have these flashbacks from when I used to do it with Alwa and it made me she was so tired I had to drag her to continue,here she usually popped,there we were running like crazy and scared some old lady...these stuff stay in me,and keep me warm:)))

This weekend my wife and I bumped on our neighbor on Facebook...had a few words and then..

She told us that Alwa was very sick and in lot pain so the vet finally put her to sleep...

That fucked us up really good...and don't get me wrong I know..that's life..we come to this world we leave it and it's the way things work and right at that moment I wasn't sad about Alwa at all..she was  big pile of love and everybody loved her so much so she had a great life...she got was simply her time to go..and she's in peace now...

But the reason I could not stop crying is our neighbor...two of them were like best friends for ever...spend their life together doing stuff..everything!

So how the fuck u go into that room to say goodbye to your best friend..

U kiss her,u cry and feel how warm her body is knowing that from that moment you'll never gonna see her again...

Wtf...I mean it's mind blowing...I ran the day after and had a major meltdown that people probably thought I was nuts for crying on the track..

This might be discouraging for some to get an animal cuz they wouldn't want to go through all this pain in the end but I say NO...

Knowing Alwa was the best thing ever...hanging out with her was precious and she was very loved dog..she had to go...and it is sad..but in the end we all it's not about's about living...

I loved u Alwa..I still do and I hope u're in some better place❤️

Our friend/neighbor is actually look for a puppy to get...and I'm so happy for her..and as soon as she get one...we are gonna give them a visit😊

Have a nice week people:-)