
måndag 16 mars 2015

If you want to get big pro-style u should read this!

Hey guys,what's up...Monday again's a new beginning so...step on it hard;)

First I need to say thank you to you guys from America cuz for some reason you really like my article about that MMA fighter who said that all his rivals are using steroids..whatta shock😂😂😂

However I still like to thank u all for showing the interest!!!

Today I'm thinking of writing about a big mystery of becoming a huge bodybuilder such as are those professionals we may see in magazines or at a professional competitions...

Now right now I need to tell you pro-big is Dexter Jackson and pro-big was Ronnie Coleman..and they are so different when it comes to their body that part actually is a genetic!!!

But...beside genetic...there's also a few things u might need if you wanna get that big and similar to that lean as well...

Oh...I'm talking about steroids right...well not really...cuz if steroids were the only thing u need to become huge...u would be able to see a tons of people in every gym around the world barely walking from their super size cuzz...soooooo many people take steroids!

I know this cuz people get more comfortable talking to me about what they use and so I know...

But why aren't they big since they use steroids...well...I'm actually kinda glad that most of those people have no idea about these other stuff and I'm glad for a several reasons...

First I'm glad cuzz the true knowledge about this stuff are actually holding people who are really close with the bodybuilding industry and therefore I'm glad that they can charge their services of sharing that knowledge with others...cuz for those people pretty much nobody gives a flying fuck!

Second since it's not so cheap to get those advices it's the most likely that the only people who gonna be willing to pay for that knowledge are serious the knowledge stays within the circle of serious bodybuilders.

Now why is this so important..well,there are a couple of reasons but the main one to me is..that from the stuff those big boys use,a person can die like within hours.... hospital,no doctors...just morgue!!!

Now imagine if today's retarded wanna be mentaly challenged kids find out how and what u need to get huge...

I promise would be alot of dead kids everywhere....cuzz in most cases they find muscles cool thing to have and they pretty much don't give a fuck how they gonna get long as they get 'em!!!

I belive that guy Zyzz or Azyz died from those reasons..he wasn't huge but he was ripped all the time...not for competitions not for long term goals but for looking cool at all the parties he was going all the time...

And then what happens...they say he died from using steroids...hahhaa...and what should they do...keep telling everybody about the shit they have to take to be that big..god no!!!

Hehhe...I was listening Flex Wheeler saying he used to take two units of GH every other day...ahahahaha...whatta fucking joke...but he as well needs to handle the consequences of his true when some kid OD him I totally support that lying😊

So all those stories about... the genetics is what makes you huge like a pro...are just a  bullshit...first u need to make that call that u're ready to use stuff..a lethal stuff and u have to deal with them every day for very long period of takes a discipline...a structure, in day out!!!!

Second money...A SHIT LOAD OF MONEY!!!

Some confession told that the preparation for the Mr.Olympia can cost anywhere between 25 up to 50-60 thousands of people so...r u ready to make that kind of investment to look cool on a beach..hehhee...

Time...there's no time for anything else but for bodybuilding...I mean sure u can make time for doing shit,but most people don't have the energy for going to a movie theater even if they have time...when they are crushed by those heavy workouts,planning,cooking,eating and stuff...

Ok...I'm not that big,right so how the fuck I know what's necessary for one to get huge...

Ok,legit question....

Well..let's say I've bumped into people who's credibility has proved very high and they told me almost everything I kinda assumed

And another thing that stops me from getting that big is..u've guessed it...good ol' money...all the other factors I'm fine with...

Are you?

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