
söndag 29 mars 2015

The Lie We Live In

Hello my I am in my bed on this Sunday rainy least here in Stockholm complains:)))

I've seen this video which most people I know have's called "the lie we live in" can find it on a YouTube.

Now it's no secret that I believe in conspiracies all over the world,that JFK was killed by the American owners and by owners I mean those people u never heard of that happen to be the actual richest people on Earth,than 9/11 was planned so they can go to war with the Middle East and all the other craziness that u can find online...

My problem now is that it's getting clearer to me why some things like that were done and on top of that I start to agree with that more and more...  

Now this is a topic we can write a book about and still not covered even the surface of the very problem but I'll jst try to present my point of view about stuff that are being said in this video...

I think we have a global problem that is bigger than even global warming or war...and that problem is overpopulation of the planet...

The thing that struck me hard from the video is when they say once we thought that the Earth is the center of the universe,ironically now we think we are!!!

This is something I can relate with so much...

When we say life all we think is our lifetime but life is a global phenomenon that happened to exist on this planet...we...the individuals....we are born here,live for a fraction of time and we die...that's it....

But to us that's not enough and we refuse to believe in this...instead...we talk this bull shit stories about some God,haven and shit so we feel our lives are more significant..and that's fine...why not...

But my point is...why the fuck do we have that need to be more significant than we are?

Well surprisingly enough I have a theory.....😊

We have that need because we are actually less and less significant in this world...

Since I truly believe we are all one and that we are all brothers and sisters I believe we feel each other in a global matter....

Now seriously...tell you really believe that human life is THAT significant when it can be created that easily without any rules or regulations...

Picture this..Africa...people living in tents....almost no food to eat,no clean water to drink....

A father wakes up in the middle of the night with a boner....walks into another tent,drag out his oldes daughter who's like 12....rapes her and make her pregnant....

Here we have a child...a product of rape and incest....growing in his mother womb,to be born with some deformities or disabilities and to be HIV positive cuz his father and now his mother are already are!

With our way of living this child is just as valuable as any other child right....well that,explains you,me or anybody else how significant our life is....

Our lives worth shit and don't you think otherwise....I don't care if you're super rich or poor,black,white,man,woman...that is our reality!!!

Until we change this...we are always gonna be this worthless replicas of our even more worthless parents...born to multiply and die...

Until we establish a global birth control,there's no civilization,there's no future and there's no such thing as a free men!

And yes I picture now my idea as a Hitler's way of sterilizing women,taking their babies away from them as soon as they are born...and I understand why...

it's because to you it's unimaginable to actually keep that control using like TV news and having a data base of every person so when their time comes the are good to go with making a we do today with vaccination....

U need to have a vaccine in order to protect your self but also for other don't have to worry about you a jeopardizing your surroundings....

Isn't that a same shit with a birth,same?

So until we get to that point....of course we'll have these horrible things going on where we use human beings as a fuel but we kinda didn't gave us to much of a choice didn't we.....

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change".
Charles Darwin

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