
fredag 28 februari 2014

A flashback... i'm at the gym today killing it...allright...everything's good,i'm having a good pump i'm done with my chest and triceps,feels great and just when i started with my biceps...baaam...i saw something which i didn't all...

There's this guy in the gym..more of a kid but let's say...a guy...he's like around 20...somethin' he's kinda skinny but totaly athlethic..quite strong and pretty ripped...

Looks a bit weird but not in a bad way just quiet boy that trains realy hard and i would eve say serious...but just you know,..never talks with nobody and stuff...and i have a feeling that he's from poland or russia...some eastern eu country..

Now he was always dressed a bit weird,again not in a bad way but no conventional training clothes,just some shorts and some washed out tshirt...but you know...who cares,right...

Until by accident...i've looked at his shoes...and i had this realy,realy uncomfortable flashback from my childhood...

His,they didn't looked good...they were at least fige to ten years old,the colour almost disappeared and they were thorn apart...the left one had such big hole that you could clearly see his sock and the right one was no better..

I just thought to my self...why the fuck?!!!

He's realy into sport you can see it within five seconds,he train every day...he could affort a normal fuckin' pair of shoes..god i felt like shit...

First because of him i couldn't stop thinking about the boy who lives in sweden wearing this shitty shoes...but i was even more fucked up because i know exactly how he must be feeling...

I wore shoes like that...worst than know now...i wouldn't even care,maybe just to have my feet dry but back then i rember coming to school almost an hour before everybody cuzz i used to travel to school alot and from the bus station to the school i had my shoes,feet,socks...completely wet...

So i remember i woud climb up and sit in the window so i could place my feet on this warm radiator we had in our classroom so my feet get warm..,but as soon as other children would start coming i'd move away because i was too embarrassed for everybody to see what i'm wearing...

I've seen this kid lookin' at me with sort of respect for muscles and shit...and i just wanted to tell him that i would like to help him with his workout any way i can...but i had this fear at the same time that he might think that i feel sorry for him...and that probably made him feel even more like shit...and as a matter of fact i did felt very sorry for him but i also felt responsible...i don't even know why...

I just don't think that footwear should be a problem for anybody...and no matter how positive i try to be and to look at the bright side of every picture...something like this gets hard...

I'm at my work while i'm writin' this and i try wipe my tears before everybody start to think that i'm crazy or something...

Lot of times peopse ask me...andrija,where do you get this motivation to train,to eat,to do cardio...i would say...i'm all good...but how about we go to that kid and ask him the same question...

That's your motivation right there....

Have a great weekend friends....

torsdag 20 februari 2014

Starting a company...

Hey guys...sorry for not checkin' in for so long i have this tought about registering a small company which is gonna serve me to give people a personal trainer services...i know,it's a big market and i know people are generaly just shit scared  of me but still...i belive there are gonna be a few of them who actualy would like my help as well...

I don't even know is it gonna be any realisation of this project i made up in my head but one thing i'm certain off....

First for all of you that live in sweden my price is gonna be lower than the price of ordinary SATS pt-training session.

And maybe there are people who have even lower prices but one thing i'm positive about...

There's no one person out there that is charging what i do while having 21 years of solid expirience in bodybuilding sport...period!

Sorry again...if you have any ideas or suggestions,critics...whatev...let me know...and i'll write more details as soon as i get some free time!!!

Take care ya all!

måndag 10 februari 2014

Gym conspiracy..

I'm getting to the gym yhe other day for all of you from around it's sats gym...swedish biggest gym franchise..

and there was this sign in front of the girls dressing room saying herrar..which means men...and ok...every now and then they switch that cuzz they need to fix something likw water or toilets so they need all day acces to those rooms.
   I did my workout..took a shower and as i do sometimes,after shower i weigh my self ...

Suprise...i,m 0,6-0,7kg lighter than that morning efter waking up...and i had breakfast and at least 2-2,5l of liquid but...who knows...i tought...

Getting to my locker..preparing my clothes and shit...and again..what i usualy do...i hit a few poses..just to see my self where i am...and then baaam!!!

My heart stopped for a that fuckin' mirror i saw an anorectic boy...with no fucking all!!!!!

Whatta fuk..was my first tought....whatta fuk happened to me:(((

I had to take a deep breath and come down...then...i fuckin' realized...i'm in a girls dressing room...

What's happening is that...these motherfuckers,want their costomers feel good about themselfs so they put these cheating mirrors so you seam more the way you like...

So that's why i had a feeling that i'm freakin' ronnnie coleman when i look at myself in the men's dressing room mirror and that's also why i looked like i just got out from chemotherapy in a girls room...

Those assholes...

But you know what...i don't even fuckin' blame them...people like to be lied about everything..especialy about how they look...cuz 90% of them find truth hard to fuckin' sick...

Even when i think lower area where the weights are..mirrors makes you look wider while upstairs where machines are...where there's more of those spa-people mirrors make you look waaay smaller...

Well..mistery solved...another conspiracy right before our eyes...and i belive that's everywhere...


If you find this stuff interesting enough that you would like to be notified about my new articles...feel free to send me a friend request on facebook,i'll be more than happy to accept it....and if you wish to put a comment,good or bad,you can do that on FB or directly on blog by choosing an option "anonymus",cuzz it's easiest way:)))
And...thank you for reading!!!!

onsdag 5 februari 2014

Rude,evil or both...

I did some study:))) how idiotic this sounds already,ha???

Well i did some research,and i think i have some patterns that can help you realize who's rude,who's evil and it can help you in the begining of your relationship,friendship,relations with your boss or colleague,neighbour and shit...basicly in the begining of getting to know somebody.

..and just to let you know,i might be rude myself here or politicaly incorrect but...who give a fuk

Ok...first is very meet a person that doesn't become at least a little bit mellow when animal is're probably dealing with deeply emotionaly scarred individual...

Usualy these people have suffered some kind of mobbing in their early age so they got emotionaly numbed...

Remember what i'm about to tell you...there are two main emotions in everyone of us...LOVE and FEAR...

Person who doesn't like animals chose fear instead of love so that's the reason for his or her numbness...

It's pretty much same rule for people who feel uncofortable around kids...not babies but kids that are small but talk,walk and stuff...

These people usualy have massive amounts of insecurity in them and are afraid that child will say or fo something awkward and they get'll get embarressed!

People who do not have the music they like...favorite group or a singer or just a song...basicly people who can't relate with any music or even know lirics and malody of any song...diagnosis...SOCIOPATH! Again..deeply scarred individual!

Now speaking of music...not being aware nor aknowledge that classical music is at the highest level of all regardless what do you personaly like...saying that it's a bunch of bullshit...explains only one thing...that that person is most likely a street know who's mom and dad are cousins at the same time:)))

Now again...don't missinterpret this...if you like...well let's say country music but you understand that mozart was kinda big deal...that's one thing but not aknowledging it is what i'm talkin' about...

You have a coleague sleepover at your place for the first time or you are on a buisness trip and he or she goes to bed without washing my book,that's worse then taking a shit and conviniently not wiping your,no tooth brush...scam,scam,scam!

Ok next one is very obvious but i need to mention it cuz i get this alot...when ever a person start talking about hating gays or without joke claiming that black people are less in any way,or muslim people or any group of people for that wakes only one thing in me...i would like that person out of my life ASAP..and would realy like if i could to sterilize that person so there's no option for him or her to create another replica of worthless scam of the earth such as they are..

Diagnosis:probably irrevirsible pice of shit!

Meet a people for the first time and all you hear from them is these great stuff about them...

Diagnosis: 100% frightned and 1000% insecured individuals...

Meet people that obviously lie about what they do,what they have...what have happend to them...most likely you're dealing with a person who's having a totaly low appinion about themselfs...covinced that their life is boring and they worth nothing...why would they lie otherwise,right...simple!

Talk to a person and they just can't look at you in the eyes...

2.afraid of you specificly(i get this alot)
3.emotionaly retarded cuz this simpthoms are present in children.

Ok,so there is so many varieties of these sympths would take me for ever to  put them all "on a papper"... but you get my point...

You know you're not only that got financial problems,or that finds hard to have somebody in life,or having a horrible boss...but you know what...being nice has not a fuckin' thing to do about it!

...and just a short one...i love this...if you're born and raised in serbia and you addressing to an significantly older person than your self without that capital're a street person...try to change that...

Of course,if you workout at the gym and you don't put back your weights and're a fuckin jerk;-)

Have a great day ya all!!!

If you find this stuff interesting enough that you would like to be notified about my new articles...feel free to send me a friend request on facebook,i'll be more than happy to accept it....and if you wish to put a comment,good or bad,you can do that on FB or directly on blog by choosing an option "anonymus",cuzz it's easiest way:)))
And...thank you for reading!!!!

tisdag 4 februari 2014

Charity oranisations

I'm standing today outside this station in stockholm,waiting my bus to the gym and this guy approaches me with some papper in his hands and starts a comversation with me...

He asked me am i aware of the organisation that he is presenting called action,or acitive or something..i said i have no idea what it is...

He explained me that it's an organisation such as red cross or some others...

I said that...with all due respect i have to reject any offers from him since again...respectfully..i do not belive any such organisation...

He said that he respect my appinion bud he was just wandering if i have time to explain why...because he start to explaine how every person with the internet acces can check out their budget and bank account so you make sure nothing ilegal is goin' on...

Well first of all couple of years ago i think they cought this guy for fraud...he was some big shot in red cross,like presedent for red cross scandinavia or sweden..i don't know but they found that he took like a shit load of money from red cross...ok they arrested him and everything was fine...

Buti said to the's not that i'm sceptical about legal side of it...all tho,that apperently can be an isshue as well...but i was more disagreeing about how they spend their money...

I said i'm sure,no question that you give money in regions like africa or som war-affected areas and stuff...but you give them just your leftovers from your own basicly the fact that i give you for exampel 100€ and basicly i gave 50€ to the ones in need and 50% i gave to the organisation for their own costs...doesm't make me happy.. i said!

Because i know how much is an averige wage in sweden...and that's like for some idiot such as myself...let alone some  ceo,directors,vice presedents and i know that all of them get their salaries from same budget they save for helping...

Ok the guy said that red cross is spending 25% of their total money snd the rest goes for helping people..and that his organisstion is even more generous since they keep 21% and 79% goes to hungry and poor...

Well i gotta say if that's the case...i think it's not that bad...but i personaly think that maximum they should keep is no more than 5%..period.

I belive that everything that people who are retired can do they should do and instead of a pay check they can get some benefits from the goverment,such as free public transportation,free insurances,lower tax rates and that's how you decrease costs...ny not employing people my age..cuzz they need money,they can't afforth to work for free!!!

And one more thing i need to stress out...i know that we shouldn't judge people by how they look but we can just lie through aur fuckin teeth that we're not doing that as well...

I mean...the guy who i was spoken with god bless him and all..looked like...well...shit!

He was shorter than me..and i'm almost a fuckin' dwarf...and he was like obese like 20 fuckin kilos ago...

And trust me i'm not talking this cuzz i'm a bodybuilder or because i need them to be beautiful...if you read my blog long enough i'm actualy against that sick need for beauty...but..i already belive in that stuff...occupy wall street movement and shit...but you need to persuade the sceptics...and with making that first contact is crutial..

I'm telling you when this guy approched me today,i tought he's gonna offer me some drug to buy or stuff!

That's not what you want to see a person that seams as he or she can be doing some cool and interesting stuff but chose to do this contribution for a better world...and this dude looked like if he wasn't doind what he was doing today,he'd probably stayed home a bittof to en animal porn cuzz even in his imagination he don't belive he could get lay with another human being:))))

Now try to not get this the wrong way...i'm just saying how shallow people think...

Honestly who wanna make this world a better order to win over the trust in averige need to LOOK  a certain need to look as a leader...and that look like a winner...good looking,well dressed,great,positive attitude...a fighter.

Trust me people respond positive to stronge's the perfect way to trigger,their interests and respect!

Do you think you gonna achive more looking like this...


I'm just saying....

Have nice day ;-)

If you find this stuff interesting enough that you would like to be notified about my new articles...feel free to send me a friend request on facebook,i'll be more than happy to accept it....and if you wish to put a comment,good or bad,you can do that on FB or directly on blog by choosing an option "anonymus",cuzz it's easiest way:)))
And...thank you for reading!!!!

måndag 3 februari 2014

Fish burgers under 15 minutes!

White fish into the deep dish...

Hand mixer...


Put the fish meat into a bowl...


Grill mixture(salt,paprika basicly)


Garlic powder

White pepper

This one is a MUST;)

The key ingredient!!!



Patties into the pan...medium heat...4-5 minutes!

Flip...lock over...another 3-4 minutes!

Bon appetit ;)

If you find this stuff interesting enough that you would like to be notified about my new articles...feel free to send me a friend request on facebook,i'll be more than happy to accept it....and if you wish to put a comment,good or bad,you can do that on FB or directly on blog by choosing an option "anonymus",cuzz it's easiest way:)))
And...thank you for reading!!!!

söndag 2 februari 2014

Goran bregovic

Hello friends...wazz up...i just came back from the concert i've been too with my wife and her mom and i must tell you..i liked ...realy it was fun!!!

I was even dancing:))))

So basicly this guy goran bregovic is a composer and his music is kind of a mixture of traditional serbian and gipsy music..and if you know me,you know i'm not realy that type of guy...but...i gotta say he have put everithing together quite nicely and it was fun...

The thing i could notice from the begining is that there was alot of people there...serbs who were there mainly because it was a serb performing....

In another words...i think that if it was a same music by...lets say a french serb would come...

I personaly went because i know he's making quite exciting atmosphere,but also because i got to go for free...otherwise...never in my life...

But still i have no regrets for being there...sure...

But the thing i actualy liked the most is the way that goran has presenting serbian coulture,tradition and people in general...

As i always say...the bigger you get...the more responsability you serbian ambasadors of good will such as this guy or novak djokovic are truly precious to serbian people because they are explaining the world that there are serbs who are nice too...serbs who can be creative and contributive to the society...and for that being loved and appreciated all around the world...

I realy thank them for that... Cuzz i'm fuckin sick every fuckin time i hear..serbs dod this crime...serbs have robbed this or shoot that person..or cought dealing this amount of's so fuckin sad...

So having these world famous positive serbs is a real breath of fresh air:))))

That would be it...i just wanted to tell tou i had a great time..and until the next time....#lovelife ya all:))))

If you find this stuff interesting enough that you would like to be notified about my new articles...feel free to send me a friend request on facebook,i'll be more than happy to accept it....and if you wish to put a comment,good or bad,you can do that on FB or directly on blog by choosing an option "anonymus",cuzz it's easiest way:)))
And...thank you for reading!!!!