
lördag 28 september 2013

Pride parade...

Hey ya aaaaaallllllllll....wath's up....i'm' good and stuff...pretty ok with this weather change here in sweden...i'm mean the weather here is shit but you know what,i'm totaly cool with it...can't realy understand people who get's depressed over's sweden ok so get fucking over it... otherwise you'll be spending at least three quarters of your life sad,depressed and miserable...ok!???

Well i might be pissed a little might be of not having sex for a while but on the other side i got used to know being married and stuff,you kinda expecting it same way you expect the rain and snow in sweden:)))

But i think i know why i might be a bit off the road these days...i think it might have to do with this pride parade in serbia going on,and all the fuss about it....

You know how sometimes people say for some nation that the goverment of that nation is bad...and people as people are warm and nice and they're not bad or evil or stuff...well,let me tell you two things...

First it's the fucking people who elected that goverment and's actualy the people who are...well i wouldn' say evil because i don't think that there's good and evil but i could say know that's a substitute for the word retarded!!!

They organized "pride",and a day or two before it supposed to happend they canceled it with the explanation that it's not safe cause there's not enough police to deffend the event...

First of all,if it's like that they should cancel every football mach...not in serbia but in the,sorry but i don't buy that shit...

Second...and most important are people...serbs who are gay know,i've spend a month in serbia this summer and it amaized me what kind of people are against pride...

I mean don't get me wrong i lived in serbia for most of my life and i know serbs very well(maybe that's why i try to avoid them every where i go),but when you talk with with intelectualy developed person from serbia or from where ever you expect some form of civilized respond...

This summer i talked to engineers,professors,people who have like normal jobs and wonderful families even a solid financial stability...and they amaized me by their idiotism...

They would banned pride,they hate gay people,they don't want their kids to wach the perversion and sickness on the streets...crazy!!!

So if that's the opinion of a...let's say...a doctor...what the fuck can you expect from an averige moron on the street???

You know,when you ask those "educated",serbs...but wouldn't you like for this country to become more civilized like germany,england,usa,canada australia or what ever...they say...sure...we would like to become fincialy stronger and stabile,and civilized...BUT!!!

Well when i hear that "BUT"...i get goosebumps...
That "BUT" basicly means...we want to be like switzerland peacefull and civilized "BUT" in serbian way:)))


It's like you wanna be civilized in a monkey's not possible cuzz monkeys ain't civilized...PERIOD!!! 

When you realize that...that will be tha first real step towards don't question everything and everyone who's willing to help you but once for a change try to listen to a wiser ones and do what they suggest you to do...

Civilized is nothing else but being tolerant with your surroundings you fuck...try to accept that...try not to hate everybody and anything that is not exactly as you think it should be...try to love instead of hate you feels'll make you a better man and proud of who you are....

...and don't get me wrong,there's a number of things i don't like in sweden,i could say a lot of bad stuff about usa,and great britain,and france...but you know what...even though i do not consider myself a serb i still feel obligated to say my opinion out loud,so i step up for all those normal and nice serbs who are maybe to shy or scared or broken to say anything...because there are a lot of them,belive it or not... 

I like to think of me as of a good man...what ever that even if you see yourself in a same way...don't ever forget this...

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Edmund Burke

torsdag 26 september 2013

Jamie's point

So i put this link of a video where jamie oliver is talking about a horrible choices people make about what they eat and sepecialy about the food that's been given to children in school...

Well,jamie seems to be doing a great job about all that and i can say that that was my concern from a long time ago..

I remember when i was in school back in serbia...the food we 've got was not realy the best choice...and that was the time when serbia wasn't super poor at all..

So we usualy had some bread with some salami in it or a chocholate spread or simply a hotdog...

Until this day,i can't understand that..the worst part was that nobody said anything...parents,teachers...nobody...thay actualy thought us that it's very important to eat at that time,because the intelectual work is as exhausting as physical is...and i agree with that totaly...but when you say "you need to eat" that doesn't mean to eat anything it means to suply your body with good and healthy nutrients...

As i was growing old and learning through bodybuilding facts about food i realized that most of the stuff we were thought as kids that is healthy is ...not!

What people don't understand is that they don't need that much fat in their when i put it like this you will all say,yeah we know know probably eat three to four times more fat that you need considering your age,body weight and your daily activities

....and let me just tell you this...when you counting how much fat you eat,don't separate good from bad fats because in your calorie counter it's a same's just the anount of fat you are alowed to eat should be from nuts,salmon,avocado olive oil and stuff...if you eat just a bit too much of them you'll be fat if you eat bad fats,you'll end up being fat and don't feel better next time you fry something in olive oil....

Ok,so i was thought the vegetables are good and they some point...

They are good in a sence that they are fresh packed with fibers so beside vitamins and minerals they regulates your bowel...and that's great..but the best about veggies is that when you get older you have something to eat and fill up your stomach withouth being concerned about getting fat...the other name for them is "empty calories"...

Now tell me one thing...why the fuck child needs that much of empty calories....those are good for you when you spend the most of your time sitting on your fat ass...not for are super active...they need carbs insted,veggies shoul be there just for a plate to look more colourful...a couple broccoli and one sallad is everything they need..

Also one thing about the veggies and ganeraly about the healthy food is way of cooking it...if you want healthy food to taste great you need to include the butter,cream,oil so it doesn't taste dry when you eat it...well let me tell you something..if you add al that fat in's not a healthy food no more...i mean...potatoe is still potatoe but when you put a couple mls of cream or cheese you can forget about any healthy efect that you expecting.
It's like eating ten cup cakes with coca cola might as well dring a regular coke insted...

Other misconceptions about food is's like a eat sugar,you'll get fat...well there is a truth in this but the question is..
     First:how old are you?
     Second :when do you eat sugar?
As i said...children are far more active then adults therefore their body burns more calories and adding some sugars in their food specialy in the first part od the day can actualy be beneficial,because it'll speed up their recovery...of course i'm talking here about sugar in combination with complex carbs not sugar alone!

Carbs...this is the most underappreciated nutrient of today...all we hear on tv or radio,reading in this magazines tells us...less carbs,less fat...well,truth is that if you overload yourself with carbs you'll end up fat but...let me reveal something to you...if you overload yourself with proteins you'll still end up being it's simple...don't overload yourself...with anything...

One of the main reasons why people are afraid of carbs...i lchf-diet...and why lchf is not good and why is it's a whole new subject but just think for a it better for you,healthier...more reasonable to eat all three basic nutrients,balanced in a right way...or to simply exclude one of them comletely?

Well i don't need to say nothing after this...just,fucking think with your own don't need to be a nutrition expert to eat healthy you and your family...

This is how my abs look like in my worst edition..."as we speak":))

Eat clean,simple...elementary,clean your fridge from butter,cream,cheese and all unnecessary crap and trust me not only you'll look'll feel fenomenal as well...and sometimes...sometimes eat something fatty and unhealthy,cause when it's won't kill you:)))

onsdag 25 september 2013

Iwhite review...

So my wife and i bought this new product that,as they claim,whiten teeth so we decided to give it a try...

Last year when we were on vacation we did that procedure at the dentist and that was a fuckin' terrible expirience i shit you not...

We were told that it goes line this...first he protect your gums with some wax or something so he decreasees the damage of them...

After that he applies this mix of some chemicals and shit on your teeth,and you need to hold that for 15 minutes,after that you wash it of and then three or four more times like that...

Guys..i'm not exaggerating when i,m describing it as pure fuckin pain...that's it...period... a pure incruciating pain...that you can not decreas or control in any way nor getting comfortable with it for even a bit...

Fuck me felt like sombody took a railroad nail and a sledgehammer and banging upon your teeth unpredictably when or wich one he's gonna hit next...

So we went through all that and we were kinda satisfied with results but not super satisfied...especialy along with the fact that we paid like 200€ you know...

Now we decided to take this first it's cheaper,second you do it yourself and third they said it's painless...

So inside the box you have this rubber things with some gel in it shaped for teeth to fit prewash your teeth,set this rubber aplications each one for lower and upper jaw and you hold it for 20 minutes...

After that,you throw away the rubbers and you wash off the gel from your mouth...

In one packet you have 20 of this aplications wich is made for 10 times or 10 days if you will...

I did this four days in a row and frankly...i don't definitely feel something after each treatment like your teeth gets smoother and stuff but are they whiter...i don't know...if they are whither it has to be like a fraction of one shade since i'm not noticing any major diference so...i don't know..maybe it's waisted money again but who knows i might wait and see...and something might happend.......i don't know:)))) i don't look like an all:)))))

tisdag 24 september 2013

Check in

Ok you guys...i haven't been checkin' my self in for a while about my weight,how i look,where i am,where i'm heading...

So not that i got some nice memories from my vacation,i also got an extra a present...just something to think,i kinda knew what i was doing but i might thought that it woun't be over 10..but i was wrong...

So when i came back i weighed 119,2 or point 4...same shit and i left sweden weighing little less then 105 so the math is no liar...15kgs of pure fat...ok i might gained a kilo or so of muscles but..i have my doubts..

As soon as i came i knew what i needed to,i cut my fats to a minimum,carbs i take like...not over 300-350g per day,proteins are little over 300g and that's pretty much it...i try to do teo cardios a day,morning is never over 30 minutes and evening usualy around 40,and of course weight training four times a week...

At the lowest i had 110, it's maybe a bit more since i had a cheating day sonday,which i need to bring down to cheating afternoon or somethin' since i'm a fucking pig:)))

I'm planing to keep doing this not to long...just to slim my self to a decent level...and then...massssss...yeah babe...i was missing that..pure,hardcore,no bullshit mass...

If i'm lucky and if everything turns the way i want i might compete in spring time...not sure yet...there is this bmr-grand prix wich is good or so they say,but apparently that one is not IFBB-federation but NABBA or NABA...or who give a fuck...i don't know...there's also one in oslo wich i think is also not bad at all so who knows...

I don't know...all i do know is that i need a shit load of money for this stuff and if i get nothing from all this planing..fuck it..i'm not gonna cry about it...i'm still gonna lift hard and eat clean...just the way i like it...;))))

The amounts of peanut butter i put in me while i was on vacation are :)))))

måndag 23 september 2013

Cat or not

Yo..wazz up..well yesterday my wife and i finaly went to see those sphynx cats for the first time...and guys i can just say this ho-ly-shit:))

On our way there we stoppet by at my mother and father in law to pick up her to go with us and when we were there my father in law had this colleague from my work as a guest at their house..

As soon as we said where we are going,the guy told us,no,no...what ever you buy,do not buy sphynx cat...ok...we were like...why...and he said that they smell disgusting and he knows because his sister's friend had two and it was owful...he said..

So we were little down cause i know...when you have an animal that smells,as soon as you know all your clothes,your feet your breath the whole you will smell like that...and i'm not realy comfortable with that..

So we found where this people live...went in and i belive we start inhailing the air from the room like idiots that the lady probably thought that we were nuts...

But you know what...there was no fuckin smell...the house wasn't like super clean or something...the lady had at least five grown cats and four babies..and yorkshire terrier and nothing...that dog was crazy..he was humping the leg of my mother in law all time was awkward but...funny:)))

Anyways....primarily we were there to establish whether i'm allergic to them or not at to realize that i needed to hug them kiss them and cuddle with them as much possible..wich was so hard for me...hehe...NOT...

I was kissing them,biting them,playing with was allergy what so ever...but guys those cats...i fell in love with them...they were so cuddly and lovey-dovey that you just want to eat,so cute...

So...i don't know we have time to think until december so they grow old enough to be able to leave their home and their mom and come to us...

I don't know..i like them alot...i like all animals,but cats are my special ones...and these lovable...

Lot of people say for them that they are ugly....first of all they should look at them selfs in the mirror,second...not all things and living beings in this world are here to be beautiful you know and third they are gorgeous....just in a special's like a new food you tastes delicious you just didn't get used to it...

For me and my wife...time was not necessary to realize how special and beautiful these little creatures are so it was a real good shoot of cuteness yeasterday...even an overload i would say...

fredag 20 september 2013

Beef powder...

Hey ladies and gentlemen is it goin'...well...anyway...i'm good...thanks for i was thinking of writing about to speak new..protein powder...beef protein...

Yeah,that's right...for all of you who didn't heard about's as we have whey,milk,egg,soy etc. now we have one more option...and that's beef!!!

So my first thought about it the fuck that taste...i mean you have to skeptical about it,right...i mean...beefy aftertaste mixed with vanilla flavour...holy shit i can throw up just of imagining that..

But..i wanted to give it a try since i think i would have great benefits of it personaly since now days as i go low with my fats...i don't eat red meat at all...for me red meat is a treat...since you realy need fat in order to cook a real steak...lean beef cooked with no fat tastes like shit so i might as well eat my fish and chicken...

So i did a little research on the net and i found some great reviews...just to be clear..the only positive stuff i heard is for chocholate flavour...all others are not least they say there's blue raspberry,cherry vanilla,chocholate,fruit punch and vanilla caramel...

Quite frankly i was never into fruity tastes of protein beacause i haven't realy taste any fruity product that's actualy good..ok as far as i can go is something like vanilla strawberry,or something else with vanilla or white chocholate or...stuff. To me they all taste artificial and to me the only thing that can taste ok could be that vanilla cherry or caramel...

But i was playing a safe card so i went for i bought it,open it...first thing i do is i smell it...and it smell quite weird stuff goin next step is to try it and taste it...and see for my self..

F.y.i. I always avoid to mix my protein in a regular shaker because it's never can buy o'boy or some hot chocholate powder it still wouldn't taste good so if you can always use a you're sure you made the best of it...

Ok so i took 100g wich is around 60g of protein,put it it with water and ice and mixed it...first impresion...not sweet enough but since i know my taste buzz is al for sweet,i'm not taking that as a minus...after i put a little bit of sweetener it was...well i may say very good...although i've put a bit more water than i should i still think that consistensency is not as casein can provide you but that's why i'm not gonna compare these two.

All in all it's a good choice so i'll try to stick with it for a while to see if i can get some benefits of it as well cause i realy belive that amino acid structure of a red meat protein is unique and it can't be replaced...

Until next time...take care everybody;)))

onsdag 18 september 2013

Chasing the illusion....

As you all might guess i'm not realy an expert on shit,right...but i don't know sometimes it realy hits me unexpectedly...

We were walking this summer through the corfu-town we were at old town...just enjoying in all the beauty.

I was entering in all souvenir stores searching for some coffee cups i wanted and after a while i saw this art gallery...since we had nothing better to do i decided to stop by just out of curiosity...

I went in and baammm it hit me hard that i almost start to was this simple,empty but on the other side,for me at was do deep and sad and brutaly true...

When i saw that painting,i remembered my arrival in sweden...before that i lived in serbia quite hard,money my understanding about a deffinition of happiness was always related to the amount of money you have...

I thought that you getting more happines as you have more i'm far from being rich here in sweden but...normal stuff here are luxury in serbia...

Before i even came,my wife bought the apertment we live in it's not big but i couldn't even dream of such while i was in serbia..we needed a car,her dad bought us a car,we wanted dish machine,we got problem...we were getting this stuff without any problem and by my understandings of happines i should be happy and excited and all..but somehow,for some reason i didn't....

As time went by i have totaly changed my point of view..i realized that we don't need expencive stuff in order to be's a trick by media and establishment and....system i guess that we need faster car,that we need bigger tv that we need histericly to travel and update our status from all around the world just to get the acknowledgement of other people that we're cool and happy...we necer ask our selfs what do i need...what makes me just chasing for some false unnecessary stuff wich are worthless from the begining....

They are tricking us so we act like those hamsters in their wheels trying to reach something that doesn't even we are spending our lives in chasing instead of living...

Any how...this is the described me exactly at one point of my life...i hope i've changed since then....

    This is who we are...

måndag 16 september 2013

No racists on our streets!!!

Hey you good people...wazz i am looking some videos i took saturday on one of tha main streets in stockholm...

First my wife and i wanted to have a coffee in the city...we saw that there was something goin on on the main square...there was police all over the place,horses,helicopters up...a whole nine yards...there were some demonstration goin on and we are so not into that, we took a first turn and found this coffee shop espresso house on the great place newly opened on kungsgatan so we decided to sit there outside of course,it was nice weather...

As soon as we took everything we need to chil, that police from there moved here and started to clear up the area...i asked police officer,should we move from there,he told me that we don't have to he said: just sit down and do nothing:))

So we did...we didn't do notning,we drank coffee but that's almost nothing:)))

After a few minutes we heard crowd and those were some swedish naci-party demonstrants...shouting something about swedish should be swedish again or the cops were all over the place making sure that there's nothing violent going on...

Ok so they passed by and behind them there were also cops but after a moment we heard another crowd..i tought that there's second group of same party but...i was wrong...those were anti-protestants to this naci-morons shouting inga nacister på våran gator...wich means no nacist on our streets...and most of this other people were actualy swedish people as well...proposing equality in their country...

I sat there looking at that happening and tought to myself...ho-ly shit...

Once again,the tolerance of swedish people amaizes me to my bones...i admire such people and i look up to them!!!

If i were swede i'd join that first crowd i shit you people can not imagine how bad foreign people are bahaving in sweden...yeah,yeah not all of them ok...but gimme a break,everywhere you go you can see them acting like fuckin' animals and how big of a man you have to be to tolerate that and to fight for that people to stay in your country in order for you and you sistem try to change them into humans...cause right now their behavior is animal like...

If i were swede i'd exterminate them...hell i would exterminate them without baing a swede....fuck,fuck...

No,i'm kidding but i truely admire this tolerant and evolved human beings...i realy do...

Again,thank you sweden for this gift a got from you called home:)))

tisdag 10 september 2013

Pros and cons for a sphynx...

   Heya...whaz up...everyone who knows me now that i'm a huge animal lover...since i know for my self...

I used to have two cats both were males and both of them died in a line of duty,chasing for love...or sex mostly...

I consider my self fortunate because i didn't had to see their dead bodies..they just went out as they did every day and after a couple of days..maybe a weak...and after searching a whole neighborhood over and over i realized that they were gone....same thing in different period of time..

It was so hurtful that i can't explain but as i said,i'm furtunate that i didn't went through carrying their dead boddies,burrying them and having that image imprinted in my head for ever... my wife and i are realy into getting that unbelivable beautiful cat called a sphynx cat:)))

For most people we talked about this,that cat is super ugly and they dodn't realize why we want it ... but first of all it's not ugly at all and second i belive that not all creatures and things in this world should be judged by how beautiful they are...that's sick way of looking at the world!

First thing is of course...the's not realy cheep,but on a side that...we could menage that...there are a lot of questions beside that...i need to know do they have some health issues,are we gonna be able to get full insurance to it,what is specific about that breed..i've heard that it needs to be baithed often or even daily,but that would't be a problem...

What i'm concerned about the most is their sex drive and how to menage it...

Now we sort of tried with my previous cats to keep them indor but that is absolutely unpossible...they even jump from the flor if they want to that's not an option...

People suggest imediately castration,wich is a hunred percent out of  a question,because i belive that a person willing to cut cartain body parts from an animal in order to make a personal toy is not an animal lover,more like a i've heard about some vaccines wich is also totaly against animal rights if you ask me but that's some how slightly more humane than using a scalpel...

I've heard also abut some microchip that regulates that stuff but it's a sort of a i don't know...

We need to be 99,9 precent sure that we are capable of providing a great life to that cat before we decide to have it...otherwise it's a least it would be to i don't know...we need to answer a lot of questions's's soooo cuteee!!!


In the end i have to mention the sickness that is beyond everything...since that cat has no fur,it's basicly naked skin...some disturbed fuckers found it cool to tatto those poor cats...

Sickness of a human mind is truly limitless :(((

måndag 9 september 2013

Coming back to life:)))

Hey now...well it's been like...for least for me it was...since i haven't been here in stockholm..and i gotta tell you feels feels real and right,i guess...i don't know it's just that i'm glad i'm back,that's all !!!

I was away for one and a half month and it's not that it wasn't nice there it's just that it was too much...i got tired of it and you should be back before you get that feeling..but,i'm not least i was fortunate enough to have a vacation so i'll just shut up!

Today is my first real day..real i mean working day,cause yesterday was sunday and it was as we were still on wife and i took a massive walk down town,the weather was perfect,we were at some event called "taste of stockholm" wich as it seems to me wasn't very succesfful but for us it didn't matter...we drank coffee while having this ridiculously beautiful view of stockholm's sunset so it felt great...

But today was that..."back to reality" day..i went to the gym,even got time to use sauna for a while,took a long shower no rush,no stress,just the way i like it:)))

About's a long story...personaly for me..serbia treated me well,but seeing other people and the way they live their lives there...well it's...not good...and i'm aware that there's nothing i can do about it to help..and it sucks...

I've seen alot of people from serbia like me,working and living somewhere else...and for lot of them that gap between them and those poor people make them feel superior and important...and they behave like that..well as long as you ask me...i felt like shit because of that,nothing else...

Any hoo...i'm here,i'm back...turning the page...startin' out with keeping track what i eat,when i train,what i do...since vacation gave me as a present 15 kg of fat that i need to burn now...but,as i complains...
