
torsdag 26 september 2013

Jamie's point

So i put this link of a video where jamie oliver is talking about a horrible choices people make about what they eat and sepecialy about the food that's been given to children in school...

Well,jamie seems to be doing a great job about all that and i can say that that was my concern from a long time ago..

I remember when i was in school back in serbia...the food we 've got was not realy the best choice...and that was the time when serbia wasn't super poor at all..

So we usualy had some bread with some salami in it or a chocholate spread or simply a hotdog...

Until this day,i can't understand that..the worst part was that nobody said anything...parents,teachers...nobody...thay actualy thought us that it's very important to eat at that time,because the intelectual work is as exhausting as physical is...and i agree with that totaly...but when you say "you need to eat" that doesn't mean to eat anything it means to suply your body with good and healthy nutrients...

As i was growing old and learning through bodybuilding facts about food i realized that most of the stuff we were thought as kids that is healthy is ...not!

What people don't understand is that they don't need that much fat in their when i put it like this you will all say,yeah we know know probably eat three to four times more fat that you need considering your age,body weight and your daily activities

....and let me just tell you this...when you counting how much fat you eat,don't separate good from bad fats because in your calorie counter it's a same's just the anount of fat you are alowed to eat should be from nuts,salmon,avocado olive oil and stuff...if you eat just a bit too much of them you'll be fat if you eat bad fats,you'll end up being fat and don't feel better next time you fry something in olive oil....

Ok,so i was thought the vegetables are good and they some point...

They are good in a sence that they are fresh packed with fibers so beside vitamins and minerals they regulates your bowel...and that's great..but the best about veggies is that when you get older you have something to eat and fill up your stomach withouth being concerned about getting fat...the other name for them is "empty calories"...

Now tell me one thing...why the fuck child needs that much of empty calories....those are good for you when you spend the most of your time sitting on your fat ass...not for are super active...they need carbs insted,veggies shoul be there just for a plate to look more colourful...a couple broccoli and one sallad is everything they need..

Also one thing about the veggies and ganeraly about the healthy food is way of cooking it...if you want healthy food to taste great you need to include the butter,cream,oil so it doesn't taste dry when you eat it...well let me tell you something..if you add al that fat in's not a healthy food no more...i mean...potatoe is still potatoe but when you put a couple mls of cream or cheese you can forget about any healthy efect that you expecting.
It's like eating ten cup cakes with coca cola might as well dring a regular coke insted...

Other misconceptions about food is's like a eat sugar,you'll get fat...well there is a truth in this but the question is..
     First:how old are you?
     Second :when do you eat sugar?
As i said...children are far more active then adults therefore their body burns more calories and adding some sugars in their food specialy in the first part od the day can actualy be beneficial,because it'll speed up their recovery...of course i'm talking here about sugar in combination with complex carbs not sugar alone!

Carbs...this is the most underappreciated nutrient of today...all we hear on tv or radio,reading in this magazines tells us...less carbs,less fat...well,truth is that if you overload yourself with carbs you'll end up fat but...let me reveal something to you...if you overload yourself with proteins you'll still end up being it's simple...don't overload yourself...with anything...

One of the main reasons why people are afraid of carbs...i lchf-diet...and why lchf is not good and why is it's a whole new subject but just think for a it better for you,healthier...more reasonable to eat all three basic nutrients,balanced in a right way...or to simply exclude one of them comletely?

Well i don't need to say nothing after this...just,fucking think with your own don't need to be a nutrition expert to eat healthy you and your family...

This is how my abs look like in my worst edition..."as we speak":))

Eat clean,simple...elementary,clean your fridge from butter,cream,cheese and all unnecessary crap and trust me not only you'll look'll feel fenomenal as well...and sometimes...sometimes eat something fatty and unhealthy,cause when it's won't kill you:)))

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