
torsdag 28 november 2013


Hey ya are you...hope you're doin' great cuzz this time i'm gonna write a bit about some good food that i always look forward but still stay in "eat clean",on a today's manu is ROASTED VEAL!!!

Yeah's always good...and for all vegetarians out there...don't read's gonna get messy:)))

So first thing you gonna need is a nice piece of,i used veal here,but of course you can have any nice cut of beef or even prob.

So i bought this veal yesterday cuzz i know i need to eat more of a red meat but i also need to fing a clean cuts of meat...otherwise it would be simple...ribeye steak:)))

So i took out this piece of meat that i have and just placed it on a counter so it gets a bit warmed up...

If you wanna be realy cheffy,you can put on all the seasoning,take it back to the fridge for at least couple of hours or just over night and then before you start anything you take it out again and let it rest for like two hours so it gets down to a rooms temperature...but...i was too hungry for this shit...

So while your veal is resting you need to make a mixture of seasoning so your meat gets another dimension..and that is..great taste and smell...

Now choice of seasoning is all up to just make sure you put it ALOT cuzz's gonna be like well not as good...

I always use pretty much same seasoning wich's a great mixture from croatia made of salt,dried viggies and chicken stock goes along with beef in general so i always use it...after this i use classic...garlic powder and's a standard seasoning for any beef can't go wrong with it...

Beside that i also put in a bit of paprika,this time was sweet and smokey but regular is just as good,and of course black pepper...that's a must...

So you mix all this together and what i did to make as less mess as possible i put all the seasoning on this huge i can work with it and have as less as possible shit on my flor...

So now,all you need to do is to rub in as much possible of this mix into the meat and make sure that most of it stays it takes a little don't rush be patient,enjoy it and it'll pay off for sure...

Now i took this seasoning one step further since i wanted to have the inside of meat seasoned what i did i used a knife and made a hole just wide enough to put my finger in but as deep as it can took my mix and try to put as much as i could and as deep inside..

Now repeat this on another side too and you're basicly ready to go!!! the way i do this part is to get a pink if you don't want that if you want it well done you can increase the temperature or use the same temperature and cook it longer it's up to you..but remember one sacred rule with any oven roasting...

The longer you do it the better it gets!!!

So if you have time use low teperature and roast it for like two even three hours and trust me when it's'll thank me:)))

Ok this time it took me an hour and a half...i could di it in two hours i said i was hungry...

So i preheated the oven on max..wich is like 260-270'C and just put the meat in...waited for like five minutes,then turn the meat around for 180' and after five minutes on this side i lowerd the heat to 125 

Now if i had more time i would set it to...well not more than 90-100 degrees but this way worked just as good...

So on 125 it took about well 90 minutes when i opened the oven and mesured temperature in the middle of the meat...

Now...if you want it a bit bloody or rear rear you'r after not more than 50-55'C... I was good agound 60 but 65 would be even better and if you're after well done,you,ll need at least 80...

So it takes time...sure but the final result is a fuckin' orgasm,ok!!!

Now there's a couple more ways to cook a meat like this but it includes sealing on the pan with butter..and that's what i'm not gonna do but again the choice is yours..

And also...if you don't have a thermometer in your kitchen..well get one,but without it my guideline was always..if i want it pink it can not shrink too as soon as i see that it's getting smaller..i take it out...but if you want it well done...wait untill it's noticebly smaller...

And...since you don't have some thick layer of fat on your don't need to worry that crust needs to stay crispy so after you're done with cooking you take out the meat an wrap it al lthe way into aluminium foil...and let it rest for at least 15 to 30 get's more tender and nice...

Well what can i and enjoy...i served mine with some mushrooms and low fat quark and yellow was awesome:)))

Yeah one more thing...when you wanna have fun with your protein make it as you do normaly,maybe you can add some extra sweetener...cuzz whenever you serve something cold our palette get a bit numb so you don't feel sweetness of it...

...put everything into an ice cream maker....and make a delicious protein ice cream...i served mine with some crushed cashews...but the choices are just unlimited...

If you don't have an ice cream maker...well it gotta suck;)) enjoy!!!!

If you find this stuff interesting enough that you would like to be notified about my new articles...feel free to send me a friend request on facebook,i'll be more than happy to accept it....and if you wish to put a comment,good or bad,you can do that on FB or directly on blog by choosing an option "anonymus",cuzz it's easiest way:)))
And...thank you for reading!!!!

tisdag 26 november 2013


Hey guys...what's goin on...well with me...mmm...nothin' much...train,eat,shit,sleep...and then...start again:))

Well...i work a bit too..ok...

I wrote an article about this girl,ex neighbour of ours who moved and asled us to colect her mail for her for a short time untill she settles at her new appartment and new adress...and how we sent her a couple of messages to say when she's gonna come and colect her stuff but she didn't wanna answer...

So i was pissed and wrote that she's primitive and rude...and...shit...that she would out of nowhere...sent us a message yesterday as nothing's wrong...saying she didn't recived our previous messages that my wife mentioning and that we can just throw away everything but she would gladly give us a visit anyway just to see how we're doing and of course take with her that big pile of love,her beautiful dog named alwa:)))

What to say...i'm a jerk..i know...but who knew that she didn't recived like two or three sms...when that shit happends...never...well apparently not never...

Shit...i feel stupid...but i can look at the bright side...since my blog is famous in sweden as much as i'm famous in nigeria...good thing one reads it so...she could never know..i wrote shit about her...but if she found out...i'm totaly ready to say i'm an problem..which...i don't think will happend:)))

Anyway...i just wanted to mention one more thing related to bodybuilding..and that is that the great canadian bodybuilder greg kovacs known world wide as the strongest bodybuilder ever passed away like yesterday or sometning of heart failure...

As i wrote...he just colapsed at the gym and greg kovacs...what can i say...

I can belive that his death can be related to his steroids abuse..but you know what...first i belive he was extreme in everything but's not about how you me it's about how you lived..and if you lived your life for the most part the way you wanted...i say you had a good life...

That guy ayrton senna...the greatest formula one driver who died quite young...he could live longer...if he just gave away his passion and lived his life as an averige person...

You know what...i don't think he would be happy or even die as happy person...cuzz...what are we imf you take away our live,our dreams,our passion...

We are lost...that's who and what we become in my appinion...

As i wrote before...what steve jobs said...when you having second thoughts about going after your should you think...he said...

think about that we're all gonna what ever you do...ind the end you'll lose it you might as well give it a try no matter how crazy it seems:)))

söndag 24 november 2013

Make me up...

Hey ya all...hope you're having an awesome weekend...

Within last couple of months like maybe two max three times i mentioned my wife @shapethefuckup that i didn't like her make up...

I find her face quite beautiful and seeing too much of a wrong makeup on it kinda sucks...

So i said it those couple of times with thinking ...well i'm just expressing my point of view and it's up to her to decide if she wants to change anything or to keep it as it is...

But...i was so wrong:))))

She didn't behave as she freaked out but she told me from out of no where...

Tomorrow we must go to this big department store where they have this girls who are like trained to put on make you gonna say what do you want and she will help you decide which colour,which brand and which...everything...since you don't like the way i do it...

Man...i almost shit my pants...she was totaly calm but you could hear that tone in her voice...which kinda showes that she thought about stabing me with a scissors while i'm after a while we were in the department store and we find this realy sweet girl who actualy should take the whole credit for everything since she realy knew what she was doing and she was also a sweetheart...

So my wife was professional...she explain ed her about my complains and said like...therefore...i'm gonna sit here and you to do the rest....hmmm...

The girl starts asking me this silly questions like..what tipe of faundation did she used before..he,he and i found out right there and then that the thing they spread on their face is called faundation...

Ok...somehow we,ve manage to start with a reseach what colour,oily or not,beige or a brain surgery...

In a meanwhile my wife was just like quite not saying it seemed to me she was just waiting for a negative end result so she can fuck my fuck....but you know what...she was wrong....

Me and the girl were disagreeing just about two shades...she was more for the lighter one but i knew that my wife gonna visit solarium so she's gonna get darker too so i went for the darker one....

The best moment was in the end when she looked at the mirror...she was happy..i'm teling you...i did a good job...and by that also got right to keep being alive cuzz if she didn't liked it...i have a feeling i would be...fucked:))) was the end my wife asked the girl did she had case like this before where husband chooses make up for his wife...she said no i didn't but i find it realy cool...

And i added..yeah but you definitely had cases where a husband chooses makeup for his....husband...that i can bet you had...

So in the end of the day mission acomplished....

Enjoy your sunday everyone!!!

fredag 22 november 2013


Wath's up people...friday ha...always feels good right...

Well i realy wanted to thank you for visiting this little blog of mine,i feel realy good knowing that there are some of you that actualy find all this interesting enough for you to take your time and read big mega-thank you:)))

First i would like to write a few lines about yesterday's article but more about one specific respond from this great guy who interviewed me after my competition...

He took time to read about my dilemma and let me know that there is this "body magasine" competition in may here in if everything goes by the plan i'm definitely gonna go for it...maybe for some other as well but this one souds realy good...

So i'm realy thankful for this info...i'm not gonna name the guy but...any ways thanks:)))

There's also this other guy who yesterday conntact me,sharing my blog on his fb with a short description wich went like...hey everybody...check out this's blog of a guy who is my inspiration for bodybuilding...

Well again i'm not naming nobody but i couldn't be more happier for comments like this...

The main goal for me writing all this is...YOU!!!

I want you to see and realize that it's's doable...yes you need to walk that extra mile but you don't have to be a super-human to have good looking,stron and healthy body...

It's realy good that like ordinary(non-competitors) people can find an inspiration in me cozz usualy they're looking for somebody who is quite similar to them in a bit better shape...

Normal people find harder to identify them selfs with someone like me cuzz they think i'm like sn alien from another dimension...and i'm not...

And the best bodybuilder in the world is just human and the best tenis player and the best surgeon or a scientist...they are humans too...

They just have dedicated their lifes and interest and time to achive what they achived...that's the secret..nothing else...

What i'm trying to say're possibilities are me...we were born perfect and we just need to find those things and people that makes us happy and satisfied and we're able to do wanders...i promisse!

So if you realy want something to just set your mind to it...........AND GO GET IT!!!!

Cuzz it's always has been!!!

Have a great weekend friends:-)

torsdag 21 november 2013


Hey ya all...wazz i was at my old gym wich is DELTA GYM my competition team as well and as always it was nice to workout there,to meet the old crowd,chat a bit...and stuff...

Of course as i was expecting thay all asked same question..."when you gonna compete next time"???

And honestly..i don't know...i'm pretty much like...if i don't have everything prepared in advance i would never decide to just try out and see what'll happend...

I want to be as focused as i can be...of course i need to work and do laundry,and cleaning and stuff..but the last thing i want is to be stressed about the money.

So...even if i do decide to compete...wich is going to be around spring time next year i have a bit of a dilemma...

See as we's all about money in present way we sport is not anything diferent...

There's this biggest federation of bodybuilding called SKKF and every competition here in sweden belongs to them...

Every one of them...accept one...wich is this BMR-grand prix...

Now i personaly look at things like this...i never compare myself with other competitors,i never aim to win..i just want to be the best i can be onstage...

So for me if there's one bodybuilder in the world better than i am..then i belong to "THE REST OF THEM"...and there are waaay more than one that's better then me.. for me...choosing wich competition i might attend os all about when it's gonna that i can have a proper pre contest preparation so i don't need to rush into it...

This bmr is just perfect...but...there's always that BUT...

As i understand bmr grand prix belongs to another federation called NABBA or NABA or something..and thay say if you compete for nabba these skkf can give you a penalty not to be able to compete for a year or two or stuff...and that kinda sucks....

So the normal question would be...why the fuck you need to compete for bmr...go for some other...

The main reason for that is...STOCKHOLM !

It is gonna be held here in stockholm...and for me,that means at least 5.000 swedish crowns lower costs...since i get to go there with metro and i don't have to pay for the travel and at least weo nights hotel...and that's like more than 600 euros more to spend on my muscles or even in another competition...

How ever i also wouldn't like for somebody bust my balls efter the show...

So...i wander...what should i do...hmmi might just go to norway and compete there...they say that their prand prix is realy good...i don't know...

What i do know is that i'm not a polititian nor a buisness job is to bring my body and form to the best possible level..if and when i get that...i belive thare's gonna be some competition i'll think i'll stick with doing my homework and see what will happend!!!

Eat clean,train mean:)))

onsdag 20 november 2013

Holly oats...

People often ask me do i ever eat normal food...the answer to that question is...NO!

First by i find my food totaly normal and usualy their food is totaly fucked...milosh sarcev once said and i totaly agree that bodybuilder's food is the best and tge healthiest nutrition there is...

There's also this enormous fear of carbs especialy among members of the sect called LCHF (low carb high fat diet)...

As some of you might know i'm kinda against that way of eating...even tho i never said it's not possible to lose weight with it..but...who wants to cut one of the three main my guest..

So when it's about carbs we need to be very careful not to overeat em when our goal is to loos fat since we don't want all the energy covered by them but one part to be from burned fat tishue..

But we all know i have like..three max four meals a day with carbs and i always think..hmmm wich foods should i get my carbs from..and you know what's usualy my decision...

You got's oatmeal...mmm love it...

Now they say that oats decrease bad cholesterol by elevating the good one...may be...all the fats eaten through oats are perfect source of good fats so that's even greater...and the carbs are complex and safe...that's most important...

It also consists a certain amount of proteins but i kinda never count them in my totaly protein intake since i belive that those proteins have such low biological value that it can not even be called proteins..

But all this stuff have to be proven in the labs..usualy of some fancy-shmancy i'm not gonna play smart questioning that...i'm just gonna stick to the stuff i'm sure about...

And that would be that oatmeal taste great and while dieting i eat it as some cheating food i swear to god..

I was even eating oat porridge on cheating days...ok boosted with sugar and fat but still...oats:))

Nowdays i eat it two to three times a day...combine it with cinamon...low calorie jam and even one sweet cracker crumbled over....and of course the inevitable...sweetener!!!

It taste amazing..i look forward every bite i have:)))

Now there is a kinda missconception about oats that they have a low gi...that's not quite true...

It depends what kind of oats do you eat,..i like very mich those steel cuts..they have even more intensive taste and also a bite while eat em' and for them for exampel you can say are safe gi-wise but instant ones...pressed ones that are ready to eat after two minutes of cooking....well they are not slow at all..

Now don't get me wrong it's not that they're's just good to be aware this fact and not to eat the when you need like a super slow carb source,..

Steal cuts i cook a day before so they are nice and cold the next day...just the way i like it em..

Actualy it's time for my seventh meal today and while i cook it,i might cook my steal cuts along..

If you have any interesting ways to cook or combine oats with other tell...

Again you can write a comment without signing in just pick the anonymus option and shoot...but you csn also add me as a frien on facebook and leave the comment there...

One more thing...thank you're a great support:))))


tisdag 19 november 2013

Whata fuk...

Hey people...wazz i am at my work,little bord,little tired but...i won't complaine too much...

As some of you might seen sunday after like 7-8 evening my wife and had a cheat meals...and i'm not even going to start writing what were we eating all you need to know wasn't a nice all!!!

But what kinda hit me a bit os this girl that used to live on the same flor as we do...having this amazing dog that we used to borrow sometimes...

Well she moved from our buildig,went some place here in stockholm called telefonplan..never mind...and she asked us to put our adress as option untill she menage her adress and stuff so that her mail for like a couple of weeks arrives at our mailbox...

Of course we said yes and that was just little after we went back from our vacation..

In a meanwhile my wife was about to have that surgery but like a week prior to that she contacted our ex neighbour and told her that she can come to our place...with that cutie pie of a dog so they hang out for a while and at the same time to pick her mail..

The gotl said no problem,i'm gonna give you a visit tomorrow EVEN THOUGH I'M HAVING A COLD OR A FLU...but,like never mind,i'll still come!

And my wife imedietely replied her that in that case,visit is not such a good idea since doctors said that if they find anything strange in her blood they won't carry the surgery..

You know what happend..the girl got mad at my wife that much that she won't respond on my wife's sms either she wants to come and get her post...

So i'm just asking fucking primitive you need to be,to get angry over something like this..

Now we have her mail,a whole pile of some advertisements but also a number of bills and some quite serious stuff...

What should we do with it...throw it in the garbage...maaaan...

I don't know what to think it's just...very idiotic of her to act like least i think that...fuck...

Well i guess people can never stop suprising me with their retardedness...

Speaking of suprising me...just in the last article i've put for a second lady gaga in the same place with rihana,beyonce and others...

Well i need to say something more...if you have time...find on youtube lady gaga's performance of songs "dope" and "gipsy" on howard stern show....

She's prodogy,she's amaizing...i love her....rihana,beyonce...suck...have a nice one everybody:)))

fredag 15 november 2013

Mutant amino,body fat scale,protein pudding

Hay's it goin'...well here we are...another weekend in front of us...this week went quite fast for me...i wander why...hmm

Any ways...i wanted to write a little review about the stuff i bought recently...

First...let's start with protein pudding..well out of 10 i'd grade it mmmm 7-8 wich is quite good you take one scoop of powder and mix it in some glas with a 1dl of milk..put it in a fridge and it's ready after about two hours..

After that time...i gotta say it looks like a pudding...consistence is quite nice but the taste is a little bit bitter in my opinion so maybe i would order chocholate next time cozz bitterness agrees better with chocholate than with strawberry taste...

But in the end it's not bad at all so i would buy it again...

Mutant over 15 years ago i was having some aminos wich were amino fuel 1000 of twinlab and i still remember how awesome they were...

They gave me pure muscle mass i'm not kidding you...i even think i got leaner even though i didn't knew shit about nutrition neighter i was into moto protein sources,train and sleep:)))

Any how...i git some great results from them...and one thing i remember about them is that they tasteted very,very they were made out of that instant milk powder...

Well same story with mutant ones...they are milky as well and i enjoy suckin' em after workout...realy...hehe...suckin' em... Lol

Well yeah...since i also remember some universal aminos 2700 tasted like some earth fertilizer that's out of date or somethin'...not that i know how that tastes but you know...

So bottom line mutant aminos are great!

And in the end..the body fat this one like...last week...the producer's name is "omron" and it seemed quite decent on a first look how ever i was sceptical about it's accuracy...and you know far as now it's good..realy it works...

When i got it i weighed 112kg and it showed 14% i'm like 109 poknt something and it shows like 12 point something wich i belive is totaly there...

So you know those times when you think you've lost a bit of fat but your scale doesn't show...and ypu keep wandering...well now i don't have to wander that much...just step on it an after a minute...i'll now for sure where i am...

So for this one is money well all i need to do is get well at least under 7-8% hehe...wich is easier said than done but one step at the time...

How ever...i wish you a great weekend...try to have fun and be happy...and have alot of sex's always better:)))

torsdag 14 november 2013

Man in the mirror...

Today while i was killing my legs at the gym i was listening this song that moves me every single time i hear it...

Usualy i listen to some...quite heavier stuff about wich i'm gonna write some other time but today was m.j....the god himself!!!

The way i see it...take rihana,beyonce,justin bieber,timberlake even lady gaga...then multiply them with ten and that's how you get the amount of talent michael had.

Ok,just maybe lady gaga i give more respect than others but still...

They way they set him up with that sexual molesting is just another exampel how they can fuck you up and take away all your credibility and make you a monster in front of the world...

Yeah...why would they wanna do that...well...earlier in his career he was all about world unity,we are all one...and they liked him for that because he was making their agenda "a thousand year reich" of one world goverment easier to launch into the world population...

But since he was pretty rich i'm guessing he had access to all kind of people and information and it didn't took too long for him to realize that people who are running things are not into liberating humanity but to enslave it...

Then he'd turned the page...

Most of you don't know but michael was a great opponent to american goverment,world goverment,world leaders..etc.

There are a dozen of his videos on youtube alone of him talking against the present situation and where are we heading as a human race...and that made him splinter in their shoes...

Of course one michael is too week to fight alone against this machinery and of course they beat him...

But after a few years of recovery he got up on his feet and decided that he's gonna show the world that his still strong and still they did what they did...

They killed him!

Now most of you will probably say that i'm a conspiracy theorist...and i'm not even gonna start explaining my claims and facts...i just want you to realize one thing...

Hitler dodn't become fuhrer over night...more than twenty years he was struggling,fighting and seeking the path to the top...while...whole germany was laughing to him,saying that he's a joke,a clown...

When they realized that he have had accumulated enormous was too fucking late...

Think about it,while spending your cozy evenings tucked on your sofa watching your faworite reality show...

"I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change"


onsdag 13 november 2013

Jimmie Åkesson

I've watched yesterday this interview ftom bbc of this guy jimmie who is the leader of sort of nazi party here in sweden...and he said that statistics have been shown that the number of criminal activities is majority done by foreign people...

The interviewer start accusing him of lying abot it...

Well from where i see things i can belive that there's more criminality among foreigners then in swedish people...but...

Since i truly belive that there's no such things as good and evil babies..therefore,this people are not geneticly "gifted" with this kind of behaviour but that they were just been shaped by their way of living in their native idiotic countries or by their idiotic parrents who were shapet that way from their childhood...

So what to do?

First of all...they blame this guy for crating hatred in people...that's bullshit...he's just one person like everybody else but the reason for him to be on tv are actualy his votera who are supporting him and giving him that power..

So basicly he haven't created anything that wasn't there before he appeared...

So...why some swedish people hates foreigners...well same reason why foreigners behave the way they behave...their evirement have shaped them...

Averige swedish guy walks through his coutry,his little town,his neighbourhood and like 90% if not more of people who are too loud,making noise,acting like idiots are arabs,black people,serbs,turks and others..

So from this point...thing are quite simple...he starts hatting foreigners because all hi sees is them behaving like an animals...right...

Well...the only problem is that what that same swedish guy doesn't see are huge amount of normal foreigners...passing by,coming back from their work...minding their own buisness...but there's the problem...they don't shout from the top of their loungs...I'M NORMAL!!!

They just wanna be left alone like most people do...

Now in the begining i said that i agree that foreigners are more criminal than swedish people..but...what you shoul definitely shouldn't do is to say it out loud on tv,radio or any media...why?'re doing totaly counterproductive thing then...

All people respond negativly to rejection...doesn't matter if they're good or when you say that stuff on tv...first..those foreign idiots eill say...see...they hates us any way so fuck them...but the sadest part is that even those normal foreigners will feel like shit and think...why the fuck i'm doing things right when this people gonna hate no matter what i do....

And that's where you as swedish,you as a as a citizen...

I just want to point out one more here in sweden i myself have seen a shit load of foreigners acting like a fuckin' mad dogs and i know that you REALY need to be a great human being not to hate them even though there are some racists among swedish people i salute and admire all those who still choose who they gonna love and respect instead of who they gonna hate!!!

Thank you swedish people:)

P.s. Fell free to send me a friend request on fb and if you want to leave a comment just comment as anonymous so you don't need g+ acount:)

måndag 11 november 2013


I'm reading this article the other day i don't realy know is it real or just buch of crap...but as they claime,everything was a reasult of diferent reaserches by institut this an university of that...wharmt ever...

Basicly it was about statistics that gor exampel couples where man doing house work have worse and rear sex comparing to couples with activities devided as male and's dusting and he's fixing car..

That marriges where a women earns more money than man have sexual problems and that guy in that case has poor erection...

In another words whith modern way of living we screwed that balance established like in caveman's age due to man's physical strenght over women...where women stay home and wagch kids and men go hunt and stuff...

You know what...they may be right...

Now let me just make things clear...i'm the one that does 80% of house works such,vacuming,washing dishes,laundry and of course making food...

My wife does earn more money that i do and yes we have way less sex than we should...

But realy...moving from serbia here in sweden i've noticed this strange thing....when i talk to girls...i have this weird man if you turn of the picture and let me just listen to them of course without female voice i could swear that i'm talking to a guy..

Like they don't even know the meaning of a word seductive...let alone to act that way...

Again...i'm not expecting that girls hit on me an be seductive..but my point was always that i would like that every part of my personality and my body even by it self has mail caracteristics...

So i'm totaly comfortable with being man..i guess therefore i would like to have women around me that are same comfortable with being women...

Now i'm not talking about,transvestites,cross dressera and that kind of people...i don't know any so i don't know how it works with them...

Just it seams to me that girls who are all about being strong and not week actualy start behaving like men insted of behaving like strong women...

We had this girl at our old gym my wife and...who seamed to me that she was you know one of those girls that realy hates their pussy and they just wanna be some nasty guy...

My wife told me that it happend more than once that same girl go to the toilet of course in a girls dressing room...then takes like s major shit and just walks out.. no flushing the toilet,cleaning after she's leave that as it is...

It looks like she's driven by the fact that....well if man pig can do that and get away with it...i'm gonna do it too...

Just that don't understand why would you wanna behave like a pig male or female...for fuck sake...

For me...there's NOTHING sexier then a strong and self confidant women but only if she totaly enjoys being a women...

We are not the same...we can never be the same...not that ones are more and the others are less it just...diferent...

You crouch when you pee we stand...we have beard you don't...well most of you at least...and it would be stupid and boring and GAY for all to be same...

Just one more thing...there are gyms here in sweden that have separated parts with weights and machines for girls and for this is sweden...civilized country...

Girls can enter the guys part any time they like but guys can't enter girls part under any circumstance...

Now call me crazy but that's a pure school exampel of discrimination...where rules for one group doesn't applies to the other group...

You know what...i'm not against that rule at all and by me that's exactly the way it should be...but it explains clearly that we are not the same!!!


Hey everybody...i'm back...took a short break from writing but i can imagine nobody miss me so let's get goin'

Now,this is a huge subject these days...people are crazy with uploading their motivational videos online and as i see there's a big need for this...since most of these videos have massive amount of hits...

In my last blog i was writing about my motivation witch is very individual and i don't belive there are a lot of people that can relate to it but i also wrote that it's bullshit...

People don't need a motivation...if you don't wanna do it...don't...leave the gym or school or dance classes whatev''s like asking for a motivation for having don't need it...the only motivation for that is that you gonna feel good while doing it...and there you go...

My motivation was always related to my "previous life"... back in serbia and this i have today...and that's not just about the gym it's about every aspect of life...where we too often forget one major thing and that be grateful..

Too often we forget how blessed we are with having some everyday things that huge number of people is dreaming about.

Well when i sometimes start acting like a little cunt there's this other me telling me to shut the fuck up...and just think of how much my life changed many times over...

But..what i think about lack of motivation...the main reason why this is happening is because we were programed wrong...

How many times have had happened to you that you did a great job at work...everybody said you did good,you feel very proud of what you done...and as soon as you get home you fuck all your daily obligations and you just crash on the sofa and watch through tv untill you go to bed...

Well that's what's wrong...we were tuned to obey where we MUST and as soon as we have the option to choose we choose less...because now it's about your job it's about your boss or manager or who ever...but when it comes to give that same effort for you,for your life,for your're just too god damn week...

How wrong is should live your life because of you not because anybody need to become a center of the universe to yourself in order to be happy and also to be interesting to other people...

When your personality is a personality of a boring one will respect you and you'll never be able to finish what you've started and be detriment,and trustworthy and reliable...

Basicly your life and your existance will boil to one thing...serving others!

Even if you're in prison...take that havlf an hour before bed and do something for yourself...just to maintain the awareness that you still control your life,no matter what...

And don't be lazy...please,what ever you do don't get fucking lazy,it's a recepie for dissaster...and this one you can definitely take from me...cuzz before...i was a king of laziness...

I was so lazy that my own friend couldn't reckognize me after a few years not seeing me...

I belive that when everyday things stop being difficult for you to deal with than you can say you're mature...

Something fucked us up and i don't know can notice with kids...they can do stuff all day long and never get tired...they are curious,interested for everything and anything...and somehow we turn into these couch potatoes hating our lives...

Well we need to fight that...we need to get back and enjoy life and fight for it...

Laziness..the ruth of many evil...

Motivation...there's your,lift and love:))))))

torsdag 7 november 2013

My newest gadget:)

Hey ya all...yesterday i finaly mada the order about wich i was struggling thinkink whether i shoul buy it or not...

It's a body fat scale...ha!

Well it kinda figures that someone like me would wanted to have the machine that measures percentage of fat in body...right...

Well yeah if there were such thing to buy for like 120-130€ !!

I mean the device works but should i rely on it's accuracy...i wander...

The claim that all those similar devices are working in a same stand on some metal pads on the scale and also hold some stuff with same pads in your hads and through these pads some electricity,electromagnetic waves or ...shit has been passed through your body and as they said all diferent tishues in our body have diferent conductance...and by the amount that returns back to the pads,machine calculates how much you have bone tishue,muscle tishue water and fat...

Now all that makes sence...but one thing...if that's the principle that works..why would the scale asked you in the begining how old are you and how tall are you...

What i can smell there is some stupid equation made only for normal people and i'm pretty conviced that it gonna show for me like 25+ percent of bf...

Once in serbia there was this guy on the street with similar device and i was well somewhere around 15% and he measured me 27 or 28 and even started covincing me that is true...i was like...should i just knock him out or what...fucker:))) well he was a herba life guy so i guess i can't expect miracles from them...

So if my suspicion is true..i'm fucked...right..well there's this one thing giving me hope and that is measuring rhe improvement...

Now let's say first time it shows 25% and after a while i put on a kilo or two of muscles it might show like 22% wich is also not accurate but at least you are aware that you haven't gain pure fat or water..but it might just not work like that too:(((

Anyways...i'm expecting it tomorrow or after tomorrow and then we'll see...

Have a great weekend!!! the meanwhile:))

onsdag 6 november 2013

My latest order...

Hey ya all...wazz up... yesterday i had to sit down and make my order of supplements i need...

Usualy i do that once a month and i never wait to get totaly out of it...but when i see that i'm almost there...i take my laptop and do my shit...

So...first things first...protein powder...need it,love it have to have it...this time my option was quite simple with no suprises...

And by no suprises i mean...scitec delite...i mean..fuck me senseless how good is that choice this time was chocholate coconut but strawberry is as good...chocho-almond was not my cup of tea...pinapple i haven't tried but it might be good and i don't know wich more do they have...any way...awesome protein!

I also have seen this protein pudding,so i orderd 1kg of that too..before i was bumping into some protein puddings with like 25g protein,55g carbs of wich 45g suggars and like 17g of fat...well the only thing i can write to the company that produced it is...suck my dick... i can fuckin' make that kind of pudding with cream and protein powder and it's gonna have less calories...

This pudding has like 82g protein..2g carbs 2g fat...great...i can imagibe that it's not gonna taste like the one from mc fuckin' donalds but it also shouldn't!! stop are aminos...or eaas..i was looking for some good options...i can take powdered ones but if there are pills or tabs option i'll definitely go for them so...i was realy satisfied last time with that amino freak from pharmafreak but they were a bit pricey over this other ones so i went for the other ones..wich are mutant aminos...i don't know i've read alot of positive reviews about mutant product in general so i've decided to give it a go...

The final thing i needed was i've been using creatine many years back..and one thing i've learned is that the cheaper the better...and trust me on this one...creatin monohidrate is simple thing and in order for this companies start charging more for it they have developed this crustalized,hydrolized bullshit wich is nothing better than plain product...

So with creatin don't let thrm fool you...i orderd this biothech 1kg and i belive i'll be pleased...

After that i just took one chocholate syrup and caramel syrup from walden farms just to have something colorfull sometimes...and that's it...

They even gave me a t-shirt with their logo...gymgrossisten it's my tenth or something...but i'm wearing them only while i work...since i'm not gonna wear their fuckin' logo around since they told me to fuck of when i asked a sponsorship...i guess they like better their boys that look like somethin' i shit out this morning but...i won't start biching about it...

When i try out my stuff i'll let you know my appinion...take care you guys..

tisdag 5 november 2013

Good ol' burgers!!!

Ok for me...the best crappy chetin' food is by far good old burger...there's no better feeling than that first bite of that beefy heaven...god...fuck vegetarians:)))

No seriously..fuck em'....hehe..when does a vegetarian sense the meat in their mouth...:))).  I'm just kidding,let them eat what they want...more of them...more food for us!!!

Well this time i'm gonna explain to you how to make a perfect burger step by can make them literaly out of any protein...beef,chicken,fish you name it...of course choosing leaner cuts will give you cleaner food but shittier taste's your choice...

Usualy...a restaurant rule is not to go lower than 15% fat...but usualy it's around 20 so have that in your mind next time you order a burger and salad thinking that you eat clean:)),i'm gonna make a lamb burger..or burgers if you will...for that i need this...a nice piece of lamb...i figure mine here is about well let's say 7-8%

Seasoning...remember this cuz it's a winning combination with put a litle rosemary...but the main two things are thyme and garlic...i tried with fresh stuff for me it's just doesn't work as good as try it for yourself...

Of course salt and pepper the inevitable...maybe a bit of onions and paprika powder's optional...and the crutial ingredient for all burgers i don't care fish or beef is....baking powder!!!

It might sound weird but it's the only thing keeping that patty together...also gives a burger that fluffy inside that makes it jucier...

And in the end...water or even bubble water! This also might sound weird but minst has been broken down and the moist is getting out of it way quicker than from whole piece of meat..and having said need some extra water in the batter so when the water vaporizes it doesn't dry out the meat completely..

So spread your minst in a bowl...add all the seasoning and rule is...on  500g of meat you need 1dl of water...i have here around 300g so it'll be a bitt less...

So you mix this up so that seasoning spreads evenly in the batter,then add your baking powder around half a teaspoon is more than enough for me and mix it again...

Now remember the golden rule...less is better..the more you work that batter the more chewy and rubbery the burgers will be when keep it quck and gentle...

Form the patties..i personaly like 'em thicker but not too thick since i like mine to be well done...if you like yours pink...make them thicker and cook them less...easy!

Ok so now you do one thing use medium heat since i don't want that hard crust...i like it to be soft and one side like...three minutes, flip 'em and leave them like ona and a half minute on that other side and it should be good to go..

At this point there's nothin' to it but to do it...put them in a bun,wrap 'em in sald eat them as they are,boost them with cheese and bacon...put some sauce on 'em choices are use your imagination and .....enjoy:)))

If you've tried it and like it let me know...let me know if you didn't like it as well..see ya!!!