
måndag 11 november 2013


Hey everybody...i'm back...took a short break from writing but i can imagine nobody miss me so let's get goin'

Now,this is a huge subject these days...people are crazy with uploading their motivational videos online and as i see there's a big need for this...since most of these videos have massive amount of hits...

In my last blog i was writing about my motivation witch is very individual and i don't belive there are a lot of people that can relate to it but i also wrote that it's bullshit...

People don't need a motivation...if you don't wanna do it...don't...leave the gym or school or dance classes whatev''s like asking for a motivation for having don't need it...the only motivation for that is that you gonna feel good while doing it...and there you go...

My motivation was always related to my "previous life"... back in serbia and this i have today...and that's not just about the gym it's about every aspect of life...where we too often forget one major thing and that be grateful..

Too often we forget how blessed we are with having some everyday things that huge number of people is dreaming about.

Well when i sometimes start acting like a little cunt there's this other me telling me to shut the fuck up...and just think of how much my life changed many times over...

But..what i think about lack of motivation...the main reason why this is happening is because we were programed wrong...

How many times have had happened to you that you did a great job at work...everybody said you did good,you feel very proud of what you done...and as soon as you get home you fuck all your daily obligations and you just crash on the sofa and watch through tv untill you go to bed...

Well that's what's wrong...we were tuned to obey where we MUST and as soon as we have the option to choose we choose less...because now it's about your job it's about your boss or manager or who ever...but when it comes to give that same effort for you,for your life,for your're just too god damn week...

How wrong is should live your life because of you not because anybody need to become a center of the universe to yourself in order to be happy and also to be interesting to other people...

When your personality is a personality of a boring one will respect you and you'll never be able to finish what you've started and be detriment,and trustworthy and reliable...

Basicly your life and your existance will boil to one thing...serving others!

Even if you're in prison...take that havlf an hour before bed and do something for yourself...just to maintain the awareness that you still control your life,no matter what...

And don't be lazy...please,what ever you do don't get fucking lazy,it's a recepie for dissaster...and this one you can definitely take from me...cuzz before...i was a king of laziness...

I was so lazy that my own friend couldn't reckognize me after a few years not seeing me...

I belive that when everyday things stop being difficult for you to deal with than you can say you're mature...

Something fucked us up and i don't know can notice with kids...they can do stuff all day long and never get tired...they are curious,interested for everything and anything...and somehow we turn into these couch potatoes hating our lives...

Well we need to fight that...we need to get back and enjoy life and fight for it...

Laziness..the ruth of many evil...

Motivation...there's your,lift and love:))))))

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