
fredag 10 april 2015

Why Europe before USA...

Hey people....:))))

Today I wanna write about my conspiracy theory that again I agree this present moment!

Now,I would like you to stop thinking the conventional way for a second and try to think outside of your box as much as u can....

What does it take for one country to be appreciated by all the western civilization...

First u need to have the ultimate power in your country in one central whether you are the president,or the sheik or the king or whatever the fuck you need to be above all the people within your borders....

And second,even more need to be friends with western countries,respect their laws..blah,blah...

So there you go....quite easy right..yeah it's easy to say it...but to make it happen...not so much...

A country is a company...nothing more...and that company is run by the shareholders, who are telling their CEO's what they want and which direction they want their company to go...right...

But even those shareholders are very aware that their company might get a bit sloppy,less profitable and therefore they know that if that happens,they should sell their share and get out...

So basically they want their company to do good but,they have also the other option....sell your share and buy some other company's shares...simple!

So what does it take for you to do...if you let's say own a company that's doing ok but it could do better...and let's say you're dying...

What should you do to make sure that the company's future is in good hands and that new owners will fight all the way to protect the interests of you company....

What should you do...

Here's the need to give it away to  one single person...

That's why the most european countries are more merciful to their people than America...

In America health insurance sucks...but in Europe it doesn't...why....cuz the Europeans owners give away their money for health insurance....fuck no....people pay that...

You simply earn less money in order to have that....

Is that right or wrong I don't know it's not so simple but it definitely gives you the impression that your government gives more shit about you than in USA...

U EU would be pretty impossible to get the loan from a bank that you can't possibly handle with your income..cuz the owner will spank those banks like a little bitches if they do that...but in prob....

That was actually the reason for all the financial crisis they've had...their bankers couldn't care less if you can bare you're mortgages and know why...cuz  in America there's nobody above banksters....they ARE the owners....

So as I said in the present person owning a country is the best out of all shitty solution....and that person in Europe is....monarchy....that's been around for very long time:)))

My question is..if one person have the impression of ownership will do everything possible to keep things would it be if all people of the world would have the same impression....

My first guess would would be first form of equality in our history of mankind!

Have a nice weekend,friends😝😝😝

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