
måndag 18 maj 2015

What Is Life...☝🏽️☝🏽☝🏽

 The super rich and successful businessman start searching for an answer what is the meaning of life,why are we here,what's the purpose of our existence and since there was no one wise enough to give him these answers,he decides to go to the top of some mountain in some God forsaken place and pay a visit to the oldest wise man in the world!!! 

The expedition lasted for weeks...when they finally were there,they  made a camp in front of the wise man's cave and waited for three days to see the smoke signal which means that the wise man is ready to have a visit....

The businessman entered the cave...and after a short walk he sees an old man sitting on front of the fire with his eyes closed humming....

This is it...businessman's now or never!!!

He approaches the old man sits beside him,look at him and ask...

Master....what is life😟

The old man kept humming for a while and all the sudden stops...opens his eyes and says....


The businessman stands up slapps his forehead and goes HOLLY SHIT....

I thought that life is about living in abundance of everything...spending money,eating,drinking,taking drugs,partying having sex with beautiful women...oh my God..I was so wrong😢

..At that moment the old man jumpes and slapps his forehead and goes....HOLLY SHIT!!!

The businessman said...WHAT,WHAT😱

And the wise man says....AND I THOUGHT IT WAS A STUPID RIVER😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Have a nice week everybodeeeeyyyy❤️❤️❤️

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