
tisdag 14 maj 2013


You're on diet and you need sweetener for your oats,or maybe boiled rice or stuff...the question is...are you gonna die or get cancer if you eat them...

Who the fuck thinks this way...i know,most of the people ...but why...first thing they say is that sweeteners are non organic substances and therefor they are poison...first of all...most of'm aren't artificial...they're totaly natural,like sugar produced out if some herbs,plants or whatever and the only reason why they recomend them is because : need way less sweetener than sugar in order to bring your food to your level of 5-10 times less...

second:using sweetener won't give you that high level of blood sugar as table sugar and that's realy good..considering that those sudden ups and downs of blood sugar levels are great envirement for body to produce fat around your waist,butt,or where ever...

So basicly,i don't see why people are so fuckin' afraid of using these products...most of this same people smoke or drink...but...aspartam is a fucking cancer in a can...

I don't know how it works around the world but i know that sweden is extremely cautious when it's about this kinda stuff...i know that here,they banned hydroxycut,jacked 3d all the shit with a bit of suspition that it's unhealthy...hell,i was looking for centrum vitamins in a pharmacy store...first they didn't knew what it is and then...when i gave them an empty bottle the girl told me that it's too high with some shit inside and as such is not alowed to be sold in sweden... don't you think they would ban sweeteners as well...specialy because the fact that those sweeteners were made from the begining for diabetics or people with some condition that they are not alowed to eat sugar???

The one thing i personaly don't like about them is ...

First: most of them have 100g of carbs on 100g of product...yes it's stronger but still i want my carbs to be all from food not from sweetener...second...some of them are not sweet at all...i've tried that sukralose and it's just not sweet...i made a great meringue with it,because it holds the egg whites same way sugar does but i had to add another sweetener like stevia in order to get sweet meringue...
Second:some of them taste something beside sweet...stevia for exampel,has that burbon-ish aftertaste that i personaly don't have a problem with but my wife hates it...

Third: some sweeteners looses their sweet taste when put in boiled water or tea,coffee...whatev' you can sweeten only like...lemonade...or you need to wait for your tea to get cold to be able to drink it sweet...that's crap...

I personaly prefer liquid sweetener..wich is totaly calories free...wich mean 100% natural...NOT :) taste sweet as can cook it,it won't loose the sweetenes...actualy i prefer to preecook it even if my drink doesn't requires any cooking because i've noticed that i can have sometimes a burning sensation on my lips when i consume it uncooked...

Great accessoary when dieting,counting calories,decreasing, all of you healthy people...stay fat and fuck off..

..and take it from me...your fat will kill you ten million times faster than sweeteners ever will;)))

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