
onsdag 22 maj 2013

My Interview some of you might seen,a swedish bb-magasine "BODY" published my interview on several pages with huge hardcore photos all over the place...i was expecting it but still...the feeling when you go to a store,pick the latest issue,open it and there you see these awesome pics and your name can't be indifferent.

Now,i know that probably is a shellow of me but i don't wanna lie as well.the thing i also like very,very much is the way they're describing me in text...they say that they love me and that they think that i'm very nice person and that's realy how i would like for people to see me...beside just muscles. I truly belive that there's a lot of people out there who would be realy interested in bodybuilding but they think of bodybuilders very low so they just pick some other sport...

I would like to give my small contribution in chanhing that general opinion about all this,and i konw that the only way to do so is to try to be extra nice to people...and maybe sometimes even too nice,just to make my point...if the person is big doesn't necessarily mean that is also evil.

Any way,pictures turned out great...great text,great everything so i'm realy greatful and hopefuly they'll see much more of me in future...have a nice one,everybody:)))

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