
onsdag 7 januari 2015

George W. Bush and a Nobel Prize

Hey lovies😂😂😂😂...what to gay...ok...hey motherfuckers😎..

Today I added ony FB status that I think that George W. Bush will get a Nobel Prize for what he did during his presidency...

Okay...u might guess i'm pissed over this happening in france...and i am...and i'm also pissed for sydney caffé and british metro and ofc 9/11

Now...some prople who know me knows tht i am a conspiracy theorist and that i think 9/11 was an inside job..and it is true..i think it was...and i think it was inevitable and necessary to happen...

The only part i call an iside job was a provoking those terrorists to organize the attack and second ofc...letting them pulling it off...cuz everybody knew that they were about to strike it was a question of days but in those planes...I believe were actual terrorists!!!

Why...cuz it was necessary event to create the reason to start a war in middle east...and therefore it's a war on oil or on muslim world right???

Not really...cuz you know..there are a certain countries that just by some accident are muslim countries and do have a shit load of oil but they are not in war with the fuck is that possible...

It's possible because not all muslims are talibans..and there are alot of those who would integrate in the world and enjoy life  istead of sending suicide bombers all over the world and spreading death...

Our civilization needs to improve we need to put a man on a mars...figure out how can we make interstellar traveling possible...and we sure the fuck ain't gonna stop with all that over some group of retards who want to solve their problems with tnt...

Now you're saying doesn't usa solving problems with tnt and bombs and shit...i say yes they do...but i son't jave problem when they do tht...why...cuz they are civilized...they don't let men have twenty wifes...they don't stone their women to death cuz they were unfaithful...and i'm so fuckin sorry if you disagree with me...but let me tell you something...

I come from a bombed nato and usa...that bombing took lifes in made me spend time in demolished my gym...

Was it necessary u bet your fuckin ass it was necessary...i was there...IT WAS NECESSARY...

What should they supposed to do let slobodan milosevic do what ever the fuck he think he start with throwing fuckin grenades on people's heads untill they realize tht the man who they have elected is making them suffer...and they...the people is responsible to clean their own shit...which eventually they did...they've sent his ass to haag scheveningen where he was tried for war crimes and before the end of a trial he died...

Norway is loaded with oil...why usa doesn't attack them...cuz they're not retards...the war on terror is a war on primitivism and i agree with it 100%

What about all those American lifes lost in all those wars....well I'm sorry but that's kinda a soldier's could work at McDonalds right...

Well some of us don't want to work at there...some likes guns and to serve and protect...well...there's their chance.

Anyways I feel for all those lost lifes in France but...we don't really even understand how deep we are in war with ourselves!!!

The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing

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