
torsdag 23 augusti 2018

Because you do need it!

Hey now:)))

I’m enjoying my vacation like all in,but this is something I’ve been thinking about for very long time..

Many women are wrapped up in this hamster wheel and again my first guest of what’s the MEN...

What do you need as a human being?


But you also need to be social and to have sex.

The last two are not required for survival but we need it...a lot!
Like a person is a murderer we deprive them of their freedom and even worse their need for socializing with other people!

So it’s a punishment right?

Well same goes for without sex is a punishment!

Sure you can survive without it but you need it to function normally and optimally...

So why I’m I constantly hearing this same thing from women over and over again...

No I don’t need sex,I’d rather have no sex than with someone wrong!

Listen I get’d rather jerk off than to be with some asshole who’s gonna treat me like shit!

Yes,in that case you’re right..but it’s not black and white with anything basically!

Can you maybe find a regular fuck friend that is respectful and normal until you find someone who’s gonna cover both your emotional and physical needs?

No you can’t because most of women would never dare to say it like that...why?

Because they don’t wanna sound like hoes or they’re not triggered as young girls!

Have you ever thought about why men say they need sex and fuck until they cum and women are opposite...they say they don’t need sex and that it’s not important to cum?

Because men were explained why and how and women were poisoned by idiocy!

Ladies...who thought you what do you need to to get from your partner in order to cum...nope!

Women supposed to have more of that education simply because women’s orgasm is more complex than men’s!

Instead,girls are left behind to figure out by themselves.

Listen a lot of women are fortunate enough to have someone to tell them,show them,guide them,but soooo many if them are clueless...

It comes to being lucky’re parents don’t tell you that a guy who doesn’t care about your pleasure is wrong for you should pray to God to send you a normal and experienced guy who will tell you and show you these things,or if your close friends are experienced enough to tell you!

Of course the first thing that makes a huge impact to most women is that no boys have been taught to have as less women as possible,but women were told by someone that guys don’t respect women who have had many partners...

And there you go..scared for life!

A baby that was birn with perfect vision but never exposed to light will eventually get blind!

Will that baby later miss,he or she can live and feel normally without ever missing vision..but life without vison is not as great as with it!

Same goes for sex!

If you were taught that sex is for grown ups and it’s not nice for little girls to ask those kind of question your sexuality was decreased by huge percentage...

That’s the reason why you can live a “normal” life without needing’s a scar in your subconsciousness,don’t listen to it!!!!

Everything that makes you feel sexy,sexual and horny is good for you, and people who tell you the opposite are not people that deserve your respect,time and energy!

This doesn’t mean that these people hate you,it means that they’re dumb and you should not take their advices about this!

What if they’re my parents?

Well you’re parents aren’t the greatest psychoanalysts that decideed to create a divine being,but just two people who fucked!

Love you all😘😘😘

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