My friend asked me to help him with writing a few words on this subject cuz he needs this for his job...
The guy is like a computer programmer,so why the fuck would he need this at his job who knows but...the funniest part is that he asked for help a person with six and a half years of education..but I don't judge😂😂😂
...and then we grew up...
What happened with most of us and exactly when did it happened that from careless individuals we become sad,depressed and chronically unsatisfied...
When I say we got older,I'm not thinking age wise but more losing interest in most things we once liked!
What's the difference between us as kids and us now...
I believe that the secret lies in learning!!!
When you are a kid...everything you experience is more or less new in your try to explore it,find out it's purpose,benefits,ups and downs...but when you get older and start doing this "older people should do"..u forget about a crucial reason of our existence and that is progress...
At some point we lose the hunger for that progress and get quite numb about life,because all we can think of is how to maintain our present status and position!!!
And that's fine...if you're eighty and all you can get from life is another day...but not for a younger person.
Actually we can see those super successful very old people still fighting and working on their new a cool is that!
As human beings we need progress at least in some aspect of our life in order to feel ourselves useful and basically...alive...
Most people try to compensate that lack of progress with some of the conventional source of entertainment....
TV,video games,partying,drinking but...we are all very aware that that can never give us that feeling of satisfaction as doing something constructive....something that counts...
Knowing this...we should ask ourselves what would we like to do instead of what would we like to have...therefore I believe it's really smart to find a job that will give us that challenge from within that's gonna hold us in that thinking zone which will give us that precious feeling fulfilling our purpose in this world,making others and ourselves better day in day out...
Of course,once you go through a personal development in a certain sphere and you make a significant difference it will be ten times easier to apply your way of handling things in other aspects of your life too...
Not always you gonna make an absolute touchdown but as long as you go to bed most of your nights knowing that you are a better,stronger,more knowledgeable or simply happier're on a right track....
Yes sometimes it's gonna seem you're totally off the track can travel by car to...well... Paris with seeing only a few hundred meters in front of you...cuz you don't need to actually see the Paris in order to know it's there... might take a wrong turn,or a longer route but...that is also a very important lesson I've learned through the years...
I always try to enjoy the trip as same as I enjoy the destination!
It might sound pretty simple and easy when I say it like this so usually there's got to be a catch in all this...
You're right there is..and it's called discipline or self management!!!
There's a saying that power without control is useless or I would even say dangerous...
There's no potential in this world that will reach it's peak without hard work,structure and a plane...
It can't be applied on my Paris story from a second ago...imagine u sit in your car and without having a basic knowledge of reading the map,no GPS,no plan where you going to sleep how much fuel u need...nothing just sit and drive hoping that you'll reach Paris...
What are the odds for that to happen huh....very poor...
So one of the hardest thing with reaching a certain goal is discipline and consistency in whatever you do...I don't care if we're talking about dropping ten kilos or becoming a CEO of the company...u need to have a structure!!!
They say that if you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe...then you'll be successful...I can't agree more with it.
Because as soon as you start doing something good in your life.. you'll immediately start seeing people behind you that are giving up...
How sad is that...and I know that their quitting can't be basically for two things...
First..they don't believe in theirselves and second they are not passionate enough about their goals...and that is simply a poor choice of goals,nothing else...
Failure is a habit...I know that now...losing your battles makes you feel like it's okay to lose the next one too.
But that's not what successful people are made of...They do what they say and say what they do...period!!!
I started with a simple drill of my responsibility...
In the night when I'm in bed..i name to myself five things I will do tomorrow before I go to bed...NO MATTER WHAT!!!
These things can be very simple things such as...doing the laundry,or change the light bulb in a hole way,or managing your playlist on your mp3...never mind...
But matter what...before you go to need all these things done...and until you're not done you don't let yourself go to bed...because your words need to have a real meaning,you're promises need to be bulletproof,and you need to be a reliable don't even exist.
That strength,that ability is exactly what differes winner from loser,success from failure and mediocrity from excellence!
From when I was aware about my existence I wanted to be that person...a person that clearly knows his goals and is ready to make super human efforts in realization of whatever those goals are...
I want to be that guy who's legacy makes proud all the people in his life including himself:)
Thank you everyone🙏🏽❤️💯
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