I don't know why I'm writing this but I don't know alot of stuff so..I'll just gođ
Single people like to fuck married people!
Well...of course you have an example where a girl meets a guy in a bar,takes him home and find out later on that he's married...that's not the subject today..
But even so...I think that trying to fuck up someone's solid marriage is like trying to make a hole ina concrete wall with a toothpick...it won't happen!
But I had alot of examples from before where single people were fucking some married ones and the single ones were almost always bragging about it like it's a big deal...
Well...most of the single people especially those who's mouth are always full of stuff like...I love being alone,I don't need anyone...I could never in prison myself...are actually the most depressed ones...
That talk about how they feel good and shit are actually just a confirmation messages to themselves...notning else!
So when they fuck a married man or a woman they brag about it all over the place...
This makes them feel better about being alone cuz they think they've proved the point that marriage is shit...and that there's no such thing as real love:)))
Point to the matter is that...the fact that you fucked up someone's marriage proves that the person u fucked is disturbed in the exact same way as you are and that shouldn't never gotten married until he or she gets sure about things they really want from life...
That marriage was not solid,yes...but that doesn't prove that no marriage in the world isn't solid...because the ones they are..makes you soooooo fuckin sad!
That's your sickness right there...en envy...
En envy u feel towards people who love eachother,people who are faithful to eachother,respectful to eachother and people who decided to grow old together.
This story is very sad...cuz I don't hate here...I feel sorry...because I never focus on what someone did,but more on why!
Why do you hate,why can't you be happy,who or what hurt you and made you that way...
So be smart and instead of hating and envying,start by being alone in the room asking yourself these questions...
Have a great weekend everyone❤️❤️❤️
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