Well I thought I should write a bit about our plans for this summer vacation...not that I think someone gives a fuck but still.
The original plan from the beginning was that my wife and I simply skip traveling this summer,considering that she changed her job and she's still new there,alot to learn and also our income is not quite as it was before...
So we said fuck it...we'll stay here in Stockholm this summer and that's it...
But her boss told her that July is a dead month and that she needs to take at least two weeks off.
We sat and thought through everything and decided since we'll gonna be leaving at least we can leave as long as possible...
One month..four weeks..her boss approved..mine too so..we bought the tickets...
It was not fun at all since we paid more than double comparing to previous years when we had everything booked before March..but it is how it is...
So..now..all I have to do is to prepare myself for not training as much as I do,not eating the way I do...and to speak waaaay more than I usually do:)))
I mean I'm not complaining or anything it's just that it's so hard for me to switch my life style from discipline and structure about everything to...well..LIFE..PERIOD😂😂😂
I feel like an old fart,I know but what can I say...my sport and my life is about routes and it hard to just do less of that on demand..cuz it sure doesn't come naturally😬😬😬
Anyhoo...It always feels good seeing my people there,my family,my friend...get together,have some nice food and nice cozy family time...that's actually all the memories I get to keep on those cold Swedish days and I got to say it feels really warm and lovey:))))
Everyday life and things easily makes you forget that u are a human being very capable of loving and apparently very loved as well...and we all want to be loved right:))))
This year we're not gonna go somewhere warm meaning Greece,Turkey,Spain and suff...first of all we would have enough cash these days..but also,I've noticed that the prices went quite up this summer..maybe I'm imagining due to tha money deficit but I don't think so...
There is a possibility that my wife and I go to Montenegro on a few days but honestly I'd rather not..cuz traveling from Serbia to Montenegro is more exhausting than...traveling from Stockholm to Serbia so I don't know...it's more about my wife and her mom...since she would like us to go there and meet her at their house over there...anyway..we'll see about that...
Anyway July is now reserved for,going to Serbia...alot of sun,alot of dear people,and of course a but of training and who knows....maybe some drinking too😜
Take it easy ya all😘
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