
tisdag 9 juni 2015

When you get older u do stuff...

Heya friends❤️❤️❤️
Recently I been analyzing my friendships before....when I was young and now when I'm...well...👨😂😂😂

Anyhow...before when I was younger it was easy for me to make friends...ok when u live in a small town it's way easier but still I had more people coming into my life,knowing stuff about me and what I do,how I think and also I was finding out all that about them too...

Nowadays it's not so easy...

Even though I had a few people that I had a coffee with..I simply couldn't find enough interest of repeating that again and again...

With some it was only one coffee,with some several but after a while it just got so awkward sitting in some café blabbing same shit over and that made me think...

What does it takes for me to have interest of keeping up with someone on a long term?

Well first answer would be that I would have to fuck that person,but since I'm a bit married....that's not really an option...

And the million dollar answer is..we need to do stuff...

When I was younger I could spend days with doing absolutely nothing and if I have a company ever better...

Nowadays I can't make myself to sit down and watch a whole movie for fuck a movie theater I feel I'm gonna go nuts after an hour...

So,what happened...I got older...I need people that have similar interests as I do and we need to do that stuff together...that's what's making a bond between two grown ups...

I mean sure,conversations are nice absolutely but only if they are going somewhere..if they are about serious problems of points of view and specially if they are about me or the othe person...

But as I said..after a while I want to do something in a company of a friend we can walk,train,clean,cook food listen to some good music,but just meaningless hanging out I think I grew over...

On the other hand...I have so little time to share with anyone that staying by myself is probably the best option😀😀😀

Take care ya all😘😘😘

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