
tisdag 30 juni 2015

Spiritual gay

Hey ma people whazz up😛😛😛

I want to write about something that I keep seeing over and over again...and I don't know if it pisses me off or makes me sad...or both😉

I was writing before about how much I don't like to talk to people that are gay and don't want to bring that I'm a person,my sexuality is irrelevant...

Well to me..sexuality is something that shapes you and if you don't want to talk about are not comfortable about who you are and if you're not comfortable about who you shouldn't be talking to me but to a psychiatrist.

However..I believe that there are a HUGE number of people that are partially gay...

What is that,right:)))

Well let me start from men but the same goes for women too...

As a man..a real,full blooded,pussy eating man...I always used to be comfortable in talking about my emotions with girls...

I always wanted to spend time with girls,to hang out with them to talk to them to ask them about their pussies and stuff:))))

Although I do have a few male friends... they are people I know forever and sure I can talk about anything in front of them...but when it comes to new relationships...I'm always more comfortable with women rather than men

But u know those guys who are like in a relationship  with a girl and everything seems very normal and casual...but they always need a "guys night" used to even fuck a lot of gals before could never felt about them when they were really truly in love with some girl...

Those guys are spiritual gays!

Like..for sex they could use a woman and all...but I can tell that if they were alone in let's say Thailand...and were able to do whatever..they would probably tried to fuck a boy or something...

But even so..they are completely unable to spiritually connect themselves with another woman...almost they couldn't understand them women are..THEM...those other beings...with pussy....

I believe those guys would be way happier to share their life with another guy,even if they don't want to have sex with him,just to feel like they are with their  soulmate...

Unfortunately....those guys would never let themselves revealed in that way so they chose marriage with a woman and use every chance they get to spend time with guys...

So fuckin sad...right...yeah...but the part that pisses me off is that due to their lack of balls they marry some poor sweetheart who always gonna feel she's not enough not realizing that the only way for her to be enough to her husband is to hava a cock!

Have a nice day😘😘😘

måndag 29 juni 2015

Strong woman

Hey guys how's your Monday:)))

I was writing a lot about my perception of female strength and how I think it should be manifested...but basically most these things can be applied to men but...fuck men..😎

I'm seeing these women everywhere with...what I believe are...a clear signs that there's no fuckin around with them that they are free to do what ever they want and independent in every way that modern woman should be.. know what they say about the guy who always brags about his big cock..usually he's having a micro-dick!

So...most likely those gals who are having those signs about they won't take anybody's shit..are deeply hurt and probably very scared and insecure persons...

You know those ones who can hear in every sentence,every joke how women get to be victims of cruelty of evil men..

These girls can't basically even joke with their friends...pretty similar like those chronically politically correct people...u know boring as fuck ones😂

Now...of course I know there are sexist pigs among men...a alot...but until you are certain about it...try to relax for fuck sake....

Like jokes about blondes they are not there to put down's a fuckin joke laugh for fuck sake..what u don't find it funny...well that's because you're a cunt..nothing else!

Here is an example..I used to work as a security guard..and of course I was young and scared and all that stuff...

So what did me and my friends do.....we used to dress up in a way where you can clearly see our muscles,we were always we wanted to show others how dangerous we were...

But...that was only a clear indicator of how scared we were..

On the other hand..there was a guy..our chief..a true badass...a guy that was doing some crazy shit in his career...

He was always dressed up normally..he was always smiling and talked to everyone...totally relaxed..

That guy was like he had his fear surgically removed when he was born...

He was and still is the strongest guy I know,ready 24/7..and he knew that when the shit hits the fan he's gonna beat them all..if he can't..he's gonna pull out his gun and kill as much as possible... know why he was relaxed and smiling...because he wasn't playing tough...he was tough...

All the girls I know that we're saying shit such as..if my husband even touches me...I'll fuckin kill him,I'll fuckin cut off his dick,I'll fuckin...whatever...were the ones that kept their mouth shut while their hubbies were fucking whores around!

So my dear....I'm not girly..I'm a nasty bich..ladies..relax...😉

If you're tough you're tough...if you not you're not..and playing something you're not is only making you look pretty fuckin ridiculous...ok?

Good thing about Sweden is that you don't have to be tough in order to stop someone bullying just call the cops or get divorced...OR....try to make a non-retarded selection in the first place 😊😊😊

Habe a great week everyone:))))

fredag 26 juni 2015

Why married people?

Hello you guys...

I don't know why I'm writing this but I don't know alot of stuff so..I'll just go😀

Single people like to fuck married people!


Well...of course you have an example where a girl meets a guy in a bar,takes him home and find out later on that he's married...that's not the subject today..

But even so...I think that trying to fuck up someone's solid marriage is like trying to make a hole ina concrete wall with a won't happen!

But I had alot of examples from before where single people were fucking some married ones and the single ones were almost always bragging about it like it's a big deal...

Well...most of the single people especially those who's mouth are always full of stuff like...I love being alone,I don't need anyone...I could never in prison myself...are actually the most depressed ones...

That talk about how they feel good and shit are actually just a confirmation messages to themselves...notning else!

So when they fuck a married man or a woman they brag about it all over the place...

This makes them feel better about being alone cuz they think they've proved the point that marriage is shit...and that  there's no such thing as real love:)))

Point to the matter is that...the fact that you fucked up someone's marriage proves that the person u fucked is disturbed in the exact same way as you are and that shouldn't never gotten married until he or she gets  sure about things they really want from life...

That marriage was not solid,yes...but that doesn't prove that no marriage in the world isn't solid...because the ones they are..makes you soooooo fuckin sad!

That's your sickness right there...en envy...

En envy u feel towards people who love eachother,people who are faithful to eachother,respectful to eachother and people who decided to grow old together.

This story is very sad...cuz I don't hate here...I feel sorry...because I never focus on what someone did,but more on why!

Why do you hate,why can't you be happy,who or what hurt you and made you that way...

So be smart and instead of hating and envying,start by being alone in the room asking yourself these questions...

Have a great weekend everyone❤️❤️❤️

Train hard or don't train at all☝🏽️

Heya people😀😀😀

Recently I ran into this pic with this quote and I don't know of it's a Tom Platz's quote since he's in the picture but I simply couldn't agree more!

People approach me,ask me all different stuff...and not that those stuff aren't important but whenever I ask them about their workout,they be like...oh I train fuckin great..I'm killin' it,I'm badass..and shit...but the truth is so far from that...

I see people every day in the gym...doing nothing...and when I say nothing I mean in respect of what they want to achieve..

Cuzz let's face it...99 percent of people that go to the gym are not going there just to be healthy...they want to look good...lean,strong,trained,pumped,sexy and stuff...healthy...that too but..c'mon:)))

So if you're going there already why the fuck u don't do 100 percent instead of doing just simple activation of your muscles and leave???

Why..I tell you why...because you don't have enough mental energy!

I'm not talking about being intelligent here...I'm talking being mentally strong because in the gym...PAIN IS GOOD!!!

Not pain like injuring yourself...but that pain you get when the shit starts to get heavy...mentally weak people will stop as soon as they feel that... when mentally strong people feel it...they get excited,and driven and feeling that they're on the right track!

It's been proven that if you experience a muscle failure at the 10th repetition of some exercise...the 60-70 percent stimulate you get from the whole that set.. is coming from the 9th and 10th repetition!!!

In another're not shocking your muscles with little can only shock it with hundred percent...

Why shock???
Well if you want to look different than a year ago you need to push your body to become able to do stuff that a year ago wasn't able to do..very easy...

Well..easier said than done...because most people are just lazy or scared...

Scared of pain,scared of new,scared of unknown and be sure that everyone get scared but very few chose to ignore it.

Who u want to be?

torsdag 25 juni 2015

Do not try to beat the talent...

Hey ya all..😊😊😊

I've been writing about talent,what it means and also how much is important in order for one person to succeed...

Well....that depends on what do you mean by becoming successful...

What does that means that I wake up in the morning and go to bed at night with a thought of being better than before or at least know that I'm onto something that I assume it will lead me to where I want to be...

Have you noticed something in my description of success...

It was all about the words "I"..."me".."myself"...I never mentioned a single person other then me in my definition of success.

That's how I roll..that's how I keep up with my shit..and that the best drive for me to do stuff I need and want to do...because it's all about me....

As soon as it starts being about other people's response,reaction,opinions I'm fucked...and I'm pretty confident that same goes for everyone else...

Let's stick with the simple stuff...bodybuilding...

When I focus on me and my personal development in that way...I'm a real success..hands down..I stuck on this way of living for bigger chunk of my life,did some quite visible transformation,and when I look in the mirror...I like what I see...

But let's say I start comparing myself with world champions...

Well in that case I pretty much suck...I'm nowhere near them,they are bigger,better, leaner,making a living from,I'm a complete loser..right..

In the first case,complaining myself with me,and in second one it was the same person I was talking about...same the only difference is that when I was comparing myself to me...I used words such as..great,awesome,success,good looking..but as soon as I stated to compare myself to other I used words like..I suck,I'm a loser...

You can never be successful without being happy from the know why...because the only success in this world IS HAPPINESS!!!

This lead to my point of competing with a true talent,story...

It's not possible...period...if a person has a gift in some way,that person can be ten times less dedicated and achieve more than you can with a 110% effort...

And then you get frustrated,you hate,and you become an evil little cunt,blaming everyone else but you...but true to the matter is you are not gifted to become what you want to become and that's it!

Here you go...this is my friend...she is not my client...well long time ago she used ro be,that's actually how me met,but I take no credit on how she looks..I wish I can:)))

This girl is very active and sporty person,she works as a personal trainer but she never had interest in competing in fitness or anything...just a girl who likes sports...

Now..she's a friend...a good friend...and so I know how and what she eats...and I can tell you right now...she doesn't use her kitchen scale to measure her food,she doesn't have a personalized diet for her body type,and her activities levels...she's a fuckin vegetarian for fuck sake...😂

This morning she sent me this selfie where you can clearly see a body of an athlete...but what she wrote is quite irritating tho....😀

She more Nutella😉

Again I know this girl...she's not bullshittin when she say used to eat Nutella every fuckin day,bread,greasy stuff,and look like this..

Summer arrives....she spends like a week at swimming she a fuckin rock hard...and she doesn't even lift for Christ sake:))))

I remember when she was my client I asked her can she do dips...stupid me...she started doing dips easier then I walk...and then she stopped not because she got tired but cuz she felt uncomfortable with all the pussyboys in the gym started watching her😂😂😂

How in the world are you playing to compete with that...

I'm telling you...if she'd started lifting and do the diet and you know....the whole package...she would fuck up so many people in the fitness industry,but luckily for them...she's not interested in that....yet😬😬😬

How long you need to go to a music school in order to become Mozart???
You can't....he was born that way..try to play your music as best as you can and forget about becoming Mozart...cuz if you have that inside of'll become one without even noticing... yourself with you...keep competing with you,and when the time comes when you get compared with other,just relax and know that you've done YOUR best...cuz that's all you possibly could...and be happy:))))

måndag 22 juni 2015

Why Personal Development and Self Management are Vital to Living and Successful and Happy Life

My friend asked me to help him with writing a few words on this subject cuz he needs this for his job...

The guy is like a computer programmer,so why the fuck would he need this at his job who knows but...the funniest part is that he asked for help a person with six and a half years of education..but I don't judge😂😂😂


At some point of our life we were all happy and satisfied with what we had....

...and then we grew up...

What happened with most of us and exactly when did it happened that from careless individuals we become sad,depressed and chronically unsatisfied...

When I say we got older,I'm not thinking age wise but more losing interest in most things we once liked!

What's the difference between us as kids and us now...

I believe that the secret lies in learning!!!

When you are a kid...everything you experience is more or less new in your try to explore it,find out it's purpose,benefits,ups and downs...but when you get older and start doing this "older people should do"..u forget about a crucial reason of our existence and that is progress...

At some point we lose the hunger for that progress and get quite numb about life,because all we can think of is how to maintain our present status and position!!!

And that's fine...if you're eighty and all you can get from life is another day...but not for a younger person.

Actually we can see those super successful very old people still fighting and working on their new a cool is that!

As human beings we need progress at least in some aspect of our life in order to feel ourselves useful and basically...alive...

Most people try to compensate that lack of progress with some of the conventional source of entertainment....

TV,video games,partying,drinking but...we are all very aware that that can never give us that feeling of satisfaction as doing something constructive....something that counts...

Knowing this...we should ask ourselves what would we like to do instead of what would we like to have...therefore I believe it's really smart to find a job that will give us that challenge from within that's gonna hold us in that thinking zone which will give us that precious feeling fulfilling our purpose in this world,making others and ourselves better day in day out...

Of course,once you go through a personal development in a certain sphere and you make a significant difference it will be ten times easier to apply your way of handling things in other aspects of your life too...

Not always you gonna make an absolute touchdown but as long as you go to bed most of your nights knowing that you are a better,stronger,more knowledgeable or simply happier're on a right track....

Yes sometimes it's gonna seem you're totally off the track can travel by car to...well... Paris with seeing only a few hundred meters in front of you...cuz you don't need to actually see the Paris in order to know it's there... might take a wrong turn,or a longer route but...that is also a very important lesson I've learned through the years...

I always try to enjoy the trip as same as I enjoy the destination!

It might sound pretty simple and easy when I say it like this so usually there's got to be a catch in all this...

You're right there is..and it's called discipline or self management!!!

There's a saying that power without control is useless or I would even say dangerous...

There's no potential in this world that will reach it's peak without hard work,structure and a plane...

It can't be applied on my Paris story from a second ago...imagine u sit in your car and without having a basic knowledge of reading the map,no GPS,no plan where you going to sleep how much fuel u need...nothing just sit and drive hoping that you'll reach Paris...

What are the odds for that to happen huh....very poor...

So one of the hardest thing with reaching a certain goal is discipline and consistency in whatever you do...I don't care if we're talking about dropping ten kilos or becoming a CEO of the company...u need to have a structure!!!

They say that if you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe...then you'll be successful...I can't agree more with it.

Because as soon as you start doing something good in your life.. you'll immediately start seeing people behind you that are giving up...

How sad is that...and I know that their quitting can't be basically for two things...

First..they don't believe in theirselves and second they are not passionate enough about their goals...and that is simply a poor choice of goals,nothing else...

Failure is a habit...I know that now...losing your battles makes you feel like it's okay to lose the next one too.

But that's not what successful people are made of...They do what they say and say what they do...period!!!

I started with a simple drill of my responsibility...

In the night when I'm in bed..i name to myself five things I will do tomorrow before I go to bed...NO MATTER WHAT!!!

These things can be very simple things such as...doing the laundry,or change the light bulb in a hole way,or managing your playlist on your mp3...never mind...

But matter what...before you go to need all these things done...and until you're not done you don't let yourself go to bed...because your words need to have a real meaning,you're promises need to be bulletproof,and you need to be a reliable don't even exist.

That strength,that ability is exactly what differes winner from loser,success from failure and mediocrity from excellence!

From when I was aware about my existence I wanted to be that person...a person that clearly knows his goals and is ready to make super human efforts in realization of whatever those goals are...

I want to be that guy who's legacy makes proud all the people in his life including himself:)

Thank you everyone🙏🏽❤️💯

How much carb is enough???

Hey everyone...Monday fun day,huh;)

This weekend I read some articles written by a bodybuilder that has been competing for many years back explaining how much carbs do we need..

He said...carbs are the basis source of energy to our body and necessary for brain to function...

When we want to lose fat..we need to decrease the intake of carbs and that should be done in a way where we need to cycle carbs constantly...

One day we should eat medium amount which is 100g carbs a day then go low such as 50g or even zero carbs a day...and we should also have days where we're eating 150-200g of carbs a day and this should be a refeed day!

For some people this works fine and I get that...but writing this as a definition of how to diet is just retarded!

We have seen through the years how alot of pro bb are dieting and you have alot of them claiming how they need to go very low on carbs..sure..but what about Dorian Yates then...the guy used to eat like 350-450g of carbs a day..while losing do you explain that???

What steroids...yeah..Dorian used to take steroids and othe bodybuilders were all natural...I'm sorry that's just stupid!

No body works the same..and until u realize that u won't be able to personalize your diet and carb intake to you specifically...

From Cris Acetto's book but also from other literature we agreed on one thing....if you have just a little bit too much insulin in your won't be able to burn fat..

So the guys who r into calories in calorie out shit are already here in the beginning completely out...

You eat a certain amounts of carbs and you get a higher blood sugar levels...then your body starts production that insulin in order to level down that blood sugar and there you go..your fat burning have been stopped!!!!

So what's the our bodies deferres from one another???

It's all about how your body manages carbs

Remember this next time you copy-paste someone else's shit and apply it to yourself!!!

This is related and connected to all different kinds of stuff starting from your history of diabetes and obesity in the family all the way to your childhood and even today's lifestyle and relationship with food...

Some people can manage hundreds of carbs pretty good without those blood glucose spikes and therefore they can eat more carbs...some,are carb sensitive and they need to decrease carbs in order to do anything about their fat burning and that's just the way it is...

So to me...actually the best way to establish how do you react to carbs is to do what doctors do when they want to check your blood sugar and insulin levels..

They make you come to them without eating anything for I don't know how long like maybe 12 hours and then they give you a sugar water to drink...

Then they monitor your blood sugar levels like...right after,15min after,half an hour,one hour two and three hours after and they learn how your body manages sugar..simple!

Those measurements can be soooo different from person to person that it's mind blowing..

From there some will be able to eat pretty solid amount of carbs and function normally,some will have to go on low carbs,but some will even have to go on keto diet with no carbs at it really depends of a person.

So...I guess bodybuilding is not just lifting heavy objects after all..there's some thinking as well😉

Have a nice week😘

lördag 20 juni 2015

Yulin festival....

Hey everyone...what's up...hope you're having a great weekend...

Here in Sweden we had this Friday off ass well so it's one extra day of chill:)))

I'm seeing this petition on FB constantly about this Chinese festival called Yulin where people ove there have a feast made of dog meat...
Those motherfucking animals huh....killing those poor dogs so they can eat them...whatta a monsters right???

Yeah,yeah...most people from the  developed countries would judge them and tried to stop that madness that's goon' on out there..I know...

But we as human..mentally challenged...beings still can't fuckin get how you're solving problems...

When a guy rapes a five year old kid...all we fuckin think of is how the rapist should be punished...that's because we are afraid of what we don't understand...

In order to solve the problem we need to start understanding why would someone rape a kid...what differes that person from me who would like to fuck women and not rapping them...

What I'm normal and he's ass...there's no such thing as crazy in that matter...he is a product of his environment..of his fucked up childhood  and nothing demons in him,no  evil just emphasized human potential in a very wrong direction...

Tell me one thing you..developed country morherfuckers..have you ever felt hunger u fuckin spoiled piece of shit...

Hunger that won't go away as soon as your mommy gets bk from a grocery store with three bags full of food...but hunger that is constantly present...and it won't go away..hunger that you go to bed with and wake up with..because you don't have enough food...

Do you have any fuckin idea how degrading that you don' think about it next time when you start judging someone who's hungry from you leader sofa,watching your flat TV...

Dog are animals same as pigs are....not more not find them cute...fine I find em cute I won't eat em...that's it...

Those people have a cheap source of food in dogs so they are using it...

Probably...if they could they would rather go to the supermarket and buy some nice juicy steak...but that shit will never happen...

So if you consider yourself more developed than those poor people than think about what the world could change to make a difference for that reality not what those people should do and change...they are fucked up...they can't change too much...

You're civilized...great!!!! than think of a   way to solve this problem,not by punishment but by constructive ideas!

Have a nice weekend ya all...hope you're all nice and comfy in your fine homes over there😏

onsdag 17 juni 2015

You are NOT beautiful just the way you are!!!

Heya people what's up😀

Today I'm thinking about shitting on people some more:))))

Since I understand that in most of my articles I probably gonna be misunderstood...I say fuck it...

I write "pussyboy",all guys with less muscles than me get offended...I write retarded bodybuilders with tattoos and beard all the sudden...well that one is pretty much true😂😂😂😂

Pussyboy is only the guy with less muscles than me...that compares himself with me,or even hate me...okay...and tattoos are good looking on a nice SLIM bodies and beard suit to soft features pretty guys OKAY???

Fuck it...I can explain this everyday you'll still behave like a little cunts!

You know when parents say to their children that they are beautiful and like the kid is ugly as shit...that a fuckin sin!!!.

Don't get me wrong...I know that every child is the most beautiful to its parents but...don't you think that is an irrelevant thing???

Unless you're planning to be your children's boyfriend or a girlfriend or both...I suggest you prepare your child for a real world...

In reality most people respond better to a beautiful person it's simply how we're made...

Since the ancient times we were picking who should we mate with in order to have healthy offsprings...

Okay here I'm saying that ugly peoples should die and ugly kids should be thrown in see..right...??? point is that regardless of how your kid look like u as parents should only learn them how to be comfortable with all their imperfections in order to be able to be happy later in life!

If you're keep telling an ugly kid or even a beautiful're the most beautiful,you're the most beautiful...first of all you're lying cuz even if it's beautiful it's not the most beautiful and second you're creating the awareness inside your kid that being beautiful is very,very important in life so what the kid grow up and realize there are people way more beautiful then him or have a severe depression right there,then after that there are all the issues that follows all that and in two steps you've created a monster!

You are not beautiful and it's totally fine...

The Eurovision song is all about that...where they want to show people that u can be successful and loved and appreciated without being conventionally beautiful,normal looking but you can be fat,thin,black,white,gay,straight hell you can be a girl with a cock and still win everything!!!

Recently I talked to a Serbian guy...and he was letting me know that he is pro-Russia and totally against western world...I kept my mouth shut until he started asking me what do I think:))))

I told wish that Putin gets cancer and die and Obama to rule the world...

The guys eyes were about to pop out since I suppose to think the other way he asked me with a disappointed tone..."that ngger to rule the world"?

I was like...I don't have a problem that he's black but I would rather like him to be black and when he start bombing some retarded country like Serbia...I'd like them to know that the guy who's fucking not just black..but also a gay black!!!!

Have a nice one ya all😘😘😘

måndag 15 juni 2015

Improvising food during vacation...

Hey everyone...r u gonna kill it this week...oh yeah💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

Recently I've published that my wifey and I are leaving to Serbia for four weeks in July,and for me...that's always an expedition:))))

Usually people are looking forward to have their vacations cuzz they can behave the way they can't or not allowed to at their home countries,cities...

Me...I'm totally the opposite of that...I like everything about my everyday life so the only part I would like to do less is work...

But even that is questionable cause you know that I cook food for living so...that thing never stops for me regardless where I am...and that brings the much I actually don't work:-/

Frankly I'm pretty comfortable with it..I love my life,my wife,my sport,my everyday so I don't need to change that radically in order to feel good...

Of course in Serbia I don't get only to sit in the sun and chill..I have to meet alot of friends and relatives and it takes time for that too,so I need to be super prepared so I make sure I don't skip too much meals and also not to eat too much crap...and that's not always easy...

Luckily in Serbia you have these places everywhere where they sell the meat,chicken,fish and they can cook it for you for free or for some small amount of extra money and that my friends is a life saver for me when I'm there:))))

So,I have my rice cooker,have most of my foods already cooked,and the only thing I have left is to make my food boxes and I'm good to go!!!

There might be some problems with me eating my own food at someone's home because people over there might find that offensive since they are very hospitable and stuff,but by now they are pretty much gotten used to my craziness😊😊😊

All in all,it's gonna be a lot of fun...and there's also one thing that's waiting for me out there...

One of my best friends is getting married and I need to alcohol😱😱😱 and that's gonna be a real challenge for me since I never drink😂😂😂

Omg....last time I got drunk it was about the same was his sister's was baaaaad

I got a picture of me,dancing on a table without my pants,for which I had to beg the guy to delete it from his phone...I was calling every ex girlfriend I could've remember to tell them I still love them...I used to grab the microphone from a singer so and sang...I mean it was fuckin bad...😂😂😂

Hope I'll do better this time😇😇😇

Have a nice week ya all❤️

torsdag 11 juni 2015

Morphic resonance and global consciousness

Heya all..r u ait...

I tried to make myself stop writing this kind of articles because I believe that smart or smarER people should do it but I guess I can't help myself...I really enjoy these subjects:))))

There's a banned TED talk that a person named Rupert Sheldrake performed and after that an YouTube interview with of a same guy and I gotta tell you...I'm blown away😁

This guy is telling us how genetics pretty much doesn't mean shit accept the fact that decides the color of our skin eyes and stuff...

Now I kinda heard the similar thing in one of my favorite documentaries The Zeitgeist where scientists are explaining how people with the genetics of having a breast cancer can minimalize the risk  down to like15-20% with a good lifestyle and the people that never had any sort of cancer in their family,with a shitty lifestyle most likely gonna get some cancer before the age of 50...

Same with a newborn baby with a perfect sight...left in a room with no lights get's blind cuz the receptors in her eyes weren't triggered:(((

This tells us that we weren't given stuff....we simply earn them...good and bad...

But this Rupert guy,goes even further...

He explains that children of let's say...mathematicians are more likely gonna be ableto learn mathematics faster because their parents have doing the same thing all their life...

Of course you gonna be can parental action in the past can influence a children's present and future...right???

Well you ask that cuz you stick with what you know...and when I say yoI mean me as well...

They made a special rat poison in Britain after WW2 with a specific taste that will lure them into eating it..they had a huge problem with rats at that time... the beginning rats have been dying fast....then,after a while a bit less..and after almost not at all...they have realized that it tastes good but it's lethal...I guess they've spread the news fast,so other rats were saved...

But the tricky part was that very soon after that from London and Birgingham and other cities people started using the same poison all over the country..surprisingly almost no rats wanted to eat that poison..and most of them who did...were a different species...

Even newborn baby they were aware of the danger of the well tasting stuff spreaded all over the basements and attics...all over the country...

This shows us that we can right now influence on intellectual and physical skills and conditions of our children...

The guy who was interviewing Rupert told the story about him training jiu jitsu before for like fifteen plus years and now days one of his two daughters is using grips and moves in the exact same way as people are thought for months and months of doing...she's doin it instinctively even though he never showed them and of his skills before...

Stop smoking,stop eating crap,stop being lazy,starting learning new things all the time,start exercising,start exploring life,start loving as many people as you possibly can...cuz beside the fact that it's better for you in every also might give your children a greater opportunity to become a great people but also a life in the new world that is going to be made of all those great people:))))

Have a nice life friends❤️

tisdag 9 juni 2015

When you get older u do stuff...

Heya friends❤️❤️❤️
Recently I been analyzing my friendships before....when I was young and now when I'm...well...👨😂😂😂

Anyhow...before when I was younger it was easy for me to make friends...ok when u live in a small town it's way easier but still I had more people coming into my life,knowing stuff about me and what I do,how I think and also I was finding out all that about them too...

Nowadays it's not so easy...

Even though I had a few people that I had a coffee with..I simply couldn't find enough interest of repeating that again and again...

With some it was only one coffee,with some several but after a while it just got so awkward sitting in some café blabbing same shit over and that made me think...

What does it takes for me to have interest of keeping up with someone on a long term?

Well first answer would be that I would have to fuck that person,but since I'm a bit married....that's not really an option...

And the million dollar answer is..we need to do stuff...

When I was younger I could spend days with doing absolutely nothing and if I have a company ever better...

Nowadays I can't make myself to sit down and watch a whole movie for fuck a movie theater I feel I'm gonna go nuts after an hour...

So,what happened...I got older...I need people that have similar interests as I do and we need to do that stuff together...that's what's making a bond between two grown ups...

I mean sure,conversations are nice absolutely but only if they are going somewhere..if they are about serious problems of points of view and specially if they are about me or the othe person...

But as I said..after a while I want to do something in a company of a friend we can walk,train,clean,cook food listen to some good music,but just meaningless hanging out I think I grew over...

On the other hand...I have so little time to share with anyone that staying by myself is probably the best option😀😀😀

Take care ya all😘😘😘

måndag 8 juni 2015

Mohawk hairstyle,beards and tattoos...

Heya people...
R u planing to kill it this week huh...well I do💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

Recently I've published a picture of me with a mohawk haircut on Instagram,of course it was just a joke I would never wore that shit on my head but the jucy part is tha stuff I wrote down below...

It was something like...if you're a bodybuilder and you don't think you look retarded enough already...have this haircut,grow a beard or do some badass tattoo...that will give you the edge😬

I have a feeling that I made a few people pissed over that stuff I wrote cuzz,I belive they think they should be allowed to wear what they want how they want...and they should...same way I think I have the right to shit all over their mentally challenged haircuts,their disgusting beards and their "I wannna be dangerous,cool and accepted" tattoos...

If some of you may have noticed I shit alot on Serbia,Serbs and their idiotic behavior...simply because their way of behaving concerns me as well...

One of the few experiences I had in Sweden was when the guy asked me am I a criminal when I told him I from Serbia...

That guy is not my problem...people who make me look bad are my big fuckin problem,ok...and whenever I can wherever I can I will shit on people that make me look bad...

Bodybuilders are all assholes...that's the word on the street...why,because people are born with pre-knowledge about gave them that impression...

And here we are....who is that someone????

Nobody is stupid enough to think that people wait until they meet a person,NO they  create their opinion simply based on other person's looks...

So they are the ones with the problem right...yes no question but THEY are also 90% of our population so,in a perfect world...people would call me Dan Bilzerian,but ..this ain't that ok!

Now..alot of bodybuilders that have a look similar to those characters from the Mad Max movie aren't bad people at all but...sorry most people will stay away from them just because the look like a fuckin savages....

Their looks is simply a reflection of their insecurities..mommy issues,daddy issues,small cock issues,wanna be a guy or a girl issues...I mean a guy who looks like this...someone's gonna tell me he's normal...fuck that..he looks like a mentally challenged taliban,and what ever the fuck his reasons are...his looks pisses people off..period...pisses me off!!!

There are psychologists,people that can help u with those kind of things go to them instead of having another tattoo for fuck sake...

So,if you had a rejection issues when you were young,if you want to have a boyfriend instead of girlfriend,if you were uncomfortable in your body before...hear me out....following some new street style won't help you,having your face covered with drawings like a school backyard wall,won't help you..instead try to look and be inviting and welcoming so you can create friendships and relationships on a long run so you can love and be loved...pissing people off deliberately will only bring more haterade in your life...

Have a nice and NORMAL week❤️

torsdag 4 juni 2015

My letter to Yaël Ostroski

Hello everybody...hope u're preparing for a great weekend:))

Recently I've seen this video about this American/Canadian guy and his friends experiencing Serbia and police in Serbia...

I can tell you righ now..I didn't like it😐

But today another article showed up about this guy saying he wasn't doing anything wrong and he asks people to stop sending him a death threats...

If u're interested,take a look what happened...

When I heard about those death threats I could not stand I wrote him an email..

This was my letter to Yaël!


  My name is Andrija Sandor and I was born in Serbia,lived there for 27 years and now I live in Stockholm Sweden.

  I'm so sorry for what you've experienced but I guess that was something to expect from the country such as that...

  Here in Sweden u get a translator even if you have killed a hounded babies,but that's about being civilized...or not!

The thing that u made all those retards pissed off is because u haven't showed fear when the police stopped you...because in Serbia that goes without saying...and you were relaxed the way any person should behave around police or any other authorities.

Even though I think you know this already I still need to tell you u've done nothing wrong u weren't rude,u weren't humiliating Serbia or any of that...u just behaved as a free human being but I guess in some countries that's still a crime:(

Have a great day💪🏽💯❤️

The guy answered like...instantly...


Thank you for your email.

I very much appreciate your kind words. I have mostly been receiving
death threats, so it's nice to hear something positive.

I wish you the best in Sweden and I hope you have a great weekend!

Your words mean a lot.



Have a great weekend❤️

onsdag 3 juni 2015

How much of an asshole am I...

Hey biaches....

Recently I've got a few feedbacks about me sounding too aggressive in my writing...

Now just a few days ago I met this serbian guy that I'm friends with on Facebook for quite some time now...

We talked and he mentioned that my English is good.. I told him that actually I like hearing myself better while I'm speaking English that even Serbian...the reason for that, I said...I sound more polite😬😬😬

So...that's it...u can then just imagine how the fuck do I sound when I speak Serbian:)))) point's not about how we talk,it's not even about what we's not about how we look or even what do we's just about what we do!!!

Hands down...if you have great intentions..and u put it in the most beautiful way,and on top of that u look pretty and nice...all tgat is shit when your actions are hurting others.

This is something no one can argue about cuzz I can give my left ball that Hitler had a vision of a better word and he never cursed, most likely he had manners and even though he was no Brad Pitt I can still bet that most people would rather have coffee with someone like him than someone like me....but still... the only thing that defines for who he was,were his actions!

Now It's not a big secret that I was like.. a mega asshole before..I used to behave badly,I used to hurt people and do stuff that bad people do...but I'm not that man anymore....

I'm I good person now...I don't know but I definitely try to be...and I'm not talking about other people's opinions that's shit...hundred people,hundreds opinions so fuck that...I'm talking about being proud of the things I do....not the things I say...we can all say all different kinds of shit...but about what I do...what I do every day and what I do in long run..

And people...well I'm not planing to run for president or anything so...aging haters gonna hate and the rest of us...will keep having real cock instead of things those pussyboys have:))))

Yes I curse alot...but I also have very strong opinions about shit order for me to transcend that to you my dear readers😊I's kinda necessary...

Recently some gal from I don't know Africa or something told me she would like to get married to a serious person... I explained that I married and we start talking(writing)...

She told me she could never have serious man around...always some jerks...

I went like ok maybe you're sending wrong signals...she goes like...what do u mean...and there u go...the biggest mistake that a weak person can make is to ask me what do u think...

I went like....well,let's say I'm single guy,having a job,a place to live and now I'm looking for some nice serious girl...

If I met you and I check your Facebook or Instagram account and see all the only pictures from parties and clubs...I won't be interested in you,cuz I'll assume u're a party girl...not ready for something serious...

That's response from there...why...


So in order to be labeled as a nice person get together with you friends and don't be honest...that's the characteristic of bad people...instead u just keep sucking eachothers dick and u'll be fine:)))

Sincerely yours...asshole;)


Hey everyone...

I'd like to put a world or two on this topic that most people misunderstand or even judge by...

As I wrote before the best reward I ever got from my sport was not my trophy,not the envious looks from people on the beach...guys mainly:))),not even the girls that were turned on by my looks...simply cuz there weren't any😂

My greatest reward is the satisfaction I get from seeing myself in the mirror and liking my body...

Now I know that many of them will say it's shallow and stupid and narcissistic and maybe it is..but in my eyes it's never wrong to enjoy in your personal achievements regardless whether they are material or intellectual...

My body was not being given to me..I earned it..I created it and I'm proud of it...even though I know that my looks is pretty disgusting to average people but I really don't give a fuck about that.

My inspiration to write this today is my friend to whom I helped with bringing his body to a whole different level...

Now again I need to emphasize that his success is not about me but about him...

I showed him stuff but he was the one who did the struggle...and I said this a million one can do the hard work for you...

I've been coaching quite many people and I was the same me to all of them but not all of them came out with the same it was never about me...

Now for me..the greatest reward as a coach is when I see this guy who was not completely satisfied with the way he used to look,now having no problem to take his shirt off and show his new body with confidence...

How in the world is that wrong...

For non-good looking people people like him should be a motivation of how they can look too... not a reminder how they can not look!!!

But I guess it's easier said than done...haters gonna hate...and the rest of us will make sure that we provide enough material for them to hate even more:)))

From my perspective feeling comfortable in your body is not a bad thing,so if you don't feel that...well...YOU BETTER WORK BITCH😛😛😛

tisdag 2 juni 2015


Hey ma ara ya all:)))

Well I thought I should write a bit about our plans for this summer vacation...not that I think someone gives a fuck but still.

The original plan from the beginning was that my wife and I simply skip traveling this summer,considering that she changed her job and she's still new there,alot to learn and also our income is not quite as it was before...

So we said fuck it...we'll stay here in Stockholm this summer and that's it...

But her boss told her that July is a dead month and that she needs to take at least two weeks off.

We sat and thought through everything and decided since we'll gonna be leaving at least we can leave as long as possible...

One month..four weeks..her boss approved..mine too so..we bought the tickets...

It was not fun at all since we paid more than double comparing to previous years when we had everything booked before March..but it is how it is... I have to do is to prepare myself for not training as much as I do,not eating the way I do...and to speak waaaay more than I usually do:)))

I mean I'm not complaining or anything it's just that it's so hard for me to switch my life style from discipline and structure about everything to...well..LIFE..PERIOD😂😂😂

I feel like an old fart,I know but what can I sport and my life is about routes and it hard to just do less of that on demand..cuz it sure doesn't come naturally😬😬😬

Anyhoo...It always feels good seeing my people there,my family,my friend...get together,have some nice food and nice cozy family time...that's actually all the memories I get to keep on those cold Swedish days and I got to say it feels really warm and lovey:))))

Everyday life and things easily makes you forget that u are a human being very capable of loving and apparently very loved as well...and we all want to be loved right:))))

This year we're not gonna go somewhere warm meaning Greece,Turkey,Spain and suff...first of all we would have enough cash these days..but also,I've noticed that the prices went quite up this summer..maybe I'm imagining due to tha money deficit but I don't think so...

There is a possibility that my wife and I go to Montenegro on a few days but honestly I'd rather not..cuz traveling from Serbia to Montenegro is more exhausting than...traveling from Stockholm to Serbia so I don't's more about my wife and her mom...since she would like us to go there and meet her at their house over there...anyway..we'll see about that...
...Da crib is really nice tho👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽

Anyway July is now reserved for,going to Serbia...alot of sun,alot of dear people,and of course a but of training and who knows....maybe some drinking too😜

Take it easy ya all😘