I used to have two cats both were males and both of them died in a line of duty,chasing for love...or sex mostly...
I consider my self fortunate because i didn't had to see their dead bodies..they just went out as they did every day and after a couple of days..maybe a weak...and after searching a whole neighborhood over and over i realized that they were gone....same thing in different period of time..
It was so hurtful that i can't explain but as i said,i'm furtunate that i didn't went through carrying their dead boddies,burrying them and having that image imprinted in my head for ever...
But..now my wife and i are realy into getting that unbelivable beautiful cat called a sphynx cat:)))
For most people we talked about this,that cat is super ugly and they dodn't realize why we want it ... but first of all it's not ugly at all and second i belive that not all creatures and things in this world should be judged by how beautiful they are...that's sick way of looking at the world!
First thing is of course...the price...it's not realy cheep,but on a side that...we could menage that...there are a lot of questions beside that...i need to know do they have some health issues,are we gonna be able to get full insurance to it,what is specific about that breed..i've heard that it needs to be baithed often or even daily,but that would't be a problem...
What i'm concerned about the most is their sex drive and how to menage it...
Now we sort of tried with my previous cats to keep them indor but that is absolutely unpossible...they even jump from the flor if they want to leave...so that's not an option...
People suggest imediately castration,wich is a hunred percent out of a question,because i belive that a person willing to cut cartain body parts from an animal in order to make a personal toy is not an animal lover,more like a sadist...now i've heard about some vaccines wich is also totaly against animal rights if you ask me but that's some how slightly more humane than using a scalpel...
I've heard also abut some microchip that regulates that stuff but it's a sort of a surgery...so i don't know...
We need to be 99,9 precent sure that we are capable of providing a great life to that cat before we decide to have it...otherwise it's a crime...at least it would be to me...so i don't know...we need to answer a lot of questions before...it's just...it's soooo cuteee!!!
In the end i have to mention the sickness that is beyond everything...since that cat has no fur,it's basicly naked skin...some disturbed fuckers found it cool to tatto those poor cats...
Sickness of a human mind is truly limitless :(((
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