We were walking this summer through the corfu-town we were at old town...just enjoying in all the beauty.
I was entering in all souvenir stores searching for some coffee cups i wanted and after a while i saw this art gallery...since we had nothing better to do i decided to stop by just out of curiosity...
I went in and baammm it hit me hard that i almost start to cry...it was this painting...so simple,empty but on the other side,for me at least...it was do deep and sad and brutaly true...
When i saw that painting,i remembered my arrival in sweden...before that i lived in serbia quite hard,money wise...so my understanding about a deffinition of happiness was always related to the amount of money you have...
I thought that you getting more happines as you have more money...now i'm far from being rich here in sweden but...normal stuff here are luxury in serbia...
Before i even came,my wife bought the apertment we live in it's not big but i couldn't even dream of such while i was in serbia..we needed a car,her dad bought us a car,we wanted dish machine,we got it..furniture tv...no problem...we were getting this stuff without any problem and by my understandings of happines i should be happy and excited and all..but somehow,for some reason i didn't....
As time went by i have totaly changed my point of view..i realized that we don't need expencive stuff in order to be happy..it's a trick by media and establishment and....system i guess that we need faster car,that we need bigger tv that we need histericly to travel and update our status from all around the world just to get the acknowledgement of other people that we're cool and happy...we necer ask our selfs what do i need...what makes me happy..you just chasing for some false unnecessary stuff wich are worthless from the begining....
They are tricking us so we act like those hamsters in their wheels trying to reach something that doesn't even exists....so we are spending our lives in chasing instead of living...
Any how...this is the picture...it described me exactly at one point of my life...i hope i've changed since then....
This is who we are...
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