So not that i got some nice memories from my vacation,i also got an extra a present...just something to think,i kinda knew what i was doing but i might thought that it woun't be over 10..but i was wrong...
So when i came back i weighed 119,2 or point 4...same shit and i left sweden weighing little less then 105 so the math is no liar...15kgs of pure fat...ok i might gained a kilo or so of muscles but..i have my doubts..
As soon as i came i knew what i needed to,i cut my fats to a minimum,carbs i take like...not over 300-350g per day,proteins are little over 300g and that's pretty much it...i try to do teo cardios a day,morning is never over 30 minutes and evening usualy around 40,and of course weight training four times a week...
At the lowest i had 110, it's maybe a bit more since i had a cheating day sonday,which i need to bring down to cheating afternoon or somethin' since i'm a fucking pig:)))
I'm planing to keep doing this not to long...just to slim my self to a decent level...and then...massssss...yeah babe...i was missing that..pure,hardcore,no bullshit mass...
If i'm lucky and if everything turns the way i want i might compete in spring time...not sure yet...there is this bmr-grand prix wich is good or so they say,but apparently that one is not IFBB-federation but NABBA or NABA...or who give a fuck...i don't know...there's also one in oslo wich i think is also not bad at all so who knows...
I don't know...all i do know is that i need a shit load of money for this stuff and if i get nothing from all this planing..fuck it..i'm not gonna cry about it...i'm still gonna lift hard and eat clean...just the way i like it...;))))
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