
måndag 23 september 2013

Cat or not

Yo..wazz up..well yesterday my wife and i finaly went to see those sphynx cats for the first time...and guys i can just say this ho-ly-shit:))

On our way there we stoppet by at my mother and father in law to pick up her to go with us and when we were there my father in law had this colleague from my work as a guest at their house..

As soon as we said where we are going,the guy told us,no,no...what ever you buy,do not buy sphynx cat...ok...we were like...why...and he said that they smell disgusting and he knows because his sister's friend had two and it was owful...he said..

So we were little down cause i know...when you have an animal that smells,as soon as you know all your clothes,your feet your breath the whole you will smell like that...and i'm not realy comfortable with that..

So we found where this people live...went in and i belive we start inhailing the air from the room like idiots that the lady probably thought that we were nuts...

But you know what...there was no fuckin smell...the house wasn't like super clean or something...the lady had at least five grown cats and four babies..and yorkshire terrier and nothing...that dog was crazy..he was humping the leg of my mother in law all time was awkward but...funny:)))

Anyways....primarily we were there to establish whether i'm allergic to them or not at to realize that i needed to hug them kiss them and cuddle with them as much possible..wich was so hard for me...hehe...NOT...

I was kissing them,biting them,playing with was allergy what so ever...but guys those cats...i fell in love with them...they were so cuddly and lovey-dovey that you just want to eat,so cute...

So...i don't know we have time to think until december so they grow old enough to be able to leave their home and their mom and come to us...

I don't know..i like them alot...i like all animals,but cats are my special ones...and these lovable...

Lot of people say for them that they are ugly....first of all they should look at them selfs in the mirror,second...not all things and living beings in this world are here to be beautiful you know and third they are gorgeous....just in a special's like a new food you tastes delicious you just didn't get used to it...

For me and my wife...time was not necessary to realize how special and beautiful these little creatures are so it was a real good shoot of cuteness yeasterday...even an overload i would say...

4 kommentarer :

  1. u need couple of botox shots for the little wrinkled one :)

    1. Noooo for reading :)))

  2. znaci,zete,opet si se zaljubio....ovaj put u macojle....nema veze,ja cu da ispletem jednu malu rolkicu za naborano mace,da se ne smrzne....ladno je bre tamo kod vas...

    1. He,he...tako snaci cemo se vec...zeza nas samo procedura oko dolaska u srbiju pa celo to morati nekako da osmislimo...
      Pitala me je jedna drugarica za kontak odgajivacnice u srbiji,ja sam nesto nasao ali ne znam bas da li je to ako budes imal kad,pogledaj majke ti pa mi pusti neki link ili mejl...i fala veliko!!!
