...well yeah...they called me from body to have a photoshoot and interview and then they all gonn put it together and publish it in some of forthcoming issues...that's kinda good...anyway me and body magasine have a little bit of history behind as well..first time we had any contact was when i've send them pictures of me i would say 4-5years ago in wich i had 116kg...i wasn't realy defined of course but i was quite big though:-)
Ok..after a while they have publish those in a rubrik called månadens fysik på gatan(physic of the month from the street)...there was i short text below and that was it...i was quite satisfied....efter couple of years they anounced a contest by body magasine something called talent hunt...i applied...but some how i knew that they not gonna want me,and the reason for that i tought it was their suspicious about me using steroids,becouse in that add about the contest they were very clear...no doping...i didn't know what to do...so i sent them another email...where i suggested that they get to police officers in their headquarters and they call me so i get there and they give me a doping test..so that is how clean i was...but...nothing happend...

after a while,they also anounced that there's another contest going on and it's about having your picture on the front page of body magasine...so my wife applied me right away...after a while they called us and sad that there's a photoshoot and i should be there...and so i was...they took a lot of pictures of me,and then me with each girl from the contest...so if i win they have already pictures of me and which ever girl would win...but...it was a voting thing...so people just visit body web page and vote for their favorit boy and favorit girl...so they did...and they didn't choose me...
...well yeah...they called me from body to have a photoshoot and interview and then they all gonn put it together and publish it in some of forthcoming issues...that's kinda good...anyway me and body magasine have a little bit of history behind as well..first time we had any contact was when i've send them pictures of me i would say 4-5years ago in wich i had 116kg...i wasn't realy defined of course but i was quite big though:-)
Ok..after a while they have publish those in a rubrik called månadens fysik på gatan(physic of the month from the street)...there was i short text below and that was it...i was quite satisfied....efter couple of years they anounced a contest by body magasine something called talent hunt...i applied...but some how i knew that they not gonna want me,and the reason for that i tought it was their suspicious about me using steroids,becouse in that add about the contest they were very clear...no doping...i didn't know what to do...so i sent them another email...where i suggested that they get to police officers in their headquarters and they call me so i get there and they give me a doping test..so that is how clean i was...but...nothing happend...
after a while,they also anounced that there's another contest going on and it's about having your picture on the front page of body magasine...so my wife applied me right away...after a while they called us and sad that there's a photoshoot and i should be there...and so i was...they took a lot of pictures of me,and then me with each girl from the contest...so if i win they have already pictures of me and which ever girl would win...but...it was a voting thing...so people just visit body web page and vote for their favorit boy and favorit girl...so they did...and they didn't choose me...

And now,they called me..actualy my wife since we allways give her number...it's better because of me not speaking swedish...and now i wait...friday morning,try to give my best!
Anyway,i'm not eating no candy and crap...i pretty much eat the same food but i added a lot of salmon and a bit of nuts as well,so that's good...
The only thing i stopped is my cardio,but now i have to get back on that as well,i'm not even sure is there gonna be any help but i'll fell better about it...so that's it ;-)
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