So you can imagine how hard can be for me to eat same,bland,barely any taste food during the diet period...and then you can imagine how glad i am when the diet is over and i get to eat,eat,eat...
But...people ask me,about how does it feel now after diet to be able to eat crap...i always say...i never rearly do that...for me it's a big waste...smometimes...fine...
Today,while i was boring my self to death at my job,i've decided to eat something nice with my regular chicken meal...and so i did...i wanted rösti potatis or mabey roasted potato in english but i don't realy think it's the same thing...anyway it's a shreded and steaked potato...mmmm...and for a sauce with that i made my ultra low fat tzatziki... order for you to be able to make something like this for your self...i'll try to explain you how it's done...
First and most important you need to boil potato but not to make a mash out of it...just hard boiled potato...that would be like...cold water...potato in...salt...cook...and when it starts bioling wait 5 minutes and than take a pin or something and test don't want them raw as well...when potato is cooked...let it cook down for a while and in the meantime you can do what i dit...chop some red paprika and onions to add to your me it's good...
Ok...the potato is cold pepper and onions are now you grate the potato and mix this together...
Now you need a pan...but make sure that you are using a non- stick pan otherwise you'll have trouble..since you're not alowed to use loads of oil...
Preheat the pan on medium and add some oil...if you wana copy my way...use that can by it anywhere,fill it up with your favorite healthy oil and...spray...this way you'll spread the minimum amount of oil for your food...
So in that hot pan put your potato this point you can add some seasonig,but it wouldn't be a mistake to do that before...i'm using heare black pepper,red pepper,salt,and s touch of's a winning combination:-)
Ok potato is in the pan,after three-four minutes use the spatula and flip the side so you get as more colour as posible but be carefull not to burn it...
Efter couple of minutes you can flip side again if you feel that you can have evrm more colour...if not,take it out...put it on a plate and...digg in;-)))
I'm also gonna write how i made my low fat tzatziki...but that i'm gonna leave for some other time...couse my arm got numb of tiping on my your food!!!
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