
tisdag 25 december 2012

take look at this first...

well..i've forwarded a link that have moved me and make me think...i mean...for a long time i've reserched this subject of over population,and i know all about every conspiracy from georgia gude stones to fema's coffins and underground facilities...blah,blah...but we should realy look at the problem with a certain amount of courage and try to understand where we are..'s a huge subject and i'll try to make point as faster as i can...let's see they say that continuing with this way of multiplying...we gonna reach a number 9 billion before 2050...and to make a story short...there's an obvious pattern which people are having fucking herd of's not a rule but at the most cases this people are uneducated,primitive,and what they do all day long...they hump each other without any contraception regardles the primary conditions for life they are ready to provide to their children...wich is in most cases...non!
so what to do...eugenics would suggest just to force the vasectomy,and other surgical procedures and in that way dissable people.most of us would say that this way is a brutal...ok...what else we should do...well if mostly undereducated people are causing the problem...let's educate people so they become aware enough what kind a problem they are making...i's a great thought beacause...if all humans on the planet wolud simply have one child...this problem would be solved...but the question is...can we make it...
can we manage to educate more than half of humans by the time it's gonna be to late...well i have to say that i'm alittle sceptic about this...we have tried peacfully for the last fifthy years to provide just food and drinking water to primitive counries and we're failed...people are still dying of hunger,and totaly preventable desseses...
well i have to say that from my point of view the only way to establish some order and basic civilisation on the planet world goverment...if we have boundries,borders,diferent laws...we'll never be able to apply our ways of living on a third world countries...
so all this wars that are going on and all the situations that has been created in order to provoke ordinary people reaction...i hope that it's just happening in order for the civilised world goverment establish it's bases and establish control on all the earth's recources,and evetually include all man kind into the proces of building a civilised and sustainable world.
i know that a lot of people would say on this...well no one should have that power...and i kinda agree...but you know what...nato has been bombing serbia while i was there...they wanted to get ridd of slobodan milosevic,so i've kinda been on the other side,and if you ask me should or shouldn't that happend...well i know only this...slobodan milosevic was an asshole..and if i have to choose for a leader betwen that asshole and some german,or swedish,or british or american leader-asshole...well...i choose those other assholes....because this assholes here treat the people way,way better than assholes like milosevic,or sadam or any other fucker like them...
now don't get me wrong i'm not sayng that all the leaders in developed countries are saints...god no...i'm aware that they too like to party,have a hoocker,mabey some cocaine...yeah...of course...but in the end of a day...there's still a rule of law...some regulutions that have to be followed...and that's why i vote for this...

and the measure of war or a bombing might be cruel,and against humanity...but if you look back in history...there was not one revolution that has happend by the åpresent law at that some migt have to break the law,or corect it,make it more righteous for's the inevitable path towards...what i truely belive is better.

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