onsdag 12 december 2012
last minute tickets...
Hehe...funny,how me and my wife always doing things at the last second...we were flying together like...five times and out of those five almost every time the disspecher called us to get on the bord cause plain is waiting for us...idiotic right...well why should we do anything diferent this time...she aplied me for licence in skkf,wich is scandinavian like,federation for fitness,bodybuilding and..stuff but she never aplied for the exsact competition wich is lucia-cup...so we're having a walk saturday evening in trough stockholm's downtown and my phone ringed..it was my friend stevo...all upset...teling me that dimman just called him (guy who owns the delta gym-my team),teling him that he was checkin'out the list of all competitors and i'm not there...so i was suprised for a second but again...that was just me being me,right...so my wife and i set in one of our favorit caffes espresso house on stureplan and took out our phones and start serchin'...it wasn't compicated realy,but in the mean while we also got an email from that scandinavian federation wich also reminds us that we didn't aplied...then it was clear...those people are aware thst they have buisness with not so inteligent individuals so they have to be cautious..hehe..so after a half an hour we have menage to aply me..at one point my wife corected me saing that she thinks that i belong to the junior class wich is kinda sweet but that train has left the station loooong time ago...after we aplied we saw that i'm gonna be the only one in my class wich kinda sucks but today i've seen one more name on the list,and dimman also explained me that a most of the guys from the competition in town named lund wich is one week before mine,are definitely gonna appear so i hope we'll have fun..right now i'm thinking about my posing routines and coreography with the music i choose...rammstein reise,reise...hehe...what else;-)

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