Well...i work a bit too..ok...
I wrote an article about this girl,ex neighbour of ours who moved and asled us to colect her mail for her for a short time untill she settles at her new appartment and new adress...and how we sent her a couple of messages to say when she's gonna come and colect her stuff but she didn't wanna answer...
So i was pissed and wrote that she's primitive and rude...and...shit...that she would out of nowhere...sent us a message yesterday as nothing's wrong...saying she didn't recived our previous messages that my wife mentioning and that we can just throw away everything but she would gladly give us a visit anyway just to see how we're doing and of course take with her that big pile of love,her beautiful dog named alwa:)))
What to say...i'm a jerk..i know...but who knew that she didn't recived like two or three sms...when that shit happends...never...well apparently not never...
Shit...i feel stupid...but i can look at the bright side...since my blog is famous in sweden as much as i'm famous in nigeria...good thing is...no one reads it so...she could never know..i wrote shit about her...but if she found out...i'm totaly ready to say i'm an ashole...no problem..which...i don't think will happend:)))
Anyway...i just wanted to mention one more thing related to bodybuilding..and that is that the great canadian bodybuilder greg kovacs known world wide as the strongest bodybuilder ever passed away like yesterday or sometning of heart failure...
As i wrote...he just colapsed at the gym and died...well...rip greg kovacs...what can i say...
I can belive that his death can be related to his steroids abuse..but you know what...first i belive he was extreme in everything but second...it's not about how you died...to me it's about how you lived..and if you lived your life for the most part the way you wanted...i say you had a good life...
That guy ayrton senna...the greatest formula one driver who died quite young...he could live longer...if he just gave away his passion and lived his life as an averige person...
You know what...i don't think he would be happy or even die as happy person...cuzz...what are we imf you take away our live,our dreams,our passion...
We are lost...that's who and what we become in my appinion...
As i wrote before...what steve jobs said...when you having second thoughts about going after your dreams...how should you think...he said...
think about that we're all gonna die...so what ever you do...ind the end you'll lose it all...so you might as well give it a try no matter how crazy it seems:)))
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