
lördag 10 januari 2015

Sun is the same in a relative way but you're older

Hey ya all...what should i say...glad to see you...glad to hear you...well..i'm glad you're...around☺️

Anyways i have this old friend from high school tht I'm friends with on fb and ig...and every picture i put on she likes and she's really like...mega nice person and all...but all the sudden i got this desire to tell her something...

I needed to tell her that i was SO in love with her when we were kids tht it was wild..

And of course for all of you who know me...know that once i have a crazy idea...i just go...the crazier the better actually😁

...and so i did...i told her how i was madly in love with her and everything and of course since of course she's such a great gal she told me she felt the same...which I have a hard time to believe but now when I look at us it was probably better tht we didn't gotten together cuz i was a real asshole...still am,just maybe less...

And of course i said I wanna have a coffee with her and catch up...totally friendly..I'm married,she's engaged but that throwback to tht telling her how pissed i was when she cried cuz her ex boyfriend gave her shit and stuff...kinda made me feel...


As i used to say I really don't feel old in my my body I never was as active in my life as i am right now but still...

We chit chat about our high school days and it seams like yesterday but from then till's been twenty years!!!

Twenty wonderful,fucked up,beautiful and sad twenty years of our life...shit u can't be totally calm about's like a fuckin lifetime...generated in a blink of an eye..boom...gone 😕

Now don't get me wrong i'm not sad or anything your everyday life u don't think about this stuff so often and once u gets a bit scary😯

But in the end of the day life is just a sum of all our i'll just keep trying to capture as many as i can and keep them in my heart so i have something to feed of when i get old...

This last part about capturing the moment  i was also taught by another very dear person...

Anyway i'm just happy that i'll get to meet my high school crush,cuz beside the fact that she's still very good looking..she's also a wonderful person...

Have a nice Sunday you guys❤️

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