Today I'm gonna talk a bit what's my stand on those most common mistakes people,beginners but even some more expirienced ones are making at the gym or even outside of it!
First mistake related to the gym is a mistake we make in the kitchen!
Now i know it would be awesome if muscles were some balloons we pump with air while we lift weights and the more we pump them the more they grow..but it's not like that..
Muscles are made out of food..alots of food..good food...well basically out of proteins but if u just eat protein and no fat nor carbs u'd lose a shit load of muscles after a while...
So..u wanna be big..u need to eat like a big I know u probably heard this one before...but there's no other way...
Steroids? Sure...they make your body to make more muscles but you know out of what..out of fuckin food!!!
Look at those pros...they use the best steroids in the world in super high why the fuck they eat 6,8,10 times a day..why...because the only thing that creates more muscles is food...sorry...and if your problem is tht u can't eat...EAT ANYWAY...
The other problem I see alot is the exercise choices...I keep seeing these little bitches performing some space exercises that require like...three benches,seven dumbells and four training partners...
Bitch...just go to YouTube and see if any of those huge guys are doing something as retarded as u do...NO...why..cuz bench is a bench,deadlift a deadlift for me for them and for your bitche little ass!!!STICK TO THE BASIC!
Protein powder choice!!! Right now i'm 120kg i do not use ANY protein powder i just eat if you think there's a magical formula out there that u need to discover in order to get're an idiot!
Protein powder is not bad but for people who don't have time to cook...or shit......if u can,whenever u is the best...and when it comes to which protein is the best...for all comes down to taste...i first pick some brand that's a bit familiar,then I look if there's not too much sugar or fat...but if i'm not dieting I don't even care for that and from there i just want a good taste..easy!
Lifting too this one is almost totally related wth guys but I've seen some gals lifting some ridiculous amounts of iron that's just not gonna do any good for thm...
Heavy doesn't mean me heavy...a fuckin ronnie coleman means your fuckin heavy...
When you over do tht get a sloppy form of performance,u get injured and the most important u don't get that spark necessary for growth u're after......why???
Cuz when the weight is too heavy and you do..let's say a bench press...instead of squeezing it with your pecks 100% you gonna subconsciously include your triceps and your shoulders because u never had a control over that weight from the beginning and that's a totally diferent's called power make up your mind!
Last but probably the most important one...U DO NOT CROSS THAT LINE...a line of is totally contradict to your subconscious...when something gets too painful...your subconscious screaming STOP!!!
But this is bodybuilding this is you in your most masochistic manor...this is you ignoring the our world pain means right the gym,pain mean success!
They proved that when u do a 15 reps in a set and you reach that muscle failure at 15th..the most of stimulus u get is 13th,14th and this is by far the most common mistake i see in the gym everyday!
You fuckin stop too soon..why...cuz it's hard...well then leave mothafuckars..ask yourself WHY AM I HERE???
You're here to fuckin kill kill everything you possibly can to make those muscles scream for mercy..
When I realized there's not a half of a set i can do i stop for 20 seconds and then i do a couple of more and if that's not enough i drop those weights and grab some lighter ones UNTILL...I...AM...DONE!
Now I started this writing at my job but now i' finishing it at home..on my way here..we stopped at the supermarket and a cashier guy..start asking me about muscles,how often do i train and do i eat alot..i said...yeah constantly...he went like...that's my problem I can't eat but i now that you gotta eat like a real man if you wanna be a real man...
Let me tell you something...being a real man has NOTHING to do with the size of your body...i met ALOT of big guys that are a fuckin cunts...being big is about being a good person,being a real man is about taking care of your family,treating women as they are queens,being kind and looking that good in people...that's a big man...a big human being!
Am I that man...not yet...but I really try to become one every single day...
Have a nice weekend!
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