After a while i made us some food and while eating we touched the subject kids,marriage...and stuff since she's in a serious relationship for some two years now with this swedish guy that i have met before many times...never realy spoken alot but...he seems like a averige normal swede,good looking too and all...
So as soon as we got on to that subject she kinda seemed that something is buggin' her...she goes like...yeah,well he needs to live alone he lives with his mom,so he can learn stuff like washing laundry,washing dishes,cooking food and stuff...i was little bit suprised that he doesn't know that stuff already but any way i said,that he doesn't need to live alone he can start living with her and learn all that while they go along...
Yeah,she said but he doesn't look at that in that way...i went does he look at that...and she's goes...well he consider that a women's,cleaning,vacuuming...
I was shocked...since he's sleeping at her place more that at his mom,i was like...doesn' he help you cleen and shit...and she he was raised to behave like a tipical swede!!!
I're from sweden and i just live here for couple of years now...but one thing i can promise you...that's not swedish way i guarantee you...that's a fuckin' taliban way maybe but definitely not swedish...
I was brought up in serbia where alot of people think that way too...i never looked at that like that,never agreed with that..i frankly i don't see a fuckin' logic in all that...
Even in serbia younger generations don't look at that like that any more,that's fucking retarded way of thinking...who thinks like that for christ's sake...
The only job that i can caracterize as men's job is a job wich requires having a girls can't do it,cuz thay don't have one!!!
This guys who think like that,look at that in a way that they think if they start doing these "girls work",they become a less men and more like pussies...sweet lord...
Well i have a message for all macho boys that think like that...i do everything in my,washing laundry, name it...and if you think that i'm not man enough for that...well you know what...let's meet at the gym where you can prove yourself how manly you are...or maybe in the ring so we do a little sparing so you...the macho man can beat the shit out of me being sissy and show me who's the real man...
You're just an insecure little cunt and the only thing that can man you up is to start using your brain for thinking instead of using your tiny cock for it...bitch:)))
Hehehe loved it! Think alot of men just use that stuff as an excuse and they might have a mom that some how enjoys doing all housework...not that I belive in that, they are just to spoiled!
SvaraRadera/ Bea
Men tack för läsning Bea:))...i don't just blew my mind away while i was listening and i couldn't belive what i'm