I wouldn't say so...of course it's better to go to the gym an do anything rather than nothing but if you already have that habbit of training you might as well make the maximum of it...
Now this is my personal conclusion about what method is the best...i'm not saying i invented it...i just accepted one of many ways of how to do it right...
I also belive that there's not only one way to diet or to train...therefore this is not an ultimate rule...it's just works realy good for me so i'm sharing this with you so you can try it out and see how it works for you...
I pretty mych put together two articles and both were by dorian so...dorian...respect!!!
Ok first thing is compensatory acceleration technique...let's say with bench press...you lay down you hold the bar release it from the stand..elbows are locked and now you start to descend the bar on your chest...now comp.acc.is about what's gonna happend after this...or how you're lifting the bar...
What you need to do here is to start lifying the bar up totaly easy..this way you're secured of any shoulder or pecs injouries...but...once the bar starts to move...you imediately...give an extra speed...now...let me be clear...you give that extra effort as you want the bar to accelerate...that doesn't necesserily mean that it'll actualy increase the speed it's just you make that extra effort...cuzz once you start lifting the bar the whole movement gets easier and you don't want that...so you want to feel that heaviness through all the way up...
You apply this to all your movements and you'll see the difference...i bet you won't be able to use those super heavy weights that you used to...
The other part is about the negative part of the movement...usualy...let's take a lat pulldowns...once you reach lower position you simply relax a bit your muscles and the gravity will do the rest...but...we don't want that as well...instead of letting the gravity give us a help...
what you shoul do is...resist the gravity...and the best way to do this is by not letting your lat-bar goes up too fast...
you should take the control over that negative part and extend that time for well dorian says 4 but i'm good with solid 3 seconds until you reach a total streching of your lats...
this way your exercising while doing both...positive and negative part of any exercise...and that's beneficial in so many ways!!!
Third and the final one is about knowing when you're using too heavy weights...
This one is simple...in all exercises where you expiriencing a full contraction,try to hold it in that moment for a second...maybe even less but just for on moment hold that contraction tight and then start negative part...you'll be amaized by extra pain and pump you get from it...
That's it...now get you're lazy ass to the gym and tell me how was it for you!!!
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