Now, i'm just thinking...i'm realy fortunate enough to have this kind of freedom at where i work...i'm aware that at most places people work whether restaurant,office or some institution...nobody's alowed to have that kind of variety of options like me...
My wife for exampel,have the office job...and they do have fridge there and she has pretty much occupied a good half of it since she's having her own food and others have maybe some small stuff like one fruit or small pack of sandwich bread and stuff but still she can't cook her food there she needs to bring everything from home...
Me on the other hand,can fix food then and there...i can always make time for that...while i'm cooking something for the restaurant i also fix my food...and also everything i eat while i'm working is free,so even though i don't have nothing like big salary..with that part actualy,is not so bad...coz in some other place i wouldn't be alowed to do i would have to pay those meals by my self and we're talking here two,sometimes three meals per day...and that's not realy small money...
Ok...i rearly eat steaks or some more expencive stuff...first i don't eat steak quite often and second i don't wanna be rude sometimes,when there's something realy good i might take otherwise if i feel like beef...i'll have that meal home...
Of course,one of the best thing about the food where i work is...gravlax salmon...god i love that one...i know that i've talked about it before but it's just i had one snack with just a half of hard bread to have something crunchy with it and about 120g of that great good...for that moment...i felt like a king...i don't know...
Any hoo...this is just one part of my job food stash...there's a bag of tilapia,chicken breast,green beans,broccoli...salmon and i've also took time to make my low calorie no sugar marmelade:))
P.S....this big bucket is tomoto sauce...i've cook it today...but thesecret is...i made it like with less than 1% fat so i can eat it too...and the guests love it too...but still...keep it quiet:)))...see ya all !!!!!
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