Well..i belive that single people after...let's say...age of 30 are retarding... And trust me i'm saying this with no evil thought towards them...what it means retarding...it means standing still brain wise while ageing...
We humans are social beings...accept a small percentage of sociopathes or some other way disturbed individuals...so with that being said..we need someone...we need company...
When you kill another man or do something wrong...they don't take away your right to eat
,to sleep,they don't beet you up...they just isolate you from other people...that's the punishment!
So being alone is not easy..being with wrong person is even worse but that's another story...
So,when you're younger you say to yourself...i don't need a relationship...to socialize i have my friends,for sex i have my fuck friends and i'm free...i can do what ever i want who ever i want...and i get that...it's cool...when you're young!
As you get older...you evolve...it's like children...when they're young thay play with any child with a toy...after a while they realize that they like to play with some kid more and with some less regardless ofa toy...so the kid realizes that pretty much all kids have some toy to play with but it's not about the toy... It's about whether you like a certain kid or not...
If you as a 30 year old haven't realized that...most likely you have some isshues in you...and from my expirience...those isshues a coming from let's say puberty or teenage period...
Usualy...those insividuals saw them selfs as boring,ugly,not interesting for others and usualy they could't even get too much sex as well while others did...or they thought that they did...
So what happends is they try to re expirience their teen-hood ..but the problem is the teen hood for them is over...and what they try to do is...they try to be cool in ways that's not apropriate their age so usualy they look just sad and weird...
The big problem as well is that these people had a huge lack of conecting with others..they haven't had solid relationships when they were younger when the conecting part is the easiest...so they haven't used them selfs of being them selfs when others are around so a most cases they turn to their mon,dad, or siblings coz they only feel relaxed with them around...
As i emphasised in the beging...i'm not insulting this people...i realy feel for them....so my point and my advice to all of you out there...imagine what kind of a person would you like to have for a relationship...and remember,don't think about what should he or she represent ...like i wanna him to be educated or i want her to be hot...that's shallow...if you set the shalow goals shalow person you'll get...the most important part is how two of you are getting along...what kind of interaction the two of you have...that's what matters...
What you wish is what you get so..careful what you wish!
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