
torsdag 16 maj 2013

Vasotropine Pre Workout

Hey's it hangin':))),yesterday i went to the local supplement store to by some pre workout...pwo,since these are my last couple of weeks of diet and i'm very low on calories in general so i was wandering would some pwo helped...

So this guy in that store start showing me stuff that they have and they have a few,ok...but he was all about strength and focus but i don't need that..

Strength i don't have alot right now but that's to be expected since my fat intake is super low...focus i never had problems with but what i miss is good ol' pump...not that i don't have it,it's just that i am ver, very pumped and vascular by nature...i've always been like one of the worst feeling i get from diet is a lack of that...

So as we went through the store i saw vasotropin...i asked him about it...and he went like...oh,that one is just for pump....and i went..well that's all i i bought it and this morning i tested seys,take 3-6 with your carbs before i took 4 with my sweet gritz...

What i've expirienced least for me...since i know how difficult is for me to feel any pump these days...i'm totaly happy with what i've got from it...

The thing is though...i've never used these products except no-explode witch is realy great in giving focus...but....for better in my book...

Until the next time..adios!!!!

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