fredag 5 april 2013
Recipe For A Successful Relationship
You know when you reach that point in the relationship where it seems that you're standing still and you not taking a step further...well,most likely it's your fault..and most likely you're gonna loose that person for the reason for that is your dishonesty...yeah you read right...
You know that feeling when you need to talk with someone but not like shitty talk but something's buging you but you just can't talk to your boyfriend or a girlfriend,husband,wife...what you decide to call your mom,or dad or your childhood friend...that's the point where you buring your relationship to the ground!
There was a girl in subway makin' ful of her self since she was about to get married the day after so one of tha tasks her friends gave her was to stop a random guy and to ask him what is necesary for a good marrige...i told her straight out...honesty... she was like...what do you mean...i said,to be bruttaly honest with the person you're married with...and i realy mean that.
I remember i was mabey5-6 years old and my mom,my sister and i was in orchard picking some plums and two of them were having THE talk hoping that i won't understand shit...but,since i'm so smart...well you know:-)
Any mom was explaining how was for her first time,what gets large and hard,what you put where and stuff but after a while they talked about relationship and when is tve right time to have my sister asked her,let's say i have a boyfriend,how do i know when's the right time...
My mom haven't said a lot of smart stuff in her live but this thing,this answer is a fuckin revelation!
She said...darling,when you feel totaly comfortable to farth in front of your boyfriend...that's time when when you may be sure that you are totaly comfortable with one another!
That's ingenious!
Now i already know what's your respond to this...that's disgusting,your mom is sick,i would never do such thing...some things are just private....well it might seem disgusting to you,but let me tell you what's even more disgusting...two people living under same roof for years,sharing good bad,have kids everything...but they still feel uncofortable to farth in front of one another...every now and then...i can tell you right now...that kind of couples,van not realy even talk with 100% honesty...because you know why...they still have that fucking mask from the begining and they are still too shy to take it away...
You have a friend that you're comfortable to farth with or mabey your parents...but you can't be comfortable to do that with the person you mabey gonna spend whole your fucking life with...that's sick and disgusting!
Now i'm not saying that we should constantly farth and shit in front of each other in order to be happy...but you definitly neeeed to feel comfortable about doing that every now and then....that's also who you are,that's also part of you...why you wanna hide that,why cutting that off...
With that level of openness,you might have a good start,because that's not like the ultimate goal...but it's a hell of a check point...
So stop pretending of being all sexy and desirable and simply be you...and if he or she falls for you,then you know that they love a real you!!!
Farthing...a recipe for successful relationship!
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