Ok,it's the end of the april,and it's almost two months since i've been dieting....untill this point i've menage to drop 16 kg,so i'm pretty satisfied with the results and the way i look now...i belive that i'm somewhere around ten perscent of body fat...nine at the best..since i have 104 and i belive that i would be ripped at 95-96kg..so that's pretty much that!
I still haven't drop down to 200g carbs a day,since i stil menage to see the improvement like this and i might start doing realy low in a week or two,just to get that final touch,but we'll se i don't know...
On my workout days i try to eat around 350-400g of carbs but on those days i have one heavy gym workout and one evening cardio wich is usualy 40minutes of running outdoors,but on my resting days i try to decrease my carbs to at least 300,and usualy it's evening hours,but i also can have a no heavy carbs day on my off days...i simply eat protein,fat and some salad or green beans or stuff....and it's realy good...since my body got used to realy high protein intake,these days with no carbs is good,because then i eat more protein,to for fill the total calorie need.
That's it,i'll continue exercising,pushing,dieting and we'll se what happends...i belive i'm gonna swich on to mass diet like last week of may,so it's not so much left...take care!!!
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