
tisdag 30 april 2013

Check in...

Ok,it's the end of the april,and it's almost two months since i've been dieting....untill this point i've menage to drop 16 kg,so i'm pretty satisfied with the results and the way i look now...i belive that i'm somewhere around ten perscent of body fat...nine at the best..since i have 104 and i belive that i would be ripped at that's pretty much that!

I still haven't drop down to 200g carbs a day,since i stil menage to see the improvement like this and i might start doing realy low in a week or two,just to get that final touch,but we'll se i don't know...

On my workout days i try to eat around 350-400g of carbs but on those days i have one heavy gym workout and one evening cardio wich is usualy 40minutes of running outdoors,but on my resting days i try to decrease my carbs to at least 300,and usualy it's evening hours,but i also can have a no heavy carbs day on my off days...i simply eat protein,fat and some salad or green beans or stuff....and it's realy good...since my body got used to realy high protein intake,these days with no carbs is good,because then i eat more protein,to for fill the total calorie need.

That's it,i'll continue exercising,pushing,dieting and we'll se what happends...i belive i'm gonna swich on to mass diet like last week of may,so it's not so much left...take care!!!

måndag 29 april 2013


hey you...
  what's goin' on....long time no see...shit,fuck,suck:))))yeah,,i been away for a couple of days...i mean,away from bloggin' but i'm here now...why i was away...don't have a fuckin' idea....but...who cares!!!!

yesterday my wife and i went to a movie,and wached the oblivious...hmmm...nice,i mean it's not bad but i didn't wowed me,maybe the special efect and the house they mada for a was amaizing:)))movie it self mmmmm not bad,ok tom cruze is an amaizing actor so that's always exciting to wach...but the thing i didn't like about the movie was that i sensed the present of the matrix details,same as the island movie with ewan mcgregor wich by the way is a pretty great story...but the oblivious...i don't's little bit predictable,but what a hell i don't regret for seing it so...i'm good...

my wife and i were like a couple of homeless people there,first with our giant training bags wich were bearly able to fit in the small space between our feet and the sits in front of us,but that was actualy good in the end since she still needs something to have her leg lifted high up...second we had our giant boxes with food,and that's a big turn off but what should i meal suppose to be at 18:30 and the movie started little after 17:30 so there was no way i could avoid it:))))

so if you were thinking about seing this movie..i don't might see it but don't expect to be amazed,that's how i see things....anyway see ya later!!!

by the way...i'm oblivious and the movie name is oblivion:-)))))

torsdag 25 april 2013

I wander...

In about couple of weeks i'm about to be 33 years old...old man,ha...and i've noticed that as the years go by i happend to love my sport more and more...i mean...i wake up like...7:30,have a breakfast then hit the gym do some heavy weights than immidietely take aditional 30 min. cardio,get back home,have a meal...wash my self up,get clean and ready for my work...i work for 6-7 hours and as soon as i'm done i take another cardio,this time is out door running from my work all the way to central station where i take the train home...

I mean..seriously..who does that...and for this to be even more weard...i love it...i feel so good while i'm doin' it that every time i'm about to have a workout i get like mega-excited..

So my question is obvious ...considering that most people my age would do something fun with their free time i wander..if this thing is that fun or i'm just being a retarded i immature and just dumb...or are everybody else crazy or something...i don't know...

I just know that i have considered of quitting mant times...i didn't work...and i was never without a gym for more than two or three months and i was so sad that as soon as i could i'd started again...

I don't know...i guess i just love it that much no matter how stupid it might be:)))

måndag 22 april 2013

Can't get enough of it...

Hey guys...

What's goin' on...well with me there's a whole lot of stuff happening every day...NOT:(((

What could possibly happend in my life today that is significantly different from yesterday or this day three years ago...that's what i call a good bodybuilding another words...boring as shit...wich belive it or not i like it...sweden is perfect country for that:))))...and maybe canada as i've heard...

So yesterday while i was doin' nothing,i just decided to write some more emails to a few companies that i can remember of at that moment to ask them for the millionth they want to sponsor me...

I guess i'm like one of those rapping victms that have been brutaly beaten up and rapped over and over again..and after a while...they start missing that in their lifes...that's me...those companies have been treated me like shit for so long...that it's ever...i guess i like to be treated like shit when i'm writing them for more...

Any way i wrote to a couple of people in sweden might know about this brands ...but it doesn't even i wrote to gymgrossisten, protein fabriken,swedish fitness wich is gasp and better bodies...gasp you might know since there are a lot of pros wearing their stuff..branch,johnny jackson,dennis...and bmr wich is also well known around..

By now i got one big NO...polite though but no...from gasp/better bodies,and i'm expecting some more sex frome the others...

So this is her respond as i said it's a big NO...but i have to say she tried to do that the nicest possible way so i have to thank her for that...her name is helene ahlson and this is what she wrote me ...

Hey Andrija,

Congratulations to your success at Lucia pokalen!

Very glad to hear that you want a partnership with us, which we take as a positive sign that you like our clothes? ;)

Right now, unfortunately our sponsored / co-grazing quota completely full and we are not able to sponsor more athletes this year. But if you are still interested in a possible partnership for next year please return with info about your past in 2013, your plans for 2014, how do you use social media and how you see a successful partnership marketing terms between us forward, etc in the end of this year, then we can see the possibilities again.

Helene Ahlson
Swedish Fitness Traiding AB
Better Bodies & Gasp

lördag 20 april 2013

Being nice...

What's beieng nice...people get to know me and start talk to me and they get the impresion that i'm nice...first of all i try not to swear,try to avoid touchy subjects...let's say the person is fat or reali short or have a large nose what ever...i try not to discuss about that at never inconvenient talk...

Well that's fine...untill for exampel my wife showes thing about my wife is i never treat her like a another words if she's fat i'll tell that to her face over and over..if she put her make up like some kids played on her face...i'll tell her some people would characterized me as an ashole...i find myself honest...

I think as if it was me and somebody started to sweet talk me and shit...i would find that extremly offencive,because that would mean in my mind that he or she thinks that i'm some dumbass who can't take the truth as it if i don't like certain stuff to get from people,i would't give that same stuf to people i respect!

Now the questions still i rude or am i actualy nice...well in my mind being a good person is about how you think and about what you do...not HOW you say it...

I don't belive hitler was swearing yet i don't consider him a good uncle is a psychiatrics...he is swearing in almost every scentence...i remember once...some very,very nice people were looking for his healp...and usualy it's by phone...but this time they were at his door and he doesn't have very big appartment and the toolet is just beside the entrance he was in the toilet and these people knocked at the door and my ant opened and recognised them...and she was all polite and stuff and they were appologizing for coming unannounced and ask if he can give them a minute of his time...and my ant turned aroun towerds the toolet door and said...hey,mr. and mrs. blah,blah would like to speak with you...unfortunately he tought that they are at the phone and shouted as much as he could...what the fuck theu want now...i'm takin' a shit!!!

Is that a rude man...oh,by the way,should we maybe consider the number of people he healped through the last 20...somentin' years being as a doctor...and the number of lives that he saved...or thefact that my mom and i barged in to his office unannounced and found him crying because he was about to tell a father and the son that their mother and wife passed away...and this was after him being a doctor for more than 15 he he evil???

If you treat people like shit..if you treat your children or wife or husband,or employees..or animals like shit or you are a are rude,you are evil..and you are can act polite as much as you want!!!

fredag 19 april 2013


Crazy...i'm at my work right now and while i'm waiting for my rice to start boiling i am looking at the statistics of my blog's viewers and i guess what i discovered... you can see how many people visited your blog but even better,you get to know how many hits you have from which country...and my blog is most visited by...rusians...i mean...realy???

Any hooo...i would like to thank you my rusians comrades:))) i don't know what the fuck you read from this mess you or anybody else but...thanks!

Actualy i know this has nothing to do with anything but my mom is a rusian proffesor but of course,i never got to learn anything from her...why...cause i'm a moron maybe...who knows..but i used to have a rusian girl as my collegue and she learned me a few ready...

First one is "u maja zena baljsaja zopa"...i don't know the speling...among other stuff...and also "u andruska baljaja uska".. since i have this big elephant ears..and i knew something with the dick but...i can't remember...but again...thanks!

Second place is sweden,wich tells me a bit that i'm underappreciated over here...but that's ok...i'm not mad or anything...and to you i can say ..." Ni jävla små kuk-isar...lämna än komentar jäg vil inte bita dig för fan:)))) so you get the message...

Third place would be....usa..and to all americans i have to say that i'm terribly sorry for what happend in boston..and i'm moan for your losts:(((

Now fourth place is...turkey:))) hello,are you being on earth would you even be aware of my shit...maybe you're doing that just to suck up on me cause you have enslaved serbian people sometime in history for 500 years...:))) there's a funny story actualy...wich i don't belive those big nacionalists serbs would appreciate but who cares...all of you proud serbs out there...swich off your phone or a computer...cause it'll get nasty...

So there are these turks having a total controle over serbia for five hundred fuckin' years..i mean it's alot... and since they have ruled the whole region back then,they've set their own one of the laws was the one about serbian man and women get was a law that before first sex with you were obligated to let one turk fuck your wife first and then you may have legitimate with that being said...i don't belive that they had pulled out when they were about to cum may imagine what happened back then...maaan...poor serbs..

Actualy,serbs from the begining were discribed as quite blond/brown haired people with light eyes colour like rusians or polish people,slovakians..blah,blah...but something happend...yeah turks happend...they have fucked those poor serbian women for 500 years no wonder i have dark hair and i'm hairy like a fuckin' werewolf...but you know what...i find darker people more beautiful than those pale,no pigment people so...thanks turkey...

While they were fuckin' serbs they have also left a pieces of their language to all turks...avlija,kaldrma,kapija,katanac,oklagija,kaftan...well i hope you'll understand some of it:)))

So fifth place is serbia...most of my fb-friends are from serbia so i'm guessing some of them just click the link out of thanks as well...and what can i say...take care and keep up the good job:)))

torsdag 18 april 2013


Every now and then people ask me why don't i work as a personal trainer...and you know what...i don't know...

Of course there's a sense in that...i do have a bit of a knowledge and shit but still...i don't know. First of all i would like to choose my klients...yeah,i know it sounds like a cliche but still i would like to work with people that can make a change...that's more fun. I mean can you imagine how lame is to have some old bag for a client...what the fuck she needs me for other than lookin' at my dick while i try to teach her something...or worse somo old guy to whom i can't give nothing heavy to lift becaouse he's asshole is loose and he might shit in any given way man!!!

I would line to have maybe some athlets such as foodball or hokey players or something like nother words,people who have already expiriencing hard work and discipline...that kinda people you actualy may enjoy healping...and of course ther are a better chance for that kind of people to make an improvement...because tou know what...i hate wasting my time!!!

So what seems to be the problem than... well first i need have a company so i can legaly charge and pay tax to a big brother cause...who ever you fuck might get long as it's not an uncle sam...hehe...ok... After that... clients...who in the world would like to ask me to be their pt...when people are afraid of me like i'm a hitler or somethin'... there's also that thing that usualy guys like me also like to act like sleazeballs and start hittin' on anything with a pussy and girls don't wan't that...they want their men to look like...well them i guess...

Never the less...what nobody realise is that everything i do i take it seriously to the highest possible level so for me... The only thing that matters is that i provide my clients the oportunity to be better and look better...and that means...pushin' it to the trust me....once you feel what real workout would let me and ten other guys fuck you just to stop with training... But you know what...

Pain is temporary...glory is for ever!!!!

So until i find proper candidats...people who are willing to push,to make the sacrifice that is necessary then we'll talk seriously...until then...well i don't know what to tell you....

tisdag 16 april 2013


Hey you i was super excited about the fact that the jurnalist from "body" magasin contact me a few days ago sayng that he would like to do an interview with me online so they can publish that in their next issue...and early afternoon he have finaly sent me the questions and they're's totaly visible that he was reading my blog and did his homework so the questions were great...

Unfortunately i couldn't reply to him right away since i was kinda in the middle of runing my wife's training...yeah,she wants me to be her pt and she even wants to pay me...i mean not like that...but with about that...

Any hoo,as soon as i got to my job i started writing answers one by one as fast as i the mean while i was chating with the same journalist on facebook,and my wife was sending some links of apartment that she wants us to by,asking me what do i think...and on top of that..some people arrived into a dining room wanting to eat and my food was ready i was eating,making food for these guests,chating with the guy and with my wife and answering my interview that gonna come out..fuck me if i know...

Any way...i'm realy a good way:-)))

måndag 15 april 2013


Yes...before this sunday i had 107,0kg...but sunday was my eating day and this time it wasn't rice and potatoe...this time was pizza,sausages,bread,chocolate spread and unlimited amounts of two of my buddies mr.ben and his friend mr jerry:-)

Well first of all i had two diferent tastes...first one is blondie...something and the orher one is something with cookie dough..both are the latest ones and i can tell you right now they taste delicious...but for people who love chocolate taste icecream my wife...she was not thrilled...the only thing that i didn't like is the fact that two of these tasted pretty much same...but same-good...

Pizza was american with a thick crust we had a home delivery..and it was good and all the other crap we had were good too so i consider it a successful crapy day for me:-)

Training wise was even better i had like not more that 4 hours of sleep last night,i had 600g of egg whites and a bowl of sald for breakfast and my workout was amaizing...i was very strong,aggressive and i was sweating like a pig...

Today as you're guessing i'm gonna be having a no heavy carb day..but i don't think i would feel exhausted or anything so i'm on my way to work,when i get back i'm gonna have one mor cardio before bed and that's it...

torsdag 11 april 2013


There's this guy in serbia...totaly normal person,never had problems with the law,never treated from mentaly illness or anything...just snapped one morning,took his gun and shot and killed his kid or kids,then went out and as he entered his nighbour's houses,he shot everything that's moving to kill...

He killed like thirteen people some of them around ninety and among them a two year old child...when finaly police showed up he menage to shoot his wife and finaly himself...and he actualy didn't died there but he an his wife were transported to a hospital and i don't know wheather they past away as well or not...

Every now and then we have this cases of people snapping and just make a riot...but for me...the most important question in any of those cases is...why would someone decide to do such thing...

I mean it always buged are we born with the genetics of a murderer or filantropist or what ever...because if that's the case that explains us that for those people with murderer genetics there's no cure...that who they are...that's what they are made of...and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it!

But what if that's not the case...what if we are all born with ABILITY to become great individuals while we also have ability to become monsters and the only factor that will decide who we gonna become is nothing more but the evirement we are live in...

Think about it...there's a kid from some war zone country...he or she were born there so there's no other reality for them but war...they are not aware of fact that there's a whole world out there with no war,weapons,bombs and that kid grovs up and now he or she is like sixteen and what do they know...well they don't know how to read and write,they don't know about science,or art...bit they sute know how to handle a machine gun...because they picked that up from the evirement they are live in

Eventualy...they've been sent to the line of battle...can you guess what they will do there...yeap...they gonna do stuff they were taught...kill!!!

Are they killers...of course...they are cold blodded killers...were they born to be that...well in order to understand better this...let's say that that same child was somehow adopted by let's say well aducated british family...would that child be speaking it's native,he or she would be speaking fluently english with a british accent...would kids like this new how to handle a gun...of course not...would they be murderers...hell no...they would behave just as same as anybody else from their everement...

Now you ask a question...well ok,but how come that there are people who were born in a free and normal society and still decede to comit murder or rape or anything bad...well...i'll say just this and i'll let you guys think for your self..

Just think again actualy FREE and NORMAL is any society when you have their product people murderers and rappists...because from where i see...the level of how one grup or a country is civilized is judged by their lowest they look...what they do and how they have been treated by their grup....think about that next time you pass by subway entrance in the middle of a winter and you see this homeless women sleeping on a sheet made of plastic bags...and then...try to be proud about your civilization...

Every and each one of us is poduct of our evirement..there are no geneticly given people to be doctors or serial killers...there's just our civilization...teching them diferent ways...

onsdag 10 april 2013

check in...

hey now,
here i am home,lying in my training for second day now since i'm sick....:-(...well i'm not SICK-sick but it seams like i catch a cold or something and i don't have high fewer or anything but my nose is giving me a little bit of hard time and i'm a bit slow but nothing serious...

  anyhow...i think i might train tomorow since today i feel way better than yesterday,but it depends how i feel tomorow when i wake up.

my body weight is doing good too...this morning my scale showed 108,2 wich is freat considering that yesterday i didn't train at all and i also didn't reduced my daily calories...deliberately...i consider that necessary for my recovery,but today i'm gonna do something diferent..

today...i'm gonna go down to zero carbs...well it can never be zero since i'm eating salad,avocado and green beans..but no heavy carbs what so ever,my protein intake will go up to at least 500g,and i'm gonna reasonably increase fats..up to...not more that 100-120g

i belive this will be a shock to my metabolism,and a bit of a boost to my testosteron levels,with that extra fat a'm gettin'....and hopefuly tomorow i'll be ready for another win...

i miss my gym:-(


måndag 8 april 2013

Personal Trainer...

Hm...funny...once i was a personal was ok,but i didn't realy liked the job that much since most of my clients were undisciplined about food and most of them wanted to loos weight,so it was pretty fuckin' useless,but i did it for the money...and that's actualy the funny part...i used to charge about 1 euro or less than 10 sek or mabey 1,5$ PER HOUR!!!

I always knew that i have to work something,and while i find something better i need any job..and at that moment that was the price i had to charge.

I was thinking of trying to do the same thing here in sweden,not for same cash though...but you spend time in the gym,wich is way better than spending time at the back stage of a shitty restaurant,and you work with sober people..but...i don't know...mabey some day who knows...i definitely have the credibility for that...not that i don't know that those fancy p.t. will always have way more clients but who cares... was funny at the gym...i kinda got a bit of a comfirmation of my credibility...i was workin' out,just minding my buisness..and around me were couple of guys...normal looking people,and one of them was a around 18 or somethin'.

All at once,the kid aproaches me,i take away my headphones and start listening...he was asking me how should he make his trapezius bigger...and i just finished my traps and was heading to do i started explaining him how he should perform shrugs and standing rows..about his elbows at shrugs and about weights in general and that kind of stuff.

While i was talking to the youngster,i could't help noticing that other guys were listening as well but little bit from the distance,couse i'm gussing they didn't wanted to look roude...and i was quite ok with that...

But the funny part is just about to i finished my short conversation with the boy i immediately continued my workout...and as soon as i finished my first set and got up i saw all four or five guys doing trapezius exercises just the way i explained the minute ago...coincidence...i doubt:-)))

It was funny but any way...i'm glad that i was able to help but it was realy funny:-))))

fredag 5 april 2013

Recipe For A Successful Relationship

You know when you reach that point in the relationship where it seems that you're standing still and you not taking a step further...well,most likely it's your fault..and most likely you're gonna loose that person for the reason for that is your dishonesty...yeah you read right...

You know that feeling when you need to talk with someone but not like shitty talk but something's buging you but you just can't talk to your boyfriend or a girlfriend,husband,wife...what you decide to call your mom,or dad or your childhood friend...that's the point where you buring your relationship to the ground!

There was a girl in subway makin' ful of her self since she was about to get married the day after so one of tha tasks her friends gave her was to stop a random guy and to ask him what is necesary for a good marrige...i told her straight out...honesty... she was like...what do you mean...i said,to be bruttaly honest with the person you're married with...and i realy mean that.

I remember i was mabey5-6 years old and my mom,my sister and i was in orchard picking some plums and two of them were having THE talk hoping that i won't understand shit...but,since i'm so smart...well you know:-)

Any mom was explaining how was for her first time,what gets large and hard,what you put where and stuff but after a while they talked about relationship and when is tve right time to have my sister asked her,let's say i have a boyfriend,how do i know when's the right time...

My mom haven't said a lot of smart stuff in her live but this thing,this answer is a fuckin revelation!

She said...darling,when you feel totaly comfortable to farth in front of your boyfriend...that's time when when you may be sure that you are totaly comfortable with one another!

That's ingenious!

Now i already know what's your respond to this...that's disgusting,your mom is sick,i would never do such thing...some things are just private....well it might seem disgusting to you,but let me tell you what's even more disgusting...two people living under same roof for years,sharing good bad,have kids everything...but they still feel uncofortable to farth in front of one another...every now and then...i can tell you right now...that kind of couples,van not realy even talk with 100% honesty...because you know why...they still have that fucking mask from the begining and they are still too shy to take it away...

You have a friend that you're comfortable to farth with or mabey your parents...but you can't be comfortable to do that with the person you mabey gonna spend whole your fucking life with...that's sick and disgusting!

Now i'm not saying that we should constantly farth and shit in front of each other in order to be happy...but you definitly neeeed to feel comfortable about doing that every now and then....that's also who you are,that's also part of you...why you wanna hide that,why cutting that off...

With that level of openness,you might have a good start,because that's not like the ultimate goal...but it's a hell of a check point...

So stop pretending of being all sexy and desirable and simply be you...and if he or she falls for you,then you know that they love a real you!!!

Farthing...a recipe for successful relationship!

måndag 1 april 2013

Bitterness my previous life,i could say for my self that i was a bitter man...i had no money,at least as much as i needed...and don't get me wrong..i still don't have as much as i need it's just, would be rude of me to just say''i don't have money''...considering all the poverty in the world...any money,no propper job,no solid realtionship...i was a mess...but we all are aren't we..

of course...that kind of seeing my self made me a bitter man...always complaining about stuff,making excuses for everything...why can't i have this,or that....mess!

ok...years went by,i stopped beeing a bitter bich...but i still like to analyse what's that that makes people bitter...i i live in a better place,have some kind of a decent job,and it's not realy a great one but it's a job,i got married to a girl i've been after for a buch of years...but i still have a million stuff to be bitter about anyway...

what i that one of the greatest ways to get bitter is when you decide to become somebody else...and what the fuck do i ´mean by that... you know how do you develope love for a certain least i do like start doing a few things that you feel interest for...let's singing,playing piano and the time goes realise that at some of this stuff you're good,at some you're ok and at some you just suck....

so when you do fishing you just do it great...everytime you go there you have a great catch,a few guys out there already admire you and you start even sharing your techniques with others,they start listen for what you have to it's great...

piano's ok,but it's not as far as smooth as can play a bit but you're no chopin or you are mabey little bit below averige,but it's fine...

finaly..your singing have a lousy voice,you have no feeling for rythmics,you can not hit the right just not good...

so what do you do...well you become a pashionate about dedicate most of your free time to it,and you feel great,look great...and everythings works for you perfectly...every now and then you play a piano...just a couple of songs,and that's it...and you stop singing totaly,and when you wanna hear a good singing you just play mariah or freddy...

and there you are a happy individual,satisfied with your life,and you just enjoy yourself...right...well yeah if it wasn't that fucking thing that completly fucks you up....and you know what that thing is....A FUCKIN PRICE TAG...yeah...

even though you are great at don't wanna be a fisherman...because it doesn't bring you a lot of money,for exampel...or not a lot of people find you interesting beeing a fisherman...and what do you want...well that's the shitty want a fuckin approval from your want people to constantly tell you how good you are,and to be liked by people..and you see some good singers having all that every fuckin what do you give away your dreams,and stuff you were good at..and start running after a singing carreer...

you start,looking for some conections,false recomendations,just to show up once on some big event,because you think that somehow people will start loving you..but the truth is...they never will...becouse you know why...BECAUSE YOU CAN'T FUCKIN SING...

doesn't matter how great their lives's not you..and it sure the shit ain't your are a fisherman...that's who you are..that's your talent,that's what you're good at...and doesn't matter how un-cool that might be...that's all there is...that's the only aspect in your life that you can actualy make some sort of progress...and progress will make you a happier man..and constant failure as a singer will make know what????