A day or two ago i was reading something on wikipedia and i saw a marked field on the top of a page and i read it...it turns out that wikipedia as organisation is non-profit and they are struggling with theis finacies and ask for help...
So i donate them like...6-7€ or something,but after that i got some question to answer if i want and i did...it was about ideas and suggestions for improving the page...
There was a bunch of stuff like...how often do you visit wikipedia,how did you hear anout us...blah,blah...and finaly...the question..what do i think they shoul do in order to have more successful page...and there you go...
I wrote...it doesn't matter how inteligent and useful your page is if you want to have more prople to like you...sadly...the only thing that works is that your page becomes more beautiful...or if you want to have even more retarded word wich describes this perfectly...the page needs to be more COOL!
I said unfortunately...it's the way it is...among singers,actors or even technology...iphone would be the perfect example..
Do you realy think that rihana and beyonce would be on the top of the world if they weren't beautiful...ha???
Now don't get me wrong...two of them sing amaizing but...if they were singing like that with ugly faces or being too fat or god forbid handicapped...trust me they would have to do something else for money...
Also i want to make something clear..i've been like 20 years in to the sport wich is about looks...and i know that no matter how much i'm struggling over this,i'm cought up into this shit as well...only in my defence...i realy don't give a shit whether people think of me as of beautiful or as of disgusting i'm very,very selfish about how i look...but that's still about beauty...
A month or two ago,my mother in law bought us a new induction stove...it's great,not realy cheep...perfect for cooking...we paid for home delivery...guys brought it other guy installed it...first comment of my wife was...well they could of make it more beautiful...it looks like...a fuckin' stove...
Why the fuck stove needs to look like a space ship...i mean it doesn't have to be remarkably ugly...but it's first purpose is not looks...for fuck sake!
Iphone...it's totaly not the best phone on the market,definitely not the cheapes one but one thing is for sure...it's the sexiest one!
Any way...i'm not against beauty...the stuff i personaly realy like to be beautiful is interior design...but when i see my dream house...first thing i want to have on my mind is not realy...oh it's beautiful as much as...well let's say supreeme or enlightened or simply fuctionable but yes beautiful too it's just...that i would considered it realy beautiful if i new that it's self sufficient...for me that's a real beauty.
So...inner beauty first...if you ask me........
hehehe...such a clishe,i know:-)
Sent from iPhone
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