
tisdag 19 februari 2019

Da Puzzy Society🇸🇪🙊🙉🙈

Heya lovZ...

Hope you’re doing good...I do tho😌

Earlier this evening I met my friends and came to a topic Sweden and free society I had an opinion...shocker right😂

Yeah I have an opinion on stuff a lot but this one is really strong and I’m guessing it’s probably that way because it’s always present like all day long wherever I am I keep seeing it..and of course it bothers me☠️

Of course again it has a lot to do with women but not just women really but all people that are judged by a society...

I keep hearing over and over and fuckin over again..strong women....omfg,do you even know what the actual fuck that supposed to mean❓❓❓

First of all strong women are no different than strong men and therefore a strong’s when you’re very relaxed and comfortable about who and where you are,without giving a fuck about the others as long as you feel you’re right..right?

Well lemme tell ya something ladies..all I see is a bunch of pussies here really💁🏽‍♀️

Just to make shit clear here..when I say pussy about the person as if that person is weak I don’t refer to all female individuals same as when I say for some that they’re dicks as if they’re jerks I don’t really describe every dick stop being fuckin snowflakes for just a little while ok 👍🏽 

Now listen to this..I know this woman great looking,smart,great job and she’s not shy to wear a colorful clothes at work...

She looks really good wearing and do you know what’s the most common comment she’s getting from her colleagues especially the female ones...

Omg,it looks really good on are so BRAVE wearing that🤮

We’re talking here very educated woman that were born and raised in. Sweden..most of them are aryan blondes with last name..sson (typical Swedish)

Can you believe that we call a society FREE where you need fucking balls to wear some color on you😹😹😹 what a fucking joke💩

Example no.2 a girl has bought a very fancy and expensive she’s rounded with her friends checking it out...

An innocent comment really surprised me..because it came from a woman that allegedly is a super,job,salary,marriage blonde kids..full...

Her comment’s so beautiful I would buy the exact same one today but my husband really hates that kind of things..for him this is just a rich people symbols of their supremacy over poor...

Now I share more or less that opinion but I would never dream to stop anyone from buying whatever the fuck they wanna buy for their own money..geeez🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Her husband btw is a hippie dude with a 80’ porn mustache with looks of a very questionable hygiene..just saying🤷🏽‍♀️

Another example of a hippie suppression and just to mention those fukin people should be all about live and let live kinda life,but they all actually came from pretty wealthy families so...mmmm...

My friend had money saved for her boob job for like two years before she dared to go and get them..why,I asked...

I felt like I’m gonna be judged by my friends who all think I’m doing this to please disgusting men🥰🥰🥰

Finally she did the procedure and is very happy with her new tits..but the reason for postponing ot is just a mind fuck to me...ha!

Same woman made a real good point about gay people in Sweden...

She originate from South America and she noticed that in Stockholm the big capital of Sweden you barely see gay,straight,bi and transgender people wearing their colors on a regular days...

She’s like you almost never see those people wearing crazy hair colors or dress the way they dress pretty much everywhere around the world..why?

I am very aware that not all gay,bi,trans..etc people like to wear that but I know for a fact that a lot of them do...but they still choose not to..why the fuck not???

Is there more of them in South,they just wanna avoid being judged what else🤷🏽‍♀️

I visited London recently and I saw a whole bunch of them..holding hands kissing and basically being comfortable with who they are..why not in Sweden?

Because in Sweden there are soooo many unwritten rules,that’s why?

Is that what we call a free society...I don’t believe it is...

From the legal side Sweden is a bulletproof question..but is that all it takes for a country to be free...fuck no!

Laws are just sentences written in some book,they don’t fight for our freedom,we do that...but for that you still need balls and that’s why I called this article a pussy society..because very few people have the fuckin balls to be who they really are without giving a single fuck what other will think or say...balls baby🏉🏉

Sadly enough women are very often judged by other women and that’s so humiliating...

Like they believe they live in men’s world and therefore let’s simply avoid stepping on men’s toes by not exposing ourselves they way they don’t want us to...

Well fuck me in the cunt...

It’s like it was before in US Army when gay people were allowed to fight and get killed in war but they weren’t allowed to be open about their sure you can be gay but keep it to oh man...sad shit!

But that was the law back in Sweden we don’t have any laws that are banning us to say to our partners fuck you i’m buying this bag and if you don’t like that..go fuck youself!

There’s no law that that’s stopping us from having a boob job,or to wear pride colors any fuckin time we feel like it ..but we choose not to...

Because we know that people will treat us as weirdos and they’ll laugh at us and talk shit behind our back...

I say so what???

What’s the worst thing that can happen?

You may lose your fake friends that you never even liked..people you’re having fancy dinners with just because they have kids too and you have the similar income,so you can compete who’s apartment or a house is nice and more posh...

You gonna hang with only one colleague at work instead of a dozen or judgmental bitches who you don’t even like?

Or even loose your marriage that was almost arranged..not by your parents but by status,salarie,education,color,religion or some other disgusting reasons???

No fuck that shit...time is the most single precious thing you can give to another human being...start being a bit more selective about it,and stop expecting others to fight for your fucking freedom..

“If not you.....who? If not now....when”?🤐🤐🤐

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