From very long time ago,people and especially leaders and emperors were really into figuring out how to live forever!
Have everything you wish for,nobody can overrule your decision and you have all the supremacy you ever wanted except one!!!
You still die same way ordinary people do,or even beggars,criminals etc!
I still haven’t figured out how to live forever but I have a few tips tho so stay turned;)
They say that the closest thing to eternal life is to leave your legacy so you live through the future generations!
Sounds like a bullshit at first but if you think about’s not bullshit at all!!!
We all need to understand one basic thing before we even start thinking about it!
The nature doesn’t want us to live forever,we do!
Therefore the nature learned our bodies how to behave and react to a certain things with only and I repeat now because it really important...only one purpose...
To survive long enough so we can have offsprings!!!
As long as the nature concerns our only purpose is that...prolongation of the species!!!
Knowing this and ways that our body functions we can actually manipulate with our bodies into making our organisms think were still not there yet!!!
Remember your body have no clue if there’s a real lemon in your hand,so if you just start imagining that lemon being squeezed and all the juce is coming out...your mouth will get super moist as the lemon was actually there!!!!
I think of pussy I get hard,no woman around,no pussy around!
I know you got it from the first boring example I just needed to put a pussy in this equation so you don’t forget what da fuk you’re reading😘
So...a girl get her first period..she’s capable of getting pregnant and give birth...therefore she gets strong sex drive!
A boy doesn’t get his period but maybe around the same age or usually a bit later start feeling the same drive!!!
It’s not just sex drive we feel in puberty and a bit’s a fuckin force that consumes us so we think about it all the time!
Nobody was jerking off more in their 30’ as much as during the puberty,right..ok me maybe but not normal people😬
When you’re in puberty you eat crap all the time but your hormones are flushing your body that I just look better and more attractive!!!
Because evolution wants us to be hot to our partners so we can get horny and fuck!
One of the most important if not the most important hormone we’re lacking later in life is growth hormone!
It’s presence in our body controls our insulin levels and therefore we don’t gain fat as crazy when we eat chocolate and sugar as we gonna do later in life!
So...growth Hollywood well known as the hormone of youth so don’t get too impressed by Sylvester Stallone is vainy and all pumped at his’s not healthy food!
Other hormone that’s very important for this subject is testosterone and in women besides this one also estrogen and progesterone!
These hormones gives us sex drive!
In men it’s just T and in women T is pretty important but also a good balance between E and P can play the role!
Enough with the science shit!
First things that many people,especially Americans do is a hormonal replacement therapy HRT where doctors determine your present levels of hormones and inject you with a synthetic version of all these hormones which brings you back to your early to speak!!!
This is cool thing,quite expensive tho but the downside is that you get the abilities of a 20 year old and you heart is well,let’s say 65 years old and it’s can’t always bare the need of a young you may die of a heart attack😂😂😂
Or not it’s very individual and people who do HRT get checked constantly!
What about us...none rich peasantry?
What do we do to keep our bodies producing these sweet hormones so we look better and feel better?
Because remember it’s not a coincidence that after giving birth mothers don’t look as tight as they were before kids..why?
The nature thinks your purpose is need to live a bit more for parenting and that’s it!
The big secret is that we can actually trick our bodies into thinking we’re still not done yet!!
When a woman steps out of a bad marriage and start dating again..she gets prettier,why..because her mind is now on the market again..and therefore her hormones are getting to speak!!!
So first thing we need to do....
Yes I’m a perv and an idiot and whatever but yes babe you got it!!!!
You need to cum as often as possible!!!
Not to just CUM!!!!
if you don’t have who to fuck,jerk off..just keep cuming because that’s the signal to your body that you don’t have bunch of kids and hate life cuz you don’t have time to take a shit let alone to fuck and cum...
You don’t have time???
Make time..or keep doing what you’re doing and feel as a 90 year old person!!!
Every obstacle in a way is your enemy number one...remember that..stress,lack of time,lack of sleep,lack of food,lack of good food...all this shit and many more are gonna make you feel numb in your dicks and pussies so you won’t actually miss sex at know why???
Because your lifestyle is tricking your bodies your fuckin 90 year old grandma or grandpa😡😡😡
Next thing is growth hormone,the fountain of youth!!!
Never tried the synthetic one since it’s so fuckin expensive,but again..the good news is that you can again manipulate your body to produce more of this great hormone!!’
First of all insulin stops the production of GH so eating tok much carbs is not good for this!
GH production is strongest about half an hour or an hour before you fall asleep so,presence of insulin in your blood stream is a killer!!!
What to do?
Don’t eat at least three hours before you’re about to sleep!!!
One great thing that will boost your GH production is intermittent fasting...
Now I’m not a big fan of advicing people to eat like this but I would have to say...two times a week having an 16-18 hours gap of not eating ANYTHING will actually make great benefits for you!!!
One final thing is lifting heavy heavy lifting in the gym...
After heavy lifting training session your body will be stimulated to produce more GH and T so that’s pretty good...
High intensity interval training will also do pretty much the same!
All these things you were pretty much aware of before that they’re good..maybe didn’t know the science behind it which is also pretty fuckin irrelevant right,but the most important question for you is how the fuck should I find the strength to do all this shit in my already fucked up life schedule???
Answer is always simple...not so easy tho!!!
Stop doing stuff you do today!!!
Not all but some...
Figure out what is it that you don’t absolutely HAVE TO DO...and cut those things off from your life by doing stuff I suggest!!!
I stress but if you don’t do’ll look old,you’ll feel old and you’ll probably die sooner,so....🤷🏽♀️😂😘
Have a great fuckin Sunday my babZ❤️
Me and my wife a million years ago when we were just friends😻
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