Hey lovZ😘
I’ve been talking about this a lot with my friends so I decided to write it down too...
How good you are...
It’s very often question we ask ourselves and it’s usually about the stuff we care...
If you sing you ask yourself how good singer you are,act..how good actor you are,etc..
Well,since I believe in the law of attraction this is my stance...
If yoo do something for some time,and there’s no significant improvement,there’s a big possibility you suck at it🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️
I don’t try to be mean,and certainly don’t try to be negative...
Law of attraction say that you need to be happy now...Today!!!
If you wait for something to happen in order to become happy you’re wrong..happiness is not about tomorrow,anxiety is about tomorrow..happiness is about TODAY!
I work as a personal trainer for some time now..first in one gym and then in another...
The truth to the matter is that..I suck at it!
And don’t get me wrong I’m positive that having me as a personal trainer is the best PT service that money can buy,but it’s not about that...
It’s about how people react when they see me...they wanna move as future away as possible...and that thing is a recipe for a disaster!
If I was good at that,if the Universe wanted me to be great I would be having that fulfilling feeling in my guts from day one...but I never felt it!
It was wrong,from day one!
And listen every single client I have knows for a fact that I’m really good...but the fact that I have enough clients to put on my ten fingers is describing everything!
But I’m not trying to be melodramatic her or anything,I’m trying to be happy with it!
Of course I’m not gonna stop doing something I love,and of course I’ll be happy with a few clients that I have because they are awesome,but I don’t want to keep waiting for the day when I’ll become a television super star being a personal trainer of the century...fuck that!
Life is too short to wait!
I told you I was an actor before...
Since I can’t read at least not really good..when we used to have rehearsals my director asked my mom..why did she brought her regarded kid to ast when he cannot even read,but then we had an acting audition and he saw something in me...
As that young I was lazy to wipe my ass,let alone go and have rehearsals after school and then walk back home for almost an hour...
But for me it felt like I’m doing something that I’m made for...
In every fuckin play I was that amazingly great character and soon enough I won the best actor in children’s theaters in the country and being introduced to profesors of the academy who welcomed me saying..we’re experiencing you soon in our classes,young man:)
When something is good,you feel it..it’s great..the gut feeling is so strong that only an idiot couldn’t understand it!!!
My bodybuilding competition...
I competed it was great it was my first time and I didn’t just won I fuckin killed it...but...
In order to have the money for that competition I needed to work extra something that I really,really hate,on Sundays,every Sunday all summer long,beside my Monday to Friday job!
I competed,I won,got my trophy...and a glass of water!!!
Came back home from Gothenburg,tired,broken and broke,trying to get some sleep so I can work later that day😂😂😂
People ask me..are you gonna compet again..I say..FUCK NO!
If it was ment to be,somebody would approach me,someone would say something..I would got contacted by someone after that..but nobody did..why?
Cuz it’s just ain’t my thing..I tried it it was fun,but I don’t wanna do it again definitely under the same conditions...
The feeling I got from it...was Andrija,what the fuck are you ever doing here...go home!
I was after my wife for five years...
She didn’t want me,she had a serious relationship and that was that...
Hanging out with her tho was awesome so I kept doing it,but once she said she’s single and that we should try to be together..the feeling was clear as a whistle...
This is not going to be just a fuck or some pathetic attempt..this is gonna be big..
I felt that so hard that that day I stopped smoking..just because I wanted to stop with my self destruction of that kind...
I have dozens of examples of this went wrong and right and every single time I felt it as clearly as it can be...what it’s going to happen...
Wasn’t positive,wasn’t negative...I just felt things!
My point today is not to tell you that if you’re not super great in something that you should quit or feel like a looser but I do think you should stand with both feet on the ground and not waste your life on something you’re not ment to be...
They tell you,you can be everything you wish for..sure,but they don’t tell you that there’s a price for all those things...
Some people make money easy I don’t..I was also offered many times to deal drugs..that’s good money right..emyeah but there’s a price for that...
Youcan work two jobs or even three..and there you go,cash will start coming..but..you won’t be able to see your friends to spend time with your family and your children will act like you’re a stranger whenever you’re home...see the price!
I could purchase my dream of becoming a bodybuilder..could make my wife my slave that’s gonna work for me and my competition needs,se we never go anywhere,we never see anything and anyone because we need money for my bodybuilding..fuck no!
Life is today...if you feel you’re really onto something..go for it,make it work,get better..nail it....
But if something is not going easy for you,even if others are great doing it..don’t waste your life trying to become them...
They are them you are you❤️
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