Today I’m gonna write about stuff we can take from simple knowing how did we get to where we are today!
Now I don’t know if we became this from a monkey or not but I know for a fact that any life form has only one priority agenda...
And through thousands of year our survival instincts have trained and adapted our bodies to a certain patterns...
So first thing evolution thought us is what Morgan Freeman was lecturing in the movie Lucy
Any organism complex or not even a one cell organism have had two options of adaptation to the environment..
When there’s no food around at least not enough..our bodies are getting into a self preservation mode!
Remember the only agenda for any life is to continue to exist!
So this the first trick I’m pointing out today that you can use in order to have better this case longer life!
Scientists still can’t explain the process of it but they know for a fact that a calorie restrictions in moderation ofc are prolonging our lifespan!
Nature gave us that gift that in period of famine we live longer in order to last until there’s more food to start reproducing!
So you wanna live longer start eating less!
Other thing with lacking in food is that our sex drive decreases rapidly..why..because our instincts say..don’t have babies there’s no food you’re baby will die!!!
So it’s very common that women who are into competition in fitness are deprived of calories,and have zero sex drive..they also reported their period is completely gone...
So all these are ways of our bodies to deal with our environment...
Not having enough food is also making us sharper in our heads,very often stronger and pretty edgy...why?
Because as we’re lacking food we’re turning into a hunting machine..a predator that needs to run and catch a pray because otherwise we’ll die!
So that’s why cardio on an empty stomach is so good:)))
Ok so what happens when we have abundance of food...
We fuck:)))
Simple as that...our history learned us that it’s a great time to have offsprings and therefore you’re sex drive is jacked up and you’re needy:)
What..for you having a great meal makes you sleepy and slow..well that’s because it depends what kind of food did you have and also it’s mostly like that your body is not metabolizing nutrients very sufficient...
That’s because you were overeating for so long and really bad food and from very early age that you’re body’s are semi broken in that sense...
What to do...I would say intermittent fasting..but that’s just one theory! very early age can trigger your kids to hit the puberty earlier...
Natural thinks only one thing...make them sexually active as soon as possible so they can reproduce in these times of abundance!
Unfortunately abundance of food has done more damage than good,eventho it’s a luxury that some parents of the world could afford only merely 100 years back...
So kids eating calorie dense food are more likely to look very healthy in the beginning,great skin,good mood..this is all nature making us more beautiful to attract sex!
That’s why you can see in girl that come from families where you need to eat the age as early as ten or even eight get their first period...
At the age of 15 their boobs are huge and beautiful as in women and their hips and all the feminine curves are completely developed...and...
They are fertile as fuck!
So parents be careful!!!
Also you’ve noticed that women after giving birth to a child have way more difficulties to get in shape than before..reason..
As nature is concerned you’re done you’re purpose so you’re looking good hormones are low...
What to do..don’t have kids for fuck sake😂😂😂
Kidding ofc,but I do believe that we need to do something about our women after they become mothers still feel sexy and wanted..because when she feels sexy and horny..hormones are back in track!!
That’s why I advised my wife to find someone to fuck...she’ll lose weight in no time😬
Also one trick is about beards...
As much as I don’t want to admit it women gets turned on to beards..not all but most!
Because men are seeds that’s why men can easily fuck many women..they need to spread their seeds as much as possible...
But women have more filters..because..
They use their instincts to find a perfect match guy so they can have strong and healthy kids!
So that’s why women often say..he’s not good looking but he’s hot to’s your natural filter for the perfect dna match:) history beard was a sign of have a beard you’re old..since average lifespan was 25 or less so..
Beard means old,old means if you have a bear you’re old and if you’re old you obviously overcame sickness,cold weather,hunger..which indicates one only..
You have a great dna...
And even if you’re old,you’re dna is the same as you were women want to use that so their kids can live longer....
That’s what’s basically natural selection is all about!
So I don’t know how helpful was this article of mine but I was just willing to share it with you☺️
Have a great weekend my lovZ😘😘😘
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