I just came back from Serbia,it was wild I loved it,but I was also very happy to come home❤️
So every time I go there I compare everything to Sweden and Swedish ways...
All of you who knows me very well know that I’m in love with Sweden and that stays but I also noticed a certain things that could be done differently and more real...
I’m talking about a negative feedback...
In Sweden that is the absolutely last thing you’ll get from,people such as people you hang time to time,colleagues,people you meet at the elevator,etc.
In Serbia EVERYONE are willing to give you a feedback!
Positive,no problem..NEGATIVE..even easier😂😂😂
And the way they do shit in Serbia I don’t agree totally but I still believe it’s better..here’s why!
People in Serbia are less depressed..period!
And it actually doesn’t make sense because the standard of living in Serbia is in my opinion at least ten times lower then the one in Sweden!
Great... in Sweden most people will EVER dare to tell you that you’ve gained weight,or that you’re too tacky with your parfume,make up or that you’re boyfriend is cheating on you and shit...
So you feel comfortable,no one is telling you that shit and you’ll be like..hey,I’m doing good,I’m doing my thing the way I want to and nobody’s having a problem with it...right?
And in on a planet where you live all alone that’s totally fine,UNTIL....
You realize you’re life is actually dependent on other people,and if you have any plans to interact with them..talk to them,laugh with them,fuck them,date them,marry and have kids with them..you need that feedback,ESPECIALLY the negative one!
Do you have any idea how many people I got pissed with writing honestly my blog...how many of people from my life actually assumed that my blog was inspired by them,and thay got mad!
The saddest thing is when people get offended by telling them “WHERE YOU ARE IS BECAUSE WHO YOU ARE”!
I’m working in a fuckin warehouse sorting fruit fro living,because people see me as a monster and nobody wants me to be their personal trainer!
Do you know how many people in Sweden told me,Andrija,you look scary and don’t wanna have anything to do with you...ZERO!
But that doesn’t mean they don’t think that way,they are just thought that it’s not ok to say it out loud!
Now there’s a huge difference between constructive feedback and just being mean!
But regardless,if you develop a thick skin you won’t get haters fuck you up...instead you’ll just smile and pretend you’re fine..not because you necessarily agree with them but because it’s totally irrelevant in your life!
This is why it’s so good to have people you know that they love you,so any feedback is coming from their heart..so you can always double check with them,hey today that fucker told me that my ass is flatter than last time we met,is it really?
So to filter all this stuff you will become a stable person because you’ll won’t let fuckers spoil your swag,but you’ll still be open for suggestions of others,because sometimes people are just being honest!
I wrote how I had a low opinion about my looks...
So many girls were like,it’s too much muscles,it’s disgusting,omg...
And I lived my muscles so I’ve continued to train them and make them even bigger!
However I accepted the fact that when it comes to women..I am the last person they want to fuck.
It’s tough,but it is how it is...
However it was easier to understand why no one wanted to fuck me...because they don’t like my looks..and that was pretty good actually,because I never hated anyone over that...
Most people are not superstars,but if you just hear positive shit about who you are,you’ll actually start thinking you are Brad Pitt on steroids,and then the reality check strikes you!
And then your expectations are completely fucked up by what you really get from life and that is the definition of depression and feeling like shit!
99% of us don’t look like celebrities,we don’t have their pretty faces,booties,tits,money to afford plastic surgeries,or expensive clothes,luxuries mansions,or popularity to be adored by millions!
That was given to us as a an entertainment not as goals!
Life is today...as it is...enjoy it💯😘❤️
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