So the thing is I write my blog for fun...I love telling people my story and my points of view...
As I mentioned before I grew up in theater and all my childhood I had an audience so this is maybe a matter middle age crisis I don’t know..but I love it😍
So the other day my mother asks me a question...
She goes like..oh yeah son I need to ask you a question since you claim you’re an expert in that subject...I was like...ok...
Thought she’ll ask something about food or exercise..
She do you protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases when you eat pussy..since you’re an EXPERT🤭🤭🤭
My first thing was like,ok...but you do realize I don’t eat anyone’s pussy other than my wife’s pussy,right?
She goes...ok,but let’s say that you do,how woud you do would you protect yourself from the STD?
I was like well,mom if I met a girl yesterday and brought her home to fuck her I would probably use a condom and I wouldn’t be eating her pussy..
Although I told her...the only girl I had a one night stand with I actually did that so..yeah that was a risk but I was young:)
So after just this part of a long list of the sickness I talk with my mother can probably see where my personal sickness came from😂😂😂
Well I don’t even see it as a sickness but I know that a lot of people do so I accepted it:)
But after that I was actually thinking..let’s say that I put my wife into having a threesome how would we know that the person we fuck is not having something...
I mean sure we can use all the protection available out there but that actually takes away a lot of fun from it...
I don’t know how it feels when you suck a dick with a condom on it...I don’t know how it feels even without it to be honest,but I’m guessing it’s not as fun!
Still it’s doable not fun but you have it as an option...
For me,there’s no chance to enjoy in my favorite taste...a pussy taste,with some protection or some limitations...I just can’t do it:-/
So if you can have a good suggestion I would love to hear that so please give me some recent links ofc,and some suggestions on this subject☺️☺️☺️
Btw,good point mom😎❤️😂